Rep Savings Accounts


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
The Rep system is not working for some of us.

I "run out" of reps every day after 12 or 13 reps. I can't get them back for 24 hours.

That means, I am not getting 20 reps a day, only 12-14 at best, because the little reactive prohibitive popup comes up after I use 4-12 reps every single day and tells me I cannot use the 20 reps I was supposed to have.

How about a rep savings account, mods, retroactive to when the rep system was "improved"?

It wasn't "improved" for users. Also, there's no way to check, because we cannot see 20 reps. Our proof was also removed.

In 6 months, if a user is unable to use 10 reps a day due to inflexible terms and the inability to be here 24/7 doing nothing but waiting an hour to be able to use another rep, you will have lost the power of using 1,500 of your reps.

I want my reps back. Please put the reps unused from the 20 reps we are supposed to have in a savings account.

It's only fair to give users this flexibility. That way, the 6 to 12 reps I couldn't use per day will be there when I want them to be there.

Banks don't take away money you put in them when you save it because it is dishonest. Why should reps be taken away because someone forced you to save several of them every day and it wasn't convenient for you to stay up past midnight due to a sleep disorder your doctor required you to take a sleep medication for?

Please fix this unfair system of withholding reps every single day, with no way for me to look back and see what happened to make me loose count of my reps. I know I'm not able to give 20 reps a day out this way. I have to wait 24 hours after giving out only 10 the other day, and one day, only 4. It actually works out that you have to wait not 24 hours, but 48 hours to get 20 reps to give out at one time. That isn't right.


100% of the messages I have received on this topic tells me other people have this same issue--they're not getting 20 reps a day any more, either, and they're having to wait 48 hours in order to issue 20 consecutive reps.

Now, posters can only see the last 10 reps they handed out to other people, not the 20 last ones to tell them when they can give out the next rep.

The new system is not working well, imho. Please let reps accrue instead of voiding them on someone else's schedule than the person who should have 20 reps to spend each day on giving worthy other posters recognition. Thanks.

If you have this problem, too, please say so. Otherwise, the present system will continue expropriating reps instead of encouraging them. Our mods may be great folks, but they're not mind-readers. They only know there's a problem if several people tell them they're having the same problem I am.
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Something is definitely wrong with the rep system. First off, I didn't sign on for a couple of days, then when i returned, I was only able to give out 4 reps before I got the 24 hour message. 1/2 hour later, I was able to give out reps again.

Today, I started handing out reps. One poster in particular was the 10th name before I started passing them out. I gave out 7 reps, and tried to rep this person, and got the message that I needed to spread more reps before giving more to them.

I'm sure it's nothing deliberate, but just a glitch in the system. But it's damned annoying.
who was that masked man!??:eek:


I've found the settings for reps were at a total of 10. I've bumped that back up to 20. Please let me know if you still notice strange behavior..

I've noticed some strange behavior..... from some red dude called Trajan. You might wanna check him out. I think he's a subversive. :eek:
I've found the settings for reps were at a total of 10. I've bumped that back up to 20. Please let me know if you still notice strange behavior..

I've noticed some strange behavior..... from some red dude called Trajan. You might wanna check him out. I think he's a subversive. :eek:

better red, than dead....oh wait, I mean....:doubt:
Well, now I can look back and see 20 reps. Unfortunately, it showed that I had to stop after a few reps on one of the days, so that day, less than 10 were given out. :(

Pwease, mods, wif sugar coating...

freedombecki said:
I "run out" of reps every day after 12 or 13 reps. I can't get them back for 24 hours.
Exactly.... On another VBB site im on i was reading a thread earlier with EXCELLENT REPLIES and i was giving everyone rep that agreed and after 10 reps or so i got "YOU HAVE GIVEN............." Why do people care how much rep you give??

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