Rep Omar gets a lesson in democrat party reality


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
Rep Omar thought the democrats were against racism, fascism, discrimination, and Zionism.

Hopefully she now has a clue. More Dems were behind 911 than republicans. The Zionist chokehold on the democrats is greater than the GOP, because the Dems are all whores, and Zionists provide 99% of their money (that is not stolen directly from the taxpayer).

Rep Omar's support of 911 Zionist traitors Biden and pelosi is another example of just how DUMB those who support the left really are....

ANTIFA supports fascism.

BLM supports racial bigotry and discrimination

Democrats in total control are not re-opening 911, and won't release the FBI 911 file, and are supportive of Zionist fascism.
An Islamic Extremist Terrorist Supporting, America-Hating, US Immigration Law-Violating, Campaign Finance-scamming, extremely vocal anti-Semitic Democrat called out by her fellow proven racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic (based on their own leaked e-mails in 2016) Democrats, resulting in the Islamic Extremist Terrorist Supporting, America-Hating, US Immigration Law-Violating, Campaign Finance-scamming, extremely vocal anti-Semitic Democrat publicly calling out her fellow Democrats for being racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic ...


Rep Omar thought the democrats were against racism, fascism, discrimination, and Zionism.

Hopefully she now has a clue. More Dems were behind 911 than republicans. The Zionist chokehold on the democrats is greater than the GOP, because the Dems are all whores, and Zionists provide 99% of their money (that is not stolen directly from the taxpayer).

Rep Omar's support of 911 Zionist traitors Biden and pelosi is another example of just how DUMB those who support the left really are....

ANTIFA supports fascism.

BLM supports racial bigotry and discrimination

Democrats in total control are not re-opening 911, and won't release the FBI 911 file, and are supportive of Zionist fascism.
2 things i agree with. Anifa supports fascism, they are fascists. BLM are racist bigots. Zionist fascism? I dont agree.
Rep Omar thought the democrats were against racism, fascism, discrimination, and Zionism.

Hopefully she now has a clue. More Dems were behind 911 than republicans. The Zionist chokehold on the democrats is greater than the GOP, because the Dems are all whores, and Zionists provide 99% of their money (that is not stolen directly from the taxpayer).

Rep Omar's support of 911 Zionist traitors Biden and pelosi is another example of just how DUMB those who support the left really are....

ANTIFA supports fascism.

BLM supports racial bigotry and discrimination

Democrats in total control are not re-opening 911, and won't release the FBI 911 file, and are supportive of Zionist fascism.
2 things i agree with. Anifa supports fascism, they are fascists. BLM are racist bigots. Zionist fascism? I dont agree.

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