Republican Appeasement


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Sanity of a level required to govern a civilization by its inhabitants is bleeding away into the river of times bygone. The Left hand openly encourages, funds and protects with force of law the piecemeal destruction of our nation. Now, circa June 2020, the Right hand joins in; appeasing the democrats and their BLM terrorist thugs, so fearful almost to the last of democrat anger, they surrender without a fight or so much as a harsh word in protest. The republicans are going quietly into the night.

Do elected republicans want to keep their jobs even if their job description changes to democrat ventriloquist dummy? The answer is yes. At this moment we must accept there's no one in Washington D.C. coming to our rescue. No republican cavalry, no dragon riding Donald Trump to go all deus ex machina on the bad guys for us at the penultimate moment. While my faith in DJT remains strong a gauntlet of handlers seem to have neutralized any real actionable efficacy we expected to see from him.

Meanwhile, Supreme Court republicans are busy trading fortune and glory for mountains worth of murdered baby parts. Again, they don't want to make democrats angry.

So it seems we're on our own, caught between monolithic forces of active and passive evil, surely to be surrounded and arrested or murdered ourselves if we resist or dare to defend ourselves from the mob. The Church is no comfort either. No holy man arose during the pandemic heights to lead his flock through D.C. streets in protest of our pay as you play first amendment rights and none ever shall. On the contrary many, many religious leaders are also signing on with the mob in one form or another and abandoning their sheep to the wolves.

Conclusion: a vote for just about any sitting republican politician is a sure vote for democratic party mob rule. Welcome to the hall of mirrors. Good luck finding your own way out.

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