Report Says Democrats Used Jan 6th As An Excuse To Spy On Republican Members Of Congress


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The truth is beginning to come out. The reason Democrats want to claim Jan 6th was an insurrection was so they could use members of the Capital Police and intelligence agents to spy on Republican congressional members:

"A GOP lawmaker from Texas says he was informed this week that Capitol Police were not upfront with him regarding the real reason they entered his office in November and took pictures.
Rep. Troy Nehls said during an interview with “John Solomon Reports” on Friday that a soon-to-be released Inspector General report will reveal that he was “under criminal investigation” with officers entered his office, which is not what he was told at the time.​
Nehls disclosed in February that police told him he was not under criminal investigation following the Nov. 20 and 22 incidents in which officers entered his congressional office on Capitol Hill.​
But on Friday, the Texas Republican said that a “full report” from the Capitol Police IG on the issue that is expected to be released to him next week shows that wasn’t true, citing an “executive summary” of the report he has already received.​
Just the News adds:​
He alleges that on Nov. 20, a Capitol Police officer entered his office without his knowledge and photographed “confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause” of the Constitution,” purportedly on a whiteboard.
Chief J. Thomas Manger said an officer saw that Nehls’ office door was left “wide open,” and that if a member’s office is vacant, left open and unsecured, “officers are directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious,” according to the newspaper Roll Call.
A couple of days later, Capitol Police personnel reportedly followed up with Nehls’ staff and determined there was no need for investigation or further action, Manger said.
The lawmaker noted that on Nov. 22, three intelligence officers from the department again tried to enter his office and that after they discovered one of his staffers was there, the special agents — who were dressed like construction workers — asked the staffer about the contents of a photo that had been taken.​
Nehls said that the department never informed him or senior staff of “their investigation.”​


The truth is beginning to come out. The reason Democrats want to claim Jan 6th was an insurrection was so they could use members of the Capital Police and intelligence agents to spy on Republican congressional members:

"A GOP lawmaker from Texas says he was informed this week that Capitol Police were not upfront with him regarding the real reason they entered his office in November and took pictures.
Rep. Troy Nehls said during an interview with “John Solomon Reports” on Friday that a soon-to-be released Inspector General report will reveal that he was “under criminal investigation” with officers entered his office, which is not what he was told at the time.​
Nehls disclosed in February that police told him he was not under criminal investigation following the Nov. 20 and 22 incidents in which officers entered his congressional office on Capitol Hill.​
But on Friday, the Texas Republican said that a “full report” from the Capitol Police IG on the issue that is expected to be released to him next week shows that wasn’t true, citing an “executive summary” of the report he has already received.​
Just the News adds:​
He alleges that on Nov. 20, a Capitol Police officer entered his office without his knowledge and photographed “confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause” of the Constitution,” purportedly on a whiteboard.
Chief J. Thomas Manger said an officer saw that Nehls’ office door was left “wide open,” and that if a member’s office is vacant, left open and unsecured, “officers are directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious,” according to the newspaper Roll Call.
A couple of days later, Capitol Police personnel reportedly followed up with Nehls’ staff and determined there was no need for investigation or further action, Manger said.
The lawmaker noted that on Nov. 22, three intelligence officers from the department again tried to enter his office and that after they discovered one of his staffers was there, the special agents — who were dressed like construction workers — asked the staffer about the contents of a photo that had been taken.​
Nehls said that the department never informed him or senior staff of “their investigation.”​


That's distrubing.

I fell for the excuses as to secretive investigations decades ago, but the longer this goes on the more of an abuse of power it obviously becomes.

If you're under investigation for a crime then you need to be informed fully as to the crime being investigated and your supposed involvement in it at the earliest possible moment.
The truth is beginning to come out. The reason Democrats want to claim Jan 6th was an insurrection was so they could use members of the Capital Police and intelligence agents to spy on Republican congressional members:

"A GOP lawmaker from Texas says he was informed this week that Capitol Police were not upfront with him regarding the real reason they entered his office in November and took pictures.
Rep. Troy Nehls said during an interview with “John Solomon Reports” on Friday that a soon-to-be released Inspector General report will reveal that he was “under criminal investigation” with officers entered his office, which is not what he was told at the time.​
Nehls disclosed in February that police told him he was not under criminal investigation following the Nov. 20 and 22 incidents in which officers entered his congressional office on Capitol Hill.​
But on Friday, the Texas Republican said that a “full report” from the Capitol Police IG on the issue that is expected to be released to him next week shows that wasn’t true, citing an “executive summary” of the report he has already received.​
Just the News adds:​
He alleges that on Nov. 20, a Capitol Police officer entered his office without his knowledge and photographed “confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause” of the Constitution,” purportedly on a whiteboard.
Chief J. Thomas Manger said an officer saw that Nehls’ office door was left “wide open,” and that if a member’s office is vacant, left open and unsecured, “officers are directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious,” according to the newspaper Roll Call.
A couple of days later, Capitol Police personnel reportedly followed up with Nehls’ staff and determined there was no need for investigation or further action, Manger said.
The lawmaker noted that on Nov. 22, three intelligence officers from the department again tried to enter his office and that after they discovered one of his staffers was there, the special agents — who were dressed like construction workers — asked the staffer about the contents of a photo that had been taken.​
Nehls said that the department never informed him or senior staff of “their investigation.”​


"I exposed the Capitol Police leadership team for failing to do their damn job. And if they would have done their job, J6 would have never ever happened" – Nehls

I bet he also blames Law Enforcement for all the riots in America. ("I exposed the Capitol Police leadership team for failing to do their damn job. And if they would have done their job, J6 would have never ever happened" – Nehls) Too funny
Enemy democrats are using Jan 6 as an excuse for everything. They took a minor event and blew it up to absurd. Really, this lost it's claim to serious months ago.
Democrats planned the event.
Trump supporters were hoodwinked into falling for it.
Classic case of entrapment.
That's distrubing.

I fell for the excuses as to secretive investigations decades ago, but the longer this goes on the more of an abuse of power it obviously becomes.

If you're under investigation for a crime then you need to be informed fully as to the crime being investigated and your supposed involvement in it at the earliest possible moment.
This is precisely how they created the Russian Collusion scandal.
They also tricked Gen Mike Flynn into giving a statement by lying to him saying he wasn't under investigation.

This is against the law. As a member of the DOJ you must inform someone if they are under investigation while you are interviewing them. Anything else and you're simply conducting espionage. They need probable-cause to begin an investigation. Otherwise the findings can be thrown out of court.

Democrats are doing this and thus are guilty of espionage.
I see no difference between this and Watergate.....but this is on a bigger scale.
Biden is running the DOJ and he has to answer for this.
This is why they leaked this abortion mess to the media.....because Democrats know their ass is grass if and when the GOP takes over congress.
Last edited:
Facts. You may want to…oh wait! I remember you

Never mind
Carry on

WASHINGTON, DC- Law Enforcement Today, citing a Revolver News piece has previously reported on the number of “unindicted co-conspirators,” many believed to be federal agents, who were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and who were more than mere observers in the events which took place on that date.

While much of that reporting has been dismissed as “conspiracy theories,” one thing we have learned is that what was a conspiracy theory yesterday is a fact today. Now, that “conspiracy” theory seems to have gained some traction, courtesy of a reporter for the New York Times, who unwittingly admitted as much.

Breitbart News is reporting that a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter from the Lady in Gray claimed, “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 according to a video released by Project Veritas.

Ironically, that reporter, Matthew Rosenberg, co-wrote an article titled, “The Next Big Lies: Jan. 6 Was No Big Deal, or a Left-Wing Plot.”

That article, co-written by Rosenberg, the Times’s national security correspondent, suggested that reports by conservative outlets that “the F.B.I. planted agents to stir up the crowd” was a “false flag,” “instant rewriting of history,” and a ‘reimagining” of January 6. Except in the case of Rosenberg, he meant none of it.

During an undercover conversation with a reporter from Project Veritas, Rosenberg said numerous times that the New York Times “went and uncovered the fact that like, there were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.” Things that make you go hmmm.

Rosenberg continued to explain that the outlet is going around bans intelligence agencies place on their people speaking with reporters by contacting those “who have recently left who are still talking to people on the inside [CIA/NSA] because people on the inside [CIA/NSA] cannot talk.”

Project Veritas released portions of the video, in which Rosenberg explained how he got “sucked into” writing an article on the January 6 anniversary by his managing editor at the Times. Rosenberg talked about a story he was involved in at the time which James O’Keefe, Project Veritas’s founder, identified as The Next Big Lies report.

“The story I got sucked into doing is like, I usually work for—I do investigative stuff. I usually do longer-term things, but I’m like I got back to work on Monday, and my managing editor had a great idea that he could’ve had a month ago. Cause he was like, ‘We should really—me and a colleague had done like a very like long seven-thousand word story last year in February about like kind of the ‘Big Lie,’ about the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign, which was a very organized campaign. It wasn’t like an organic thing.

“He’s like, ‘Can we do like part two of that, like, what’s going on a year since January 6th, kind of like memory-holing it.’ Like maybe ‘it’s no big deal.’ Yeah. We can do that. IT’s like a little quick turnaround.

So that’s what we’ve been doing the last few days.”

Rosenberg then went on in the recording to talk about how he believes the left overreacted to the January 6 Capitol Riot, an event he referred to as “fun.”


Matthew RosenbergJim RutenbergMichael M. Grynbaum
By Matthew Rosenberg, Jim Rutenberg and Michael M. Grynbaum
Jan. 6, 2022
It was mere hours after a mob spurred on by the “stop the steal” lies of President Donald J. Trump had attacked the United States Capitol, and already new lies were taking hold in the nearby streets.
The police had pushed the few dozen remaining protesters off the Capitol grounds, but some continued to hurl threats and obscenities at a line of officers in riot gear. “Traitors get the rope,” a man shouted. “Wait until we come back with rifles.”
Only yards away, though, others were spinning fictions about what they had just witnessed, even joined.
“They’re calling us violent Trump mobs,” bemoaned a woman shortly before 8 p.m.
“That’s because antifa came here dressed as Trump supporters and started all this,” added one of the men she was speaking with.

Another man chimed in to say that he had been inside the Capitol, and that it had been peaceful. “We didn’t do a thing,” he said. “We were there for the Constitution — to make sure democracy was followed.”
Soon, that instant rewriting of history coursed from the street to online chat rooms to social media and, in the case of the antifa conspiracy theory, to Laura Ingraham’s prime-time program on Fox News.

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Over the last year, that same self-nourishing loop — connecting the extremely online Trumpian grass roots to close Trump allies with national soapboxes and finally to the former president himself, plotting his comeback from Palm Beach exile — has circulated a furious array of rumor, innuendo, partial facts and outright lies to fill the right-wing media with alternative narratives of the first interruption in the peaceful transfer of power in American history.
By Thursday’s anniversary of the violence that has been connected to at least seven deaths and left some 150 police officers injured, it was an article of faith among vast swaths of conservative Americans that the riot was just “one day in January,” in the words of former Vice President Mike Pence, whose life was directly threatened. For the half of Republicans who now believe the rioters were at the Capitol to “protect democracy,” according to the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll, any talk of Jan. 6 as a singularly violent episode in American democracy would likely be taken as liberal, mainstream-media claptrap.

“Jan. 6 barely rates as a footnote,” Tucker Carlson told his Fox News viewers Thursday night. “Really not a lot happened that day if you think about it.” He called the event “just a riot — maybe just barely.”


Credit...Christopher Lee


The reimagining of Jan. 6 has not so much evolved as it has splintered into rival, but often complementary, false narratives with a common goal — to shift blame away from Mr. Trump, his supporters and a Republican Party maneuvering to win back control of government. The riot was a “false flag” operation by antifa, the loose left-wing collective; the F.B.I. planted agents to stir up the crowd; the protesters were mere “tourists” wrongfully accused by a Democratic-led Justice Department and vilified by a biased mainstream media; police officers recounting their injuries and trauma were “crisis actors.’”
Mr. Carlson has emerged as a leading proponent of Jan. 6 revisionism, most prominently with his three-part “Patriot Purge” series. Carried on the Fox Nation streaming service, it amplified a debunked “false flag” conspiracy theory that the F.B.I. had instigated the violence as a pretext to lock away peaceful but concerned Americans because of their political views, creating a class of patriot martyrs. On Thursday night, he aired excerpts from “Patriot Purge” on his prime-time show, spreading those conspiracy theories to one of the largest audiences on cable television.
Mr. Carlson’s relentless promotion of the series — and the ensuing silence from Fox News management — recently prompted two longtime conservative contributors at the network to quit in protest and contributed to the exit of Chris Wallace, the longtime news anchor. In fact, “Patriot Purge” was the apotheosis of a yearlong shift in the way Fox News stars refer to the Capitol attack. Though the network’s commentators allow that mob violence is wrong, they often pivot to asking why Black Lives Matter protests did not prompt similarly sharp criticism from Democrats.
Then there are podcasts like that of Stephen K. Bannon, the former Trump adviser who faces contempt charges for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the House committee investigating the riot. (In seeking his testimony, congressional investigators cited Mr. Bannon’s interactions with Mr. Trump and other key players in the effort to dispute the election results as his podcast generously featured false voter-fraud theories; Mr. Trump pardoned Mr. Bannon, hours before leaving office, for unrelated fraud charges.) Even as Mr. Bannon acknowledges “things happened” on Jan. 6 that “did cross the line,” his “War Room” podcast provides a popular stage for people promoting Jan. 6 conspiracy theories or portraying those arrested as political prisoners.
On Thursday, Mr. Bannon used his podcast to showcase what he called “counterprogramming” to the somber ceremonies commemorating the day in Washington. His featured guests were the Republican Representatives Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Matt Gaetz of Florida, who portrayed the events of Jan. 6 as “a fedsurrection not an insurrection,” now being used “against a patriotic, pro-America, God-fearing America First movement all over this great land.”


Credit...Christopher Lee


The Case of Ray Epps​

In a hallmark of the times, what many Americans are willing to believe about Jan. 6 — a day thoroughly documented in real-time by journalists, participants and cable TV, and reconstructed in the hundreds of cases being assembled by federal prosecutors — is determined by their politics, not by the facts. And amid a seemingly never-ending pandemic marked by confusing public-health messaging and government mandates, these fictional and conspiratorial accounts of the riot carry an obvious appeal, especially for Trump supporters alienated from mainstream institutions after his tumultuous presidency and election loss.
“When I talk to folks on my side of the aisle, they’ll have a litany saying, ‘They lied to us here and flip-flopped on this,’” said Sean Spicer, Mr. Trump’s former press secretary who now hosts a show on Newsmax. “There’s such a belief that the mainstream media and most of our major institutions are not looking out for people anymore.” He added, “So when someone throws out a conspiracy it’s, ‘Why not? That’s equally plausible.’”
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Adherents have built up characters to support their claims that antifa infiltrators or federal agents were the ones who whipped up the mob, in some instances doing so as events were unfolding in Washington. One is a man named Ray Epps, a Trump supporter who was captured on video the night of Jan. 5 urging his compatriots to “go into the Capitol” the next day.
Some in the crowd responded approvingly: “Let’s go!” rings out one reply.
“Peacefully,” Mr. Epps said, just before others began chanting “Fed, Fed, Fed!” at the man, who at age 60 stood out in the far-younger crowd.
Mr. Epps, who lives in Queen Creek, Ariz., where he owns Rocking R Farms and the Knotty Barn, a wedding and event venue, according to PolitiFact, appears in another video taken the next day. He is seen yelling to a crowd: “OK, folks, spread the word! As soon as the president is done speaking, we go to the Capitol. The Capitol is this direction.”


Credit...Christopher Lee


Both moments went largely unnoticed until June 17, when a poster on the online message board 4chan put up the video of Mr. Epps from Jan. 5, writing, “This Fed was caught on camera encouraging the crowd to raid the Capitol on the next day.”

The anonymous poster added, “Who is this man?”
Another person then identified him as Mr. Epps. Soon after, the video and Mr. Epps’s name were posted in a Twitter thread, and a new conspiracy theory began its journey into the Republican mainstream.
Four months later, on Oct. 21, the video was being shown during a congressional hearing. There, Representative Thomas Massie, a Kentucky Republican, used it to question Attorney General Merrick B. Garland about whether federal agents had acted as agitators on Jan. 6.
Within days, stories about Mr. Epps began appearing on websites like Revolver News, which ran an article, “Meet Ray Epps: The Fed-Protected Provocateur Who Appears to Have Led the Very First 1/6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol.” The Epps story gained further promotion on the far-right cable network One America News — portrayed by the correspondent Chanel Rion as evidence of “the F.B.I.’s possible involvement inciting an invasion of the Capitol” — and, far more widely, in Mr. Carlson’s “Patriot Purge.”
To date, no evidence has emerged linking Mr. Epps to the F.B.I. or any other government agency. In fact, his known connections are decidedly anti-government: In 2011, Mr. Epps served as the president of the Arizona Oath Keepers, the largest chapter of the militia group whose members were among the mob that attacked the Capitol, though it is not clear if he remains a member of the group. Yet in the days leading up to Thursday’s anniversary, and on the anniversary itself, the speculation around Mr. Epps only seemed to snowball, amplified on countless social media posts, on Mr. Bannon’s podcast — part of a possibly “massive false flag operation,” as his website put it — and on Mr. Carlson’s prime-time show on Fox News on Wednesday and again on Thursday. “Is this guy going to be charged? Where is he?” Mr. Carlson asked. “It’s a legitimate question, why won’t they answer it?”


Credit...Christopher Lee

If you're under investigation for a crime then you need to be informed fully as to the crime being investigated and your supposed involvement in it at the earliest possible moment.
Why? I mean you would think that would be a nice thing to do (for the suspect) but that's not how investigations work, nor have they ever worked that way. Criminals beings criminals would then in any likelihood, change their behavior, up to and including destroying evidence if they know they are being investigated.

The police have always had the legal right to lie to people. I'm sure when our government came up with these laws they undoubtedly never expected them to apply to themselves.
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WASHINGTON, DC- Law Enforcement Today, citing a Revolver News piece has previously reported on the number of “unindicted co-conspirators,” many believed to be federal agents, who were at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, and who were more than mere observers in the events which took place on that date.

While much of that reporting has been dismissed as “conspiracy theories,” one thing we have learned is that what was a conspiracy theory yesterday is a fact today. Now, that “conspiracy” theory seems to have gained some traction, courtesy of a reporter for the New York Times, who unwittingly admitted as much.

Breitbart News is reporting that a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter from the Lady in Gray claimed, “There were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people” at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 according to a video released by Project Veritas.

Ironically, that reporter, Matthew Rosenberg, co-wrote an article titled, “The Next Big Lies: Jan. 6 Was No Big Deal, or a Left-Wing Plot.”

That article, co-written by Rosenberg, the Times’s national security correspondent, suggested that reports by conservative outlets that “the F.B.I. planted agents to stir up the crowd” was a “false flag,” “instant rewriting of history,” and a ‘reimagining” of January 6. Except in the case of Rosenberg, he meant none of it.

During an undercover conversation with a reporter from Project Veritas, Rosenberg said numerous times that the New York Times “went and uncovered the fact that like, there were a ton of FBI informants amongst the people who attacked the Capitol.” Things that make you go hmmm.

Rosenberg continued to explain that the outlet is going around bans intelligence agencies place on their people speaking with reporters by contacting those “who have recently left who are still talking to people on the inside [CIA/NSA] because people on the inside [CIA/NSA] cannot talk.”

Project Veritas released portions of the video, in which Rosenberg explained how he got “sucked into” writing an article on the January 6 anniversary by his managing editor at the Times. Rosenberg talked about a story he was involved in at the time which James O’Keefe, Project Veritas’s founder, identified as The Next Big Lies report.

“The story I got sucked into doing is like, I usually work for—I do investigative stuff. I usually do longer-term things, but I’m like I got back to work on Monday, and my managing editor had a great idea that he could’ve had a month ago. Cause he was like, ‘We should really—me and a colleague had done like a very like long seven-thousand word story last year in February about like kind of the ‘Big Lie,’ about the ‘Stop the Steal’ campaign, which was a very organized campaign. It wasn’t like an organic thing.

“He’s like, ‘Can we do like part two of that, like, what’s going on a year since January 6th, kind of like memory-holing it.’ Like maybe ‘it’s no big deal.’ Yeah. We can do that. IT’s like a little quick turnaround.

So that’s what we’ve been doing the last few days.”

Rosenberg then went on in the recording to talk about how he believes the left overreacted to the January 6 Capitol Riot, an event he referred to as “fun.”


:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Nah! Really? Democrats have never spied on Republican politicians nor private citizens... Of course they do! They uses the CDC to spy on private citizens during the pandemic and now. They know where you are now and they know where you live and spy through your TV, computers and home security systems. Democrats are "Big Brother."
Nah! Really? Democrats have never spied on Republican politicians nor private citizens... Of course they do! They uses the CDC to spy on private citizens during the pandemic and now. They know where you are now and they know where you live and spy through your TV, computers and home security systems. Democrats are "Big Brother."
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
That's distrubing.

I fell for the excuses as to secretive investigations decades ago, but the longer this goes on the more of an abuse of power it obviously becomes.

If you're under investigation for a crime then you need to be informed fully as to the crime being investigated and your supposed involvement in it at the earliest possible moment.
It'd be great if Donald Trump took over Pelosi's chair until the election of 2024, if he runs.
Yea, Pelosi's crimes will have to be investigated.
She is not too old to go to prison.

She is investigating the crimes. She’s trying to figure out how many traitor Republicans are going to prison with the Trump family. The ones that haven’t already been prosecuted that is.
She is investigating the crimes. She’s trying to figure out how many traitor Republicans are going to prison with the Trump family. The ones that haven’t already been prosecuted that is.
Trump isn't going to prison dummy... If anyone is going to prison its little Hunter when his daddy throws him under the bus....

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