Remember when Israel helped Islamic Iran attack secular Iraq in the 1980s


Diamond Member
May 12, 2022
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That happened in the 1980s. At the time, Iran and Iraq were fighting a vicious war. People should recall that the Arab Persian rivalry was much more violent and is much more divisive even today compared to any thing like a Jewish Arab rivalry.

But yes, Israel helped Iran bomb an Iraqi nuclear facility in the 1980s. They also gave Iran weapons and resources to fight Iraq. Both Iran and Israel will give their reasonings for this occurring, but it calls into question the sincerity of their leaders.

It’s also worth noting that prior to the so-called Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian monarchy and Israel were allies. And I don’t think that the so-called Islamic revolution in Iran was even popular many people question how did that even occur in the first place. Because the time of the Iranian monarchy Iran had the fifth strongest military in the world…. at the time Iran was receiving weapons and military jets from America… military jets that they used to this very day from the 1970s. Under the Shah, Iran was a secular oriented country with a vibrant culture.

Point can be Yes time changes with that alliances often change, but it’s important that people recall the past.
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On September 22, 1980 Saddam launched Iraq into full-scale invasion of southwestern Iran, hoping to capitalize on the chaos prevailing in the newly-formed Islamic Republic. The resulting war would drag on for eight exceptionally bloody years.

It was in this context that the Iranian Air Force began planning a strike on Osirak earlier that June—reportedly at the request of the Israeli Chief of Army Intelligence. Israel was one of the few countries willing to furnish Iran with weapons and intelligence to fight the Iraqis, and so the raid was seen as a mutually-beneficial favor.
When you have five or six enemies, you chose the lesser of two evils.

At that time, The Butcher of Baghdad was the leading evil. I'm pretty sure that Israel was making the calculation that if we help take out the worst, then that is just one of the few enemies to deal with in the coming decades.

They were right.

I would arm Jordan to take out Syria. Saudi to take out Iran. Then I'd take out Jordan and make peace with Saudi.
When you have five or six enemies, you chose the lesser of two evils.

At that time, The Butcher of Baghdad was the leading evil. I'm pretty sure that Israel was making the calculation that if we help take out the worst, then that is just one of the few enemies to deal with in the coming decades.

They were right.

I would arm Jordan to take out Syria. Saudi to take out Iran. Then I'd take out Jordan and make peace with Saudi.
Still a few holes in the story. That is from both the Iranian point of view and the Israeli point of view.

Also Saddam Hussain was viewed as a great hero to the Arab Street by many Arabs. He was said to be a secular leader, and Donald Trump praised him for killing terrorists. Trump said Iraq and the Middle East was safer with Saddam and power and once he was removed all hell broke loose. It did with the rise of isil , it took some time to remove ISIL. And hopefully Iraq can continue to recover.

Back in the 1970s, a lot of Arab people wanted to visit Baghdad to work there because they could make good money and it was one of the leading countries in the area. Iraq had business dealings with both France and the United States before the severing of ties between Iraq and the west when Iraq decided to invade Kuwait, which by the way a lot of people would say that Iraq thought America allowed them to invade Kuwait. So that’s another issue to look at.

As for Iran, here was a country that prior to 1979 was a monarchy for decades going back to the World War I era and before that it was home to a number of empires including the Safavid Empire which was a worldwide power in the 16th century. There is a good chunk of people in the west who have no idea about this. Some of the west would believe that Iran’s current type of government has been around for centuries. Iran has not been a world power since the 16th century. It was climbing to the top under the Shahs until 1979..

So who was behind the so-called Islamic revolution? was outside interference involved. Including the Soviet Union, United States, Arab powers who knows, we can include the British.

Iran as monarchy was allied with Israel so now all of a sudden, in a matter of a few years after 1979, Iran and Israel are enemies of each other. So looking at the bigger picture, there are a lot of unanswered questions. There are those who attempt to explain how the Islamic revolution in Iran occurred. Usually it is that the people of Iran were oppressed by the shah and savak, but a lot of Iranians who want the monarchy back will dispute that.

As for Israel… It has and still does experience success. Israeli military nationalist will say they don’t want any money from America. They will talk about how the US military industrial complex blocked Israel from forming their own military jet program in the 1980s.

Folks will argue that the US military industrial complex wants there to be divisions in the Middle East and the whole thing is manufactured.

We’re all long way removed from the so-called Israel Arab war. So-called because tons of Arab Jews support Israel. But were long removed from that. I don’t think it’s ever coming back. Iran has proxies in Yemen fighting Saudi Arabia.

The government of Iran and Israel claim to hate each other. The question is that a manufactured thing? How real is it considering Israel and Iran against Iraq in the 1980s? Note that in Palestine, many Palestinians have been interviewed and you can access these interviews on YouTube where they say they don’t view Iran as an ….ally they say Iran talks a big game about helping Palestine, but actually does nothing.

I doubt that most Iranians support the government they currently have. I think both in Iran and Israel people want a change in leadership role.
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That happened in the 1980s. At the time, Iran and Iraq were fighting a vicious war. People should recall that the Arab Persian rivalry was much more violent and is much more divisive even today compared to any thing like a Jewish Arab rivalry.

But yes, Israel helped Iran bomb an Iraqi nuclear facility in the 1980s. They also gave Iran weapons and resources to fight Iraq. Both Iran and Israel will give their reasonings for this occurring, but it calls into question the sincerity of their leaders.

It’s also worth noting that prior to the so-called Islamic revolution in Iran, the Iranian monarchy and Israel were allies. And I don’t think that the so-called Islamic revolution in Iran was even popular many people question how did that even occur in the first place. Because the time of the Iranian monarchy Iran had the fifth strongest military in the world…. at the time Iran was receiving weapons and military jets from America… military jets that they used to this very day from the 1970s. Under the Shah, Iran was a secular oriented country with a vibrant culture.

Point can be Yes time changes with that alliances often change, but it’s important that people recall the past.
what point are you struggling to make? Your statement "Israel helped Iran
Iraq" is misleading. Israel did the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Iraq for its own interests---not as a favor to Iran.
When you have five or six enemies, you chose the lesser of two evils.

At that time, The Butcher of Baghdad was the leading evil. I'm pretty sure that Israel was making the calculation that if we help take out the worst, then that is just one of the few enemies to deal with in the coming decades.

They were right.

I would arm Jordan to take out Syria. Saudi to take out Iran. Then I'd take out Jordan and make peace with Saudi.

Many Jews still lived in Iran in 1980. Israel bought all their oil from Iran until 1979. Saudi Arabia isn't going to take out Iran. That's Israeli ambitions, not Saudi Arabia's. Why on earth would Jordan attack Syria?
Still a few holes in the story. That is from both the Iranian point of view and the Israeli point of view.

Also Saddam Hussain was viewed as a great hero to the Arab Street by many Arabs. He was said to be a secular leader, and Donald Trump praised him for killing terrorists. Trump said Iraq and the Middle East was safer with Saddam and power and once he was removed all hell broke loose. It did with the rise of isil , it took some time to remove ISIL. And hopefully Iraq can continue to recover.

Back in the 1970s, a lot of Arab people wanted to visit Baghdad to work there because they could make good money and it was one of the leading countries in the area. Iraq had business dealings with both France and the United States before the severing of ties between Iraq and the west when Iraq decided to invade Kuwait, which by the way a lot of people would say that Iraq thought America allowed them to invade Kuwait. So that’s another issue to look at.

As for Iran, here was a country that prior to 1979 was a monarchy for decades going back to the World War I era and before that it was home to a number of empires including the Safavid Empire which was a worldwide power in the 16th century. There is a good chunk of people in the west who have no idea about this. Some of the west would believe that Iran’s current type of government has been around for centuries. Iran has not been a world power since the 16th century. It was climbing to the top under the Shahs until 1979..

So who was behind the so-called Islamic revolution? was outside interference involved. Including the Soviet Union, United States, Arab powers who knows, we can include the British.

Iran as monarchy was allied with Israel so now all of a sudden, in a matter of a few years after 1979, Iran and Israel are enemies of each other. So looking at the bigger picture, there are a lot of unanswered questions. There are those who attempt to explain how the Islamic revolution in Iran occurred. Usually it is that the people of Iran were oppressed by the shah and savak, but a lot of Iranians who want the monarchy back will dispute that.

As for Israel… It has and still does experience success. Israeli military nationalist will say they don’t want any money from America. They will talk about how the US military industrial complex blocked Israel from forming their own military jet program in the 1980s.

Folks will argue that the US military industrial complex wants there to be divisions in the Middle East and the whole thing is manufactured.

We’re all long way removed from the so-called Israel Arab war. So-called because tons of Arab Jews support Israel. But were long removed from that. I don’t think it’s ever coming back. Iran has proxies in Yemen fighting Saudi Arabia.

The government of Iran and Israel claim to hate each other. The question is that a manufactured thing? How real is it considering Israel and Iran against Iraq in the 1980s? Note that in Palestine, many Palestinians have been interviewed and you can access these interviews on YouTube where they say they don’t view Iran as an ….ally they say Iran talks a big game about helping Palestine, but actually does nothing.

I doubt that most Iranians support the government they currently have. I think both in Iran and Israel people want a change in leadership role.

Before the Mossadeeg and Operation Ajax the British paid 7 cents of oil revenue directly to the Shah. Everyone else was getting 50% on oil revenue. After Operation Ajax the British paid 13% on oil revenue. We helped the British train and install the SAVAK modeled after the Gestapo.

Except for the Shah's small circle there wasn't an Iranian middle class.

We helped kill Iranian democracy and it went too far the other way with the ayatollahs.
Many Jews still lived in Iran in 1980. Israel bought all their oil from Iran until 1979. Saudi Arabia isn't going to take out Iran. That's Israeli ambitions, not Saudi Arabia's. Why on earth would Jordan attack Syria?
1979 was the year ISLAM fell on Iran so the country had to cut all ties with Israel based on the glorious koran. The tiny remnant of jews living in Iran ---based on its prior population there of meets the definition of genocide. Generally it consists of people desperately trying to hold on to family property. Jews preceded islam in Iran by almost 2000 years. It's news to me that Israel wants to destroy Iran---Iran makes no secret of the FACT that it wants to destroy Israel and kill all jews. As to the Saudis and Iranians----they DESPISE each other. Iranians told me about it long before 1979. As to Iran----all decent people want to get rid of the AYATOILETS including the son of the former Shah. ---and, of course the tiny remnant of to Zoroastrians still there, also genocided out existence in the glorious name -- ISLAM. For the record --jews and even lots of Iranians were fleeing Iran long before 1979. The stink of Islamic fundamentalism was in the air
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1979 was the year ISLAM fell on Iran so the country had to cut all ties with Israel based on the glorious koran. The tiny remnant of jews living in Iran ---based on its prior population there of meets the definition of genocide. Generally it consists of people desperately trying to hold on to family property. Jews preceded islam in Iran by almost 2000 years. It's news to me that Israel wants to destroy Iran---Iran makes no secret of the FACT that it wants to destroy Israel and kill all jews. As to the Saudis and Iranians----they DESPISE each other. Iranians told me about it long before 1979. As to Iran----all decent people want to get rid of the AYATOILETS including the son of the former Shah. ---and, of course the tiny remnant of to Zoroastrians still there, also genocided out existence in the glorious name -- ISLAM

In 1945, some 100,000 Jews inhabited Iran. Today, Iran is home to over 8,000 Jews ( Della Pergola, 2019 ), representing one of the largest Jewish communities in the Middle East outside of Israel.
In 1945, some 100,000 Jews inhabited Iran. Today, Iran is home to over 8,000 Jews ( Della Pergola, 2019 ), representing one of the largest Jewish communities in the Middle East outside of Israel.
Israel did not help Saddam fight Iran. Saddam murdered jews for the glory of
BAATHISM ----also Kurds and Shiites. Consistent with the sophistry of islamo nazis claim that the Israeli bombing of a nuclear reactor in Iraq was done to "HELP
IRAN"----nope----Saddam was just as opened as Iran is today on his desire to murder jews. The bombing of the reactor was an Israeli act of self-defense. The atrocities of Saddam are downplayed in islamo-nazi propaganda
Israel did not help Saddam fight Iran. Saddam murdered jews for the glory of
BAATHISM ----also Kurds and Shiites. Consistent with the sophistry of islamo nazis claim that the Israeli bombing of a nuclear reactor in Iraq was done to "HELP
IRAN"----nope----Saddam was just as opened as Iran is today on his desire to murder jews. The bombing of the reactor was an Israeli act of self-defense. The atrocities of Saddam are downplayed in islamo-nazi propaganda

Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They weren't a threat to anyone.
Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They weren't a threat to anyone.
Iraq was no threat to the UMMAH which
continues to dance on the dead bodies of hundreds of thousands, regularly. In
time of Saddam ---Iraq supported world
islamo nazi terrorism to the delight of
Islamo nazi sluts. Lebanon is no threat
to "the world" either, nor is Gaza and
nor is Yemen. Nigeria is no threat---
except to its christian population.
Somalia is no threat----Somalis just like
to sponsor death squads to murder
hindus in Kenya for the glory of islam.
Germany was no threat to the USA in
1940. Russia is no threat---Ukraine
should just give up. Turkey is no threat.
An Ottoman caliphate would be nice
Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They weren't a threat to anyone.
way back in the 1950s when I was a child,
I read the islamo nazi propaganda, some of which dated all the way back to the mid 1930s.
It included the fact that Germany was
destroyed by world war I and no threat to anyone.
The jews did it to them and liked
to make up anti-german propaganda.
Andrew Jackson makes some of the most thoughtful posts on this forum. No, I don't read all his text, but he thinks things thru. He's always civil. Thanks.

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