Remember when the left claimed they were all about "peace" and "antiwar"?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Has there been a more antiwar president over the last 50 years?

Like all of their other claims, they are liars. Two faced, double talking, hypocritical liars.

Barely a peep from them. Same group that feigned outrage over the death of their hero saddam. Remember all of that? How they were so against war cause they were so "peaceful?"
Democrats are's built right into their name

Of course they love war, pain, strife, poverty, despair.....look who they're offering for President

They even lie about their title "Democratic". If Demonicrats say it you know it can't be true. In that respect they're very informative.
I just shudder to think what will happen to America if (when) they gain full power.
Underneath, I tend to believe the true democrat leadership is different than they masquerade as to get votes.

In public they preach social justice, but their history is the most racist of all.

Just as Obama left them empty and never really did anything for the black community. They sure worshiped him.
Clearly it wasn't his achievements or advancing their cause they was ALL about the color of his skin

That's how the Left is. Superficial. Uninformed.....but so loud and so wrong
While I do not like Trump in general, as a leftist I am against wars except in defense, and Trump has tried to reduce wars.

It is the one thing he is doing right.

I wish we were not in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc., but at least Trump is not increasing any illegal use of military force, and seems to be trying to decrease it.
While I do not like Trump in general, as a leftist I am against wars except in defense, and Trump has tried to reduce wars.

It is the one thing he is doing right.

I wish we were not in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, etc., but at least Trump is not increasing any illegal use of military force, and seems to be trying to decrease it.

We conservatives are also against stupid ass never ending wars. FFS when have 10-20 year long wars ever accomplished anything lasting??? Never.

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