Remember Us/Them


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Thinking of the "300" movie's bit of remembering people and their contributions I got to thinking about our own as a society. Though things I remember aren't in the fore of my awareness every day, innocuous events trigger them from time to time. Like the neighbor who's wife just had her baby a few doors down. He's one of the maintenance guys I started the whole cookies and cupcakes thing for about a year ago now. His two sons have remarked how much they enjoy the cupcakes in particular but they've missed this last TUesdays batch because of the new arrival. So thinking (ok overthinking) as I do, rather than risk their resenting the new sibling (they're only like 5 or 6 each) for making them both miss a cupcake-day, I figured today Friday (ordinarily a cookie day) I'd make a special double batch to commenorate the new arrival and make both cupcakes and cookies.

Thinking of the events from my childhood involving my own father, I remember beers shared mowing neighbor's lawns, and one event in particular stands out when going to his work, a supermarket he being a butcher, walking through the aisles en route to the deli area he worked at he snatched a package of bear claws off the shelf and we ate them. Whether it stands out because I really like bear claws, or because he stole it I don't know :) But it's one of those things kids remember I guess.

I remember too friends' moms making cupcakes and cookies for us kids when little. Which is actually where I got the idea to do it myself. Because it's one of those happy childhood memories, given the general state of things today I figured if I can implant a little extra posivity in kids' heads they'll remember their whole lives, why not. Maybe some of them will continue the practice when they're grown ups.

What stands out in your memories?

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