Rep. Gosar: ‘We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi’

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
One can only hope and pray he succeeds!

.....but knowing how deep is the Swamp....*sigh* :(
Don't give up for @ least we can use anti corruption sonar to locate & I.D. them no matter how deep in the swamp they try to hide! If we can land governor DeSantis or pres Trump as the next POTUS & regain the senate(tough to do) we may be able to pull off a miracle. Kill off the public service union(s) is an EXCELLENT start. Fire the existing bureaucrats as fast as they can be replaced with new hires that have a maximum 5 year tour of duty from start to finish with no retirement bennies. When it comes to g'ment employees think small of work force as possible & short duration employees. Just remember big g'ment = big corruption/big taxes!
Investigations are fine, but what we need are firings, prosecutions and convictions! Milley behind bars, defrocked, defunded and debenefitted.

Congress has no power to prosecute.

Milley is a disgrace and willingly serves China Joe, meaning Milley is also bought and paid for by the CCP.
Of course. They need to investigate then turn over evidence to whomever has the power to fire or impeach that ass so that then the DOJ can criminally prosecute on grounds of treason.

Biden's DoJ will prosecute none of them.
You guys are so desperate.
There was no “attempted” about it. Nevertheless, this is going to be great. If you remember, Pelosi wanted Gosar and Biggs to be charged with crimes on January 6 and expelled from Congress. I think I'm fixing to listen to that John Lennon song, 'Instant Karma'.

In other words... fantasy time?

Note to self: File this under "Repeal Obamacare."

We Will Conduct An Investigation Into Attempted Coup By Traitor Gen. Mark Milley​

The thing is, I want more than an "investigation." I want more than another Benghazi hearing (that came to nothing). I want more than another private server/destroyed emails investigation (that came to nothing).
  • The democrats had a two year special counsel Russia investigation with whistleblowers spending 30 million dollars and they already knew it was BS.
  • The democrats impeached a president and dragged him through the mud over a phone call (looking into criminal illegalities!) and legally ignoring a subpoena.
  • The democrats impeached a president because a group of extremists got carried away and against his explicit directives took a protest too far, while Nancy got carried away and against his explicit directives, didn't do nearly enough.
  • The democrats subverted part of the GOP to collectively form a two-year Salem witch trial in order to cherry pick evidence while ignoring legions others on TV to try to piece it together to say what they pre-selected in advance to say so to try to defame a man and so damage him politically to not ever again be able to get elected as their stoutest opponent despite there being no actual case.
  • The democrats even sent the FBI to break into his private home to conveniently "Find" a bunch of top secret papers which he may or may not have really had with obviously no intent to do anything with them which obviously, a half a year later don't amount to squat as far as any criminal charges. When is the last time you heard of the FBI raiding someone much less that high up in government when there isn't even enough there to get a misdemeanor charge?
So if the GOP does anything, about Biden, Harris, Milley, Garland or Pelosi, they better end up with more than just another "investigation."

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls For Hearings On J6 Footage, Says “Stay Tuned” For Investigation and Prosecution of Pelosi, Cheney, Milley, Mayorkas​

12 Mar 2023 ~~ By Jordan Conradson

GOP Congressman Paul Gosar recently told The Gateway Pundit to stay tuned on the real January 6 investigation and the incoming prosecution of officials like Nancy Pelosi who were involved in the political persecution of good Americans.
Gosar encourages all Americans to contact Weaponization of Government Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to support and encourage them in the ongoing investigation into January 6.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Rep. Paul Gosar of Arizona is leading the charge for Republicans in launching an investigation into General Mark Milley and Nancy Pelosi over the staged riots on January 6, 2021. Earlier this year, Gosar tweeted, “Remember – we will conduct a real investigation into J6. The effort to attempt a coup between traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi will be reviewed and exposed.”
Speaker McCarthy must follow throuhh on his promises that the new Republican House will investigate the January 6 protests, violence, and Nancy Pelosi and what she knew.
This is especially important as newly released footage from inside the Capitol on J6 shows Jake Angeli or Jacob Chansley, the “QAnon Shaman,” being escorted through the Capitol on Jan 6. Peacefully! Back in December 2021, Jordan Conradson of The Gateway Pundit had the chance to speak with Angeli from the Alexandria Detention Center in Virginia, where he was being held in solitary confinement with real criminals, including illegal immigrants guilty of drug trafficking.

Stay tuned... There's a lot of statements and promises being made by Rep Congresspersons, but little to show for it so far.
I'm sure that there are many Americans that want to see justice meted out to those who have perpetrated
All “R” talk. They’ve had 70 days. No one arrested, fired or charged. Not one J6 set free.

McCarthy lol! That homeO will never do anything but Promise investigations.

no one hekd accountable since 2007 Coup part 1. Only Citizens who support Trump are harrassed. forgive my pessimism. Or my certainty. I wishto God it was different!

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