Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

Just one more thing we are completely screwed up on. You reach majority at the age of 18; you can vote and join the military. You can get married without parental consent.

But even in the age of Uber and Lyft, you can't have a beer.

We need to get straight on all of this. You're either an adult or you're not. Make one age for everything. I propose 19, so that most young adults are out of high school.
I don't think age is as important as maturity and competency.

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
Black voters also… so of course the GOP doesn’t want THEM voting either
Cool. Same reasoning can easily ban all guns.
This isn't about a ban.
It's like getting into college.
They have to have standards before you can register, so the same should be for the right to vote.

This is like getting a driver's license.
You have to prove you're responsible and capable of driving safely before you get one.

You should be able to prove you're responsible and capable before you vote.
You can't be a vegetable or unable to understand English to be able to vote.
You should also love your country and be able to prove it.....or you can't vote.

Best way I know to prove this is to take similar tests like the ones we took when I volunteered for Special Forces.
If you can't pass that then you don't have the mental acuity to be on an SF A Team.

Same thing goes for gun ownership or voting.
You should have to prove you're not a complete nutter before you can own a gun or vote.
Black voters also… so of course the GOP doesn’t want THEM voting either
I'd rather have blacks vote than a POS nutter like you.
The problem is most of them haven't had decent upbringing.
Their morals and principles are shot.
Many of them can be too easily misled or bought by race hustlers like Al Sharpton.
Most of the cities that are falling apart are run by Blacks, yet they think they can get away with casting aspersions on whites.
Many gays are the same way.
It's difficult to expect morals and principles from some guy who likes jiggling his privates around children.
I'd rather have blacks vote than a POS nutter like you.
The problem is most of them haven't had decent upbringing.
Their morals and principles are shot.
Many of them can be too easily misled or bought by race hustlers like Al Sharpton.
Most of the cities that are falling apart are run by Blacks, yet they think they can get away with casting aspersions on whites.
Many gays are the same way.
It's difficult to expect morals and principles from some guy who likes jiggling his privates around children.
You made my point for me. Thanks

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
When a sore loser in an election loses, he is apt to whine about fraud, even after all appeals. recounts, audits, and investigations have assured the security and legitimacy of the election to the point that there are no legal challenges left. For over 230 years, the nation was fortunate in having defeated candidates whose patriotism and respect for the will of the People exceeded their personal disgruntlement.

Screen Shot 2021-09-24 at 12.55.37 PM.png

Somebody stole my LANDSLIDE!
This isn't about a ban.
It's like getting into college.
They have to have standards before you can register, so the same should be for the right to vote.

This is like getting a driver's license.
You have to prove you're responsible and capable of driving safely before you get one.

You should be able to prove you're responsible and capable before you vote.
You can't be a vegetable or unable to understand English to be able to vote.
You should also love your country and be able to prove it.....or you can't vote.

Best way I know to prove this is to take similar tests like the ones we took when I volunteered for Special Forces.
If you can't pass that then you don't have the mental acuity to be on an SF A Team.

Same thing goes for gun ownership or voting.
You should have to prove you're not a complete nutter before you can own a gun or vote.
A quote many gun nuts are fond of "Driving is a privalege, Guns, or in this case VOTING is a right."
I guess anger and hatred gets in the way for lefties to understand a political point. It wasn't about voting, Ramaswamy was talking about automatic citizenship for a person who was born to parents who were illegally in the Country. It's a controversial issue.
What nonsense. Only US citizens can vote. There are only two kinds of US citizenship... natural born and naturalized. We have a problem with morons.

We have an even bigger problem with uneducated morons. Here: educate yourself...

"The District of Columbia and municipalities in three states allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections as of June 2023: California, Maryland, and Vermont."

Laws permitting noncitizens to vote in the United States

And if noncitizens voting on local election is not a problem, why did the states of Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio have to pass laws preventing them from doing so?
We have an even bigger problem with uneducated morons. Here: educate yourself...

"The District of Columbia and municipalities in three states allowed noncitizens to vote in local elections as of June 2023: California, Maryland, and Vermont."

Laws permitting noncitizens to vote in the United States

And if noncitizens voting on local election is not a problem, why did the states of Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio have to pass laws preventing them from doing so?

Local elections is your answer. Time to grow up.
They need to ban the right of citizenship to children born in the US to illegal parents.
Also....anyone who sneaks into this country should never be able to vote or become a citizen.
Did they teach you about sovereignty in special forces?
If an 18 year old can't be trusted with the right to keep and bear arms like the filthy ass Libtards want then why should they be trusted to vote?

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