Rep. Trey Gowdy lamented the chilling effect that James Comey’s book tour was having on the FBI

Wow........................Gowdy is lamenting the book tour that Cohen is on.

Wonder if Gowdy knows that his book doesn't officially release until Tuesday? Book tours don't usually start until AFTER the release of the book.

The people in the media who got copies? Probably leaked to help with sales when the book is released on Tuesday. And, the fact that Trump is bitching about the book so much just makes people more curious about it, which also is gonna help book sales.

Trump and his followers shoot themselves in the foot (again).

Reviews and excerpts of the book began appearing Thursday.

ABikeSailor, stop trying to defend the indefensible!

Reviews and excerpts being read on the news isn't a "book tour" Skye. It's simply a book being mentioned by the media that they got an advance copy of.

A book tour is where the author goes from town to town visiting various bookstores and talking about his book and signing autographs.

Trey Gowdy would get his point across if he used actual facts instead of hyperbole and bullshit.
It is a book tour because the publisher is releasing it to mass media.

What’s wrong with book tours? Michael Wolffe had a really successful one. So did Hillary.


-"Now maybe Comey will join Hillary on the what happened tour and blame everybody else for getting fired. They could be drinking buddies and cry on each other's shoulders. Not taking responsibility for one's own actions seems to be a trait in the Democrat Party." -
Hillary’s was last year. Then Wolfe. Now Comey. Try to keep up. Next will be Stormy.
New book title and cover for the Weasel

Reviews and excerpts of the book began appearing Thursday.

ABikeSailor, stop trying to defend the indefensible!

Reviews and excerpts being read on the news isn't a "book tour" Skye. It's simply a book being mentioned by the media that they got an advance copy of.

A book tour is where the author goes from town to town visiting various bookstores and talking about his book and signing autographs.

Trey Gowdy would get his point across if he used actual facts instead of hyperbole and bullshit.
It is a book tour because the publisher is releasing it to mass media.

What’s wrong with book tours? Michael Wolffe had a really successful one. So did Hillary.


-"Now maybe Comey will join Hillary on the what happened tour and blame everybody else for getting fired. They could be drinking buddies and cry on each other's shoulders. Not taking responsibility for one's own actions seems to be a trait in the Democrat Party." -
Hillary’s was last year. Then Wolfe. Now Comey. Try to keep up. Next will be Stormy.

You seem desperate Synthaholic.

Go out and breath some fresh air! That might clear your mind. :smile:
Trey Gowdy added..."But the writing of the book in general and then some of the things that he’s talking about are just frankly beneath the dignity of some really important offices he once held.”

How much lower can James Comey fall, the little dignity he once had is totally gone.

Trey Gowdy: Nobody Has Politicized FBI More In Last Few Days Than James Comey (VIDEO)
You support trump and complain about someone else lowering the dignity of their office?

Get the fuck out of here.
I see in my flashback President Obama and Valerie Jarret standing in the Rose Garden with Beau Bergdahls bearded Muslim convert dad saying an Islamic prayer celebrating the release of his traitor son.
The problem is that as soon as his book reaches the library of congress it becomes public record. All of the interviews he gave to almost anyone with a mike is also public record. How did such an incompetent lawyer get appointed in the first place?
People keep forgetting That Comey has No Dignity. That’s how dirty cops are, and Comey was a dirty cop for Putin and Clinton. Same with Mueller who both helped Putin get 20% of our Uranium....and allowed all sorts of bribes to make it happen.

Comey and Mueller May as well be Russian Moles if they aren’t actually Moles in reality.
People keep forgetting That Comey has No Dignity. That’s how dirty cops are, and Comey was a dirty cop for Putin and Clinton. Same with Mueller who both helped Putin get 20% of our Uranium....and allowed all sorts of bribes to make it happen.

Comey and Mueller May as well be Russian Moles if they aren’t actually Moles in reality.
Comey and Mueller are honorable men, each with a lifetime of service to this country.

Trump is an unethical , immoral, criminal opportunist who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. It is nauseating what Trump has done to your brain.
I don't know, that is a political decision at best. Declassifying the IG report and letting Mueller and Comey deal with the Innocence Project and Judicial Watch both of whom want them bankrupt and in jail. Another would be Huber appointing a special Counsel but throwing the bastards to the wolves would probably be the smarter move.
People keep forgetting That Comey has No Dignity. That’s how dirty cops are, and Comey was a dirty cop for Putin and Clinton. Same with Mueller who both helped Putin get 20% of our Uranium....and allowed all sorts of bribes to make it happen.

Comey and Mueller May as well be Russian Moles if they aren’t actually Moles in reality.
Comey and Mueller are honorable men, each with a lifetime of service to this country.

Trump is an unethical , immoral, criminal opportunist who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. It is nauseating what Trump has done to your brain.
Reviews and excerpts being read on the news isn't a "book tour" Skye. It's simply a book being mentioned by the media that they got an advance copy of.

A book tour is where the author goes from town to town visiting various bookstores and talking about his book and signing autographs.

Trey Gowdy would get his point across if he used actual facts instead of hyperbole and bullshit.
It is a book tour because the publisher is releasing it to mass media.

What’s wrong with book tours? Michael Wolffe had a really successful one. So did Hillary.


-"Now maybe Comey will join Hillary on the what happened tour and blame everybody else for getting fired. They could be drinking buddies and cry on each other's shoulders. Not taking responsibility for one's own actions seems to be a trait in the Democrat Party." -
Hillary’s was last year. Then Wolfe. Now Comey. Try to keep up. Next will be Stormy.

You seem desperate Synthaholic.

Go out and breath some fresh air! That might clear your mind. :smile:
I have nothing to be desperate over. I’m not trying to defend a corrupt, lying president.
Trey Gowdy is spot on :up:.....and also there are so many more patriots to be congratulated!

Patriots like this lady ! this amazing Judge she is another hero!

My GOD that was good Judge Jeanine! you tell him! :clap:


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