Remember when the IFR was supposed to be as high as 3% for Covid-19 ?

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

While I don't hang my hat on one is a study of the predictions (in part).

And it is clear the intial panic was all bullshit.

It fomented the left to the point of forcing a lockdown (by people like the shit for brains governor of Michigan).

When we should have been more conservative in targeting the vulnerable (and we were not which is how Cuomo killed a bunch of elderly...but that is a different trial).

Point being that we went from the zombie apolcolypse to a "really bad case of the flu" (and the Corona is not the flu....I am using others words and they are referencing deaths).

Leave this in is intended to show how we are thrown into this kind of frenzy by the morons we elected (and put in charge of our health care).

While I don't hang my hat on one is a study of the predictions (in part).

And it is clear the intial panic was all bullshit.

It fomented the left to the point of forcing a lockdown (by people like the shit for brains governor of Michigan).

When we should have been more conservative in targeting the vulnerable (and we were not which is how Cuomo killed a bunch of elderly...but that is a different trial).

Point being that we went from the zombie apolcolypse to a "really bad case of the flu" (and the Corona is not the flu....I am using others words and they are referencing deaths).

Leave this in is intended to show how we are thrown into this kind of frenzy by the morons we elected (and put in charge of our health care).

moronicons are such morons

if you see a snake you've never encountered before do you
1. study it carefully BEFORE you pick it up
2. pick it up without knowing it is deadly or not?

if you are a moronicon you just pick it up ....

rational people study it BEFORE they do something dangerous and stupid.

NOBODY knew what was going to happen

RATIONAL people investigated it....
You seem to be confusing CFR and IFR. So does your article

They are very different and the study sited has been described as trying to determine the average height of Americans by measuring players on an NBA basketball court.

This this IS deadly , we know that

100,000 dead says so

It can also be incredibly debilitating and leave long term medical issues behind

While I don't hang my hat on one is a study of the predictions (in part).

And it is clear the intial panic was all bullshit.

It fomented the left to the point of forcing a lockdown (by people like the shit for brains governor of Michigan).

When we should have been more conservative in targeting the vulnerable (and we were not which is how Cuomo killed a bunch of elderly...but that is a different trial).

Point being that we went from the zombie apolcolypse to a "really bad case of the flu" (and the Corona is not the flu....I am using others words and they are referencing deaths).

Leave this in is intended to show how we are thrown into this kind of frenzy by the morons we elected (and put in charge of our health care).

moronicons are such morons

if you see a snake you've never encountered before do you
1. study it carefully BEFORE you pick it up
2. pick it up without knowing it is deadly or not?

if you are a moronicon you just pick it up ....

rational people study it BEFORE they do something dangerous and stupid.

NOBODY knew what was going to happen

RATIONAL people investigated it....
Your side saw the snake and is still running even after we know what it is
If a democrat were in office, we wouldn't even know this virus exists. Months of fear and propaganda from the libs and liberal media have got their base cowering in fear and terror dripping from their eyes.

"If a democrat were in office, we wouldn't even know this virus exists. "


because the REST of the world wouldn't have told us......
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While I don't hang my hat on one is a study of the predictions (in part).

And it is clear the intial panic was all bullshit.

It fomented the left to the point of forcing a lockdown (by people like the shit for brains governor of Michigan).

When we should have been more conservative in targeting the vulnerable (and we were not which is how Cuomo killed a bunch of elderly...but that is a different trial).

Point being that we went from the zombie apolcolypse to a "really bad case of the flu" (and the Corona is not the flu....I am using others words and they are referencing deaths).

Leave this in is intended to show how we are thrown into this kind of frenzy by the morons we elected (and put in charge of our health care).

moronicons are such morons

if you see a snake you've never encountered before do you
1. study it carefully BEFORE you pick it up
2. pick it up without knowing it is deadly or not?

if you are a moronicon you just pick it up ....

rational people study it BEFORE they do something dangerous and stupid.

NOBODY knew what was going to happen

RATIONAL people investigated it....

Maybe there should have been some investigation before they shut down the economy ?

What: You want us to think about that.......but we like to knee jerk.

Fuck off.
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You seem to be confusing CFR and IFR. So does your article

They are very different and the study sited has been described as trying to determine the average height of Americans by measuring players on an NBA basketball court.

This this IS deadly , we know that

100,000 dead says so

It can also be incredibly debilitating and leave long term medical issues behind

What the fuck are you talking about.

How are they confused ?
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You seem to be confusing CFR and IFR. So does your article

They are very different and the study sited has been described as trying to determine the average height of Americans by measuring players on an NBA basketball court.

This this IS deadly , we know that

100,000 dead says so

It can also be incredibly debilitating and leave long term medical issues behind

So is the flu, but you don't see me saying it is the flu.

Saying it is deadly means nothing.

It would be great to have this data for comparison for influenza. about the more infected states like New York.
You seem to be confusing CFR and IFR. So does your article

They are very different and the study sited has been described as trying to determine the average height of Americans by measuring players on an NBA basketball court.

This this IS deadly , we know that

100,000 dead says so

It can also be incredibly debilitating and leave long term medical issues behind

Surprisingly enough, this being the Spectator, the article properly distinguishes between CFR and IFR:

One of the great unknowns of the COVID-19 crisis is just how deadly the disease is. Much of the panic dates from the moment, in early March, when the World Health Organization (WHO) published a mortality rate of 3.2 percent — which turned out to be a crude ‘case fatality rate’ dividing the number of deaths by the number of recorded cases, ignoring the large number of cases which are asymptomatic or otherwise go unrecorded.

The Imperial College modeling, which has been so influential on the UK government, assumed an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0.9 percent. This was used to compute the infamous prediction that 250,000 Britons would die unless the government abandoned its mitigation strategy and adopted instead a policy of suppressing the virus through lockdown. Imperial later revised its estimate of the IFR down to 0.66 percent — although the March 16 paper which predicted 250,000 deaths was not updated.​

Of course, the real number of infections is as unknown as is the real number of deaths. We now know that coronavirus causes blood clods and causes "a-typical" deaths due to strokes and cardiac infarction that may not be properly attributed.

Whatever. The H1N1 pandemic infected 60 million, causing 12,000 deaths. That amounts to an IFR of 0.02%.

Currently, there are about 1.5 million confirmed infections and 92.000 Covid-10 deaths. That amounts to a CFR of 6.13%.

Given that we know about 80% of cases are asymptomatic, or presenting mild symptoms, and neither group is tested to any significant degree, we can roughly calculate the "real" infection number to be five times the 1.5 mn, or 7.5 million. The crudely calculated IFR would then be 1.2%.

I would warn against using the Japanese numbers (as provided in the article). My reading suggests, them Japanese, vigorously downplaying the pandemic and its impact, count as Covid-19 dead only those who died of coronavirus with no other contributing factors, and for a long time they did next to no testing, until protests erupted.

Of course, the IFR is not a fixed figure attributable to the properties of a pathogen. The age profile of the infected cohort, and the prevalence of underlying conditions contributing to the fatality rate, also play a role. So, and older, morbidly obese population will suffer a far higher IFR than a young, slim one. Moreover, on top of the IFR, there is additional mortality (over the one caused by the flu) to be expected because coronavirus is significantly more contagious, and the virus, unlike the flu, is killing independent of season.

All that said, the whole "it ain't as bad as the flu" is just benighted, mendacious horse manure. The smelly kind...
The point of the article is that we've been putting up with these fucking numbers and the governors who shit their pants over them....long enough.

This isn't the is much worse for the elderly. And I would never expose infants.

In between it still open for discussion.
The article and this thread conflates IFR and CFR...and that's bullshit
2.2 million was the first number.

Now people are pretending to freak out about 100k. Most of them from New York and most of those from nursing homes, killed by Cuomo.
The article and this thread conflates IFR and CFR...and that's bullshit
The article and this thread conflates IFR and CFR...and that's bullshit

Keep whining.

One of your own does not agree with you.....

And of course, I don't either.

So keep saying it. And we'll keep thinking of you as a lazy hack.

Have a day.
Do you understand what the “c” in CFR stands for dope?

one measures mortality in cases and one measures mortality in population as a whole. They would by definition be different numbers. Guess which one CFR is...
The article and this thread conflates IFR and CFR...and that's bullshit
The article and this thread conflates IFR and CFR...and that's bullshit

Keep whining.

One of your own does not agree with you.....

And of course, I don't either.

So keep saying it. And we'll keep thinking of you as a lazy hack.

Have a day.
Do you understand what the “c” in CFR stands for dope?

one measures mortality in cases and one measures mortality in population as a whole. They would by definition be different numbers. Guess which one CFR is...

Uh....I've never seen either one of them refer to the population as a whole.

The C stands for Case.....

A CFR, in contrast, is the number of dead among the number of diagnosed cases.[3]

The term infection fatality rate (IFR) also applies to infectious disease outbreaks, and represents the proportion of deaths among all the infected individuals. It is closely related to the CFR, but attempts to additionally account for all asymptomatic and undiagnosed infections.[7] The IFR differs from the CFR in that it aims to estimate the fatality rate in all those with infection: the detected disease (cases) and those with an undetected disease (asymptomatic and not tested group).[8

Sounds like this is your mistake.....

A mortality rate — often confused with a CFR — is a measure of the number of deaths (in general, or due to a specific cause) in a population scaled to the size of that population per unit of time.[2] A CFR, in contrast, is the number of dead among the number of diagnosed cases.[3]

Might want to check who's wearing the "dope" again.
And, of course, the lockdown crowd won't touch this one.

Fuck those experts who have failed us miserably.

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