Rep. Carnahan Lies to Constituents About Cost of Obamacare

Do you or does anyone have any numbers as to how much healthcare will cost us longterm under Obamacare vs. leaving things the way they are? Having the govenrment involved in healthcare will come at a cost, but will it compare to the doubling of costs within the next fifteen years by leaving things the way they are?

The biggest problem with those who are against any government involvement is that very few of you see that we have a major problem with our current system, and there are never any good proposals as to how we can limit the growth in costs down the road without leaving more and more Americans without access to healthcare.
Do you or does anyone have any numbers as to how much healthcare will cost us longterm under Obamacare vs. leaving things the way they are? Having the govenrment involved in healthcare will come at a cost, but will it compare to the doubling of costs within the next fifteen years by leaving things the way they are?

The biggest problem with those who are against any government involvement is that very few of you see that we have a major problem with our current system, and there are never any good proposals as to how we can limit the growth in costs down the road without leaving more and more Americans without access to healthcare.

There is far more evidence available than you have been able to tap in the post.

First, consider the original projections for the 1965 Medicare Bill, and the actual costs were nine times the estimates.

Next, "The price tag for this legislation is a whopping $1.04 trillion to $1.6 trillion (Congressional Budget Office estimates). "
Defend Your Health Care

And, finally, the prevarications by the pro-Healthcare takeover crowd, is that healthcare costs are skyrocketing.

Not true, they are declining, relative to the 1970's-1980's, the increases are about half.

Healthcare costs are a component of spendable income. Let's include food-energy-healthcae-housing, and while some go up, other costs have gone down.

The amount spent on average for the four-cost-package has remained the same, at about 53-55% of budgets since 1960, that would be over two-and-a-half generation.

Don't be stampeded into believing the hype.

Downgrading American Medical Care
June 9th, 2009
By Betsy McCaughey Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a patient advocate, founder of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, and a former Lt. Governor of New York State.
Downgrading Health Care
The administration has warned that soaring health spending threatens the stability of American families and the economy. These doomsday scenarios are untrue. Health care spending is increasing at more moderate rates than in previous decades. Spending increased 10.5 percent in 1970, 13 percent in 1980, and consistently less than 7 percent in each of the last five years, reaching a low of 6.1 percent a year ago. Each year since 1960, food and energy together have taken up a declining share of Americans' expenditures, while housing has taken up a steady share. This has enabled Americans to spend an increasing share of their budgets on another necessity, healthcare. These four necessities together consume the same share of American spending now (55%) as they did in 1960 (53%). As further evidence, Americans are increasing the share of their spending that goes to recreation. Moderate income families can be helped to buy health coverage with vouchers, refundable tax credits, or debit cards. That's a low risk, "fix what's broken" approach.

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