Repub candidate wants to end automatic voting for 18 years old

when did he advocate shredding it? he suggested changing it. We’ve done that numerous times. In fact he’s advocating a change to a change.

The Constitution allows for that.

Try again

Another creepy authoritarian.

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.

Have to pass a Civics test and background check

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.


He is running against Trump. How would he make these changes? He cant do it from executive order?

This article is fucking retarded.
Audie Murphy was 19 1/2 when he earned the MOH. At that time he had been in the Army since he was 16 1/2 and had been awarded every medal for valor the Army had.

How many Audie Murphy's do you think there are in the 16-20 age group today?
Chances of there being anyone today who can pass a piss-test and act like a hero in this generation is pretty slim.
99% them can't go 10 mins without their cellphone.
Many of them want to have tits and be addressed as She/Them.
It' difficult to expect the same of a generation that hates America and worships Satan.
When it comes to this generation, they shouldn't be able to vote till they're 40 and have grown up a bit.

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
Why do you suppose Democrats want ignorant, unwise and barely American people to vote?
Why do you suppose Democrats want ignorant, unwise and barely American people to vote?
You guys clearly don’t know anything about history.

I guess you went to schools for snowflakes where they don’t teach you our country’s history of racism.
You guys clearly don’t know anything about history.

I guess you went to schools for snowflakes where they don’t teach you our country’s history of racism.
Hold on…you have nothing but disdain for our history…is this the part of our history you embrace?
Tell us, for what possible reason would ANYONE want ignorant, unwise people to vote and determine elections?
Hold on…you have nothing but disdain for our history…is this the part of our history you embrace?
I have disdain for the parts that deserve disdain.

You ignore this history because you want to repeat it.

Poll tests were used to disenfranchise blank people for decades.
Poll tests were used to disenfranchise blank people for decades.
Evidenced by the elections of your Kenyan King….black people vote on skin color alone…I thought you hate people who make decisions based on skin color….remember?
Evidenced by the elections of your Kenyan King….black people vote on skin color alone…I thought you hate people who make decisions based on skin color….remember?
Bith ignorant and racist.

Those traits are highly correlated.

I find it a more than a little ironic that birthers think everyone else is too stupid to vote.

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.

Man, you've got to a die hard lefty to believe anything in that article. I watched that interview, and it was nothing but some chick, with a stupid point, going on and on about he should not be running for president because he didn't do something in high school. Or even middle school.

The birthright citizenship amendment was created for the African slaves, back when this country had very few people.
And 90% of the 18yr old voters don't even know who their US or state congressman or senators are.

I don't agree or disagree with Vivek's idea's on this. It sounds like a subject that was brought up by someone questioning him. Not some idea that he's going to campaign on.

And BTW, it's not "republicans" who want to do this. Only Vivek is the one saying that 18yr olds should earn the right to vote. And it sounds like it was an off the cuff statement for a retarded question he was asked.

The birthright amendment does need to be addressed. Do you realize that most Americans don't qualify to become Mexican citizens? To become a Mexican citizen, an American has to have no less than a $2,000 per month income to have permanent residence down there.

The attack on voting continues within the repub party. Young voters are overwhelmingly voting blue. That is bad for the repubs.
18 year olds are stupid. I can confidently say this as a former 18 year old.

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