Report: 'Most Transparent' Obama Failed to Report Lethal Airstrikes in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Report: Obama Failed to Report Thousands of Lethal Airstrikes

"The U.S. military under former President Barack Obama quietly hid “potentially thousands of lethal airstrikes” from the American public that likely killed hundreds of civilians in war-ravaged Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, the Military Times has found."

Whattaya know - Mr. 'Most Transparent Evuh' HID the fact that he potentially killed hundreds of innocent civilians with airstrikes....and as snowflakes have been arguing this last week, the buck stops with the Commander In Chief!

"An investigation by the news outlet reveals:
The enormous data gap raises serious doubts about transparency in reported progress against the Islamic State, al-Qaida and the Taliban, and calls into question the accuracy of other Defense Department disclosures documenting everything from costs to casualty counts."

Hmmm, it seems the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' was HIDING data and PURPOSEFULLY MISLEADING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE on his wars.

('Enormous Data Gap'?! Sounds like the Hillary E-Mail Scandal all over again, too. :p )

"470 civilians in Syria, including 108 children and 60 women..."
- WTF are we doing in Syria anyway, except fighting Barry's UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war?

Quite a LEGACY the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER leaves behind...

(Remember how pissed off snowflakes got at Trump when he suggested the US is no 'angel' and has blood on it's hands, too?! Seems he wasn't wrong after all, snowflakes.

Air strikes keep us safe while they deplete the terrorist forces
Air strikes keep us safe while they deplete the terrorist forces
THAT is your justification for murdering hundreds of innocent men, women, and children...for hiding data...and for purposefully misleading the American people?!


Wait, are you complaining about a lack of transparency? :rofl:
It WAS Barry who swore to have 'THE MOST TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION EVUH' ... only for that to be another lie and for him to deliver the complete opposite.
Report: Obama Failed to Report Thousands of Lethal Airstrikes

"The U.S. military under former President Barack Obama quietly hid “potentially thousands of lethal airstrikes” from the American public that likely killed hundreds of civilians in war-ravaged Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, the Military Times has found."

Whattaya know - Mr. 'Most Transparent Evuh' HID the fact that he potentially killed hundreds of innocent civilians with airstrikes....and as snowflakes have been arguing this last week, the buck stops with the Commander In Chief!

"An investigation by the news outlet reveals:
The enormous data gap raises serious doubts about transparency in reported progress against the Islamic State, al-Qaida and the Taliban, and calls into question the accuracy of other Defense Department disclosures documenting everything from costs to casualty counts."

Hmmm, it seems the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' was HIDING data and PURPOSEFULLY MISLEADING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE on his wars.

('Enormous Data Gap'?! Sounds like the Hillary E-Mail Scandal all over again, too. :p )

"470 civilians in Syria, including 108 children and 60 women..."
- WTF are we doing in Syria anyway, except fighting Barry's UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war?

Quite a LEGACY the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER leaves behind...

(Remember how pissed off snowflakes got at Trump when he suggested the US is no 'angel' and has blood on it's hands, too?! Seems he wasn't wrong after all, snowflakes.
Report: Obama Failed to Report Thousands of Lethal Airstrikes

"The U.S. military under former President Barack Obama quietly hid “potentially thousands of lethal airstrikes” from the American public that likely killed hundreds of civilians in war-ravaged Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, the Military Times has found."

Whattaya know - Mr. 'Most Transparent Evuh' HID the fact that he potentially killed hundreds of innocent civilians with airstrikes....and as snowflakes have been arguing this last week, the buck stops with the Commander In Chief!

"An investigation by the news outlet reveals:
The enormous data gap raises serious doubts about transparency in reported progress against the Islamic State, al-Qaida and the Taliban, and calls into question the accuracy of other Defense Department disclosures documenting everything from costs to casualty counts."

Hmmm, it seems the 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' was HIDING data and PURPOSEFULLY MISLEADING THE AMERICAN PEOPLE on his wars.

('Enormous Data Gap'?! Sounds like the Hillary E-Mail Scandal all over again, too. :p )

"470 civilians in Syria, including 108 children and 60 women..."
- WTF are we doing in Syria anyway, except fighting Barry's UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized war?

Quite a LEGACY the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER leaves behind...

(Remember how pissed off snowflakes got at Trump when he suggested the US is no 'angel' and has blood on it's hands, too?! Seems he wasn't wrong after all, snowflakes.

Funny how Easyt65 ignores the 8 years of of the Bush Administrations lack of transparency.

From Easy's link:
"Most alarming is the prospect this data has been incomplete since the war on terrorism began in October 2001. If that is the case, it would fundamentally undermine confidence in much of what the Pentagon has disclosed about its prosecution of these wars, prompt critics to call into question whether the military sought to mislead the American public, and cast doubt on the competency with which other vital data collection is being performed and publicized. Those other key metrics include American combat casualties, taxpayer expense and the military’s overall progress in degrading enemy capabilities."

Nice bit of intellectually dishonesty Easy
No one should take your crap seriously.
Funny how Easyt65 ignores the 8 years of of the Bush Administrations lack of transparency.
I'm not ignoring it - I am simply pointing out the FACT that the man who swore to run the most Transparent Administration Evuh completely and utterly LIED, ILLEGALLY HID Data/ Facts, MISLED the American people, and turned out to have the LEAST Transparent administration in US history.

Not only did he start his own UN-Constitutional War in Syria but HID the fact that he was slaughtering hundreds of innocent men, women, and children through his bombing campaign designed to oust Assad from power....all for redemption from his 'Red Line' F* Up.

Barry was the great Transparent Messiah, meant to bring hope, truth, and lite back into the world - he was the Nobel Peace Prize Winner, awarded as such for his POTENTIAL to bring peace and harmony back to the world..

Instead he brought a LACK or Transparency, LIES, Terrorist Sympathizing / aiding / abetting, his own personal drone assassination program, 2 UN-Authorized, UN-Constitutional Wars, armed those who slaughtered innocents (Al Qaeda / ISIS / Mexican Drug Cartels) and slaughtered hundreds of civilians himself - both with bombings and his personal drone strikes.

Snowflakes in regards to Obama are like grossly obese persons standing in front of a mirror - they don't want to look, don't want to know...instead of REflect they try to DEflect.

"'Most Transparent' Obama Failed to Report Lethal Airstrikes in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan"

Embrace this as what it is - PART OF BARRY'S LEGACY!
if you like transparency we're certainly getting it from Trump.
That guy doesn't hide anything. LOL

At least he hasn't abandoned Americans to die, hasn't killed innocent people with his own drone assassination program, hasn't hid military data regarding civilian casualties, has not misled Americans over how many civilians have died in Obama's wars, has not armed Al Qaeda / ISIS / The Muslim Brotherhood / Mexican Drug Cartels, etc...

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