Reporters and former editors of WSJ strongly object to trump op-ed filled with debunked lies


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!

Trump would whine and accuse them of cheating him out of his voice if they didn't publish his idiotic letter. Let him hang himself and give him a stage to do it on.

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!
The Editorial Board of the WSJ is making the paper less and less relevant with each passing day.

I was literally just going through my favorites/bookmarks. The toolbar across the top of the screen only has so much room so I had to make some of my own editorial choices. WSJ was removed to the side bar--I seldom open the side bar.

Its a shame.

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!
Oh, wow, neat! I take the WSJ and I have not seen that, haven't been keeping up.

Thanks for telling us about a Trump communication!
The Editorial Board of the WSJ is making the paper less and less relevant with each passing day.

I was literally just going through my favorites/bookmarks. The toolbar across the top of the screen only has so much room so I had to make some of my own editorial choices. WSJ was removed to the side bar--I seldom open the side bar.

Its a shame.
You can't get any less relevant than having XiNN's fat little eunuch gremlin, Brian Stelter, writing for you.

Good choice....Even a blind squirrel....
A lot of people don't get the difference between trump's opinion which is full of lies and half truths and the real news which is vetted for truth and honesty.

They see trump's lies in the WSJ and assume they are true otherwise the WSJ would never publish the lies.
Oh, wow, neat! I take the WSJ and I have not seen that, haven't been keeping up.

Thanks for telling us about a Trump communication!
You mean another day...another trump lie....If a Democrat spent an entire year lying about his/her loss in a Presidential Race, the repub party would be building a gallows. Garland is allowing an Insurrectionist to walk the streets.
You mean another day...another trump lie....If a Democrat spent an entire year lying about his/her loss in a Presidential Race, the repub party would be building a gallows. Garland is allowing an Insurrectionist to walk the streets.

Democrats including the FBI/DOJ/CIA spent 4 years lying about the Russia hoax.
Surprising that anybody at WSJ would complain about printing more trump lies. They have long been known as the print wing of fox and the trump party.
Potato Head is the butt of all the jokes the pretend journalists tell... from both sides. He's that ugly fat kid that kept us in lunch money and peaked in 7th grade when he picked up a fumble and ran the wrong way to lose the game for Our Lady of Sorrows Middle School in Shitstain, NY.

If you're eating the corn out of that fat fuck's steamers you should seriously consider killing yourself. I'll help.... because I'm a nice guy.

This response by Oddball is proof that he is a trumpanzee. For those unfamiliar with the word, I will post it:

Trumpanzee is:
An irrational and irritable assclownish beast that is completely immunized (hannitized magatized) to logic-or-reason, any-and-all negative facts-or-evidence concerning Trump, and remains a devout and mindless supporter of the buffoon.

Why, after nearly a year, is anyone still listening to this serial liar. He has divided the country like no one since the Civil War. He planned and instigated the attempted insurrection on January 6th. His incompetence killed over 100,000...according to COVID response coordinator. He is flying around today and repeating the same lie has been speaking for nearly a year.

The man is a criminal. WHERE IS THE FLIPPIN DOJ!
And of course you can prove none of your stupid accusations, you low IQ (and therefore easily brainwashed) TDS afflicted moron.

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