Republican mudslinging isn't working

They are NOT the same thing.

I agree, they aren't the same thing, however, Socialism is a pre-cursor to Communism. It is one dictator away. Some manage to hang around longer than others, but ultimately they will all suffer the same fate. I guess liberals are holding on to the Utopian idea that we can be perfect collectivists.

3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.
lol. Never seen you make a claim anywhere that Biden is a shitty president. Are you making that assertion now?
I've been saying it since he was elected. It's not my problem if you haven't seen that.
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According to AOC the infrastructure bill is dead in the house unless the senate passes the multi trillion dollar welfare bill. Of course the infrastructure bill has to get through the senate first and there's no guarantee of that.

What welfare bill?
I've been saying it since he was elected. It's not my problem if you haven't seen that.
Not really mine either :p

I asked because I do not know, I do not follow any particular posters here and I certainly do not expect people to know my stances all the time either.
6 + months of Republican mudslinging hasn't put a dent in Joe Biden's popularity or agenda, both of which remains 10-15 points higher than that of former President Trump.
That was before old joe screwed up in afghanistan

now his poll numbers are in freefall
Poor little elephants. They whine about Socialism, they snivel about massive widespread voter fraud, they wail about big government, deep state conspiracies, they lie about about the lefties coming to take their guns away, and they grouse about Joe Biden's age -

- it isn't working!

6 + months of Republican mudslinging hasn't put a dent in Joe Biden's popularity or agenda, both of which remains 10-15 points higher than that of former President Trump.

The popular COVID relief bill passed with little or no GOP support, and now Biden / Harris and the Democrats are on the verge of passing an equally popular infrastructure bill, as a growing group of GOP lawmakers break ranks with the Trump wing of the GOP.

The Biden / Harris team soldier on, as little Donald fumes, his legal woes grow, and his grip on the GOP weakens.

Sling all the mud you want little elephants, but old Joe knows how to win! :bye1:
Methinks you don't keep up with the news or the polls.
You are either poorly informed or you are lying or you are parroting liberal disinformation. Historic benchmarking, analytics, statistics all say serious fraud occurred and shockingly, only in those few districts Dems needed to cheat in to beat Trump. Voter turn out so historic it's statistically impossible. Of the 7 major factors the USA experts examine when determining if fraud was likely in foreign elections, when only 3 of the 7 indicate fraud, USA experts found all 7 in the 2020 presidential election.

Yet in similar districts not critical to Dems winning voting patterns matched historical patterns and nothing in the data or statistics stuck out as unusual. :eusa_think:
50 State certification proves otherwise.

Also, if you have proof from those "USA experts" please present it, because so far, nobody has.
I find it funny that those defending Biden compare his numbers to Trump, a man that not only lost his re-election but the person they claim is the worst president of all time....
Historians also state that the former president is one of the worst too.
That's a bloody violent coup d'état either even a pretense of free or fair elections.

The Dems who live by the sword are condemned to die by the sword.

The FACT that the 2020 Election was the first election that I can remember that really was fair and honest, is not under dispute. Everyone from the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and the Secretaries of State in all 50 states have all said this, and it was confirmed by the European Elections watchdog group Trump invited to observe the election.

So when you spout your Trumpian bullshit about "stolen elections", you out yourself as a complete idiot or a paid poster. Which one are you JustinaEnema?

The Trump Cult lives by his lies, and are being destroyed by his lies. The Democrats are cleaning up Dumb Donald's messes, one by one.

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