Remember dear Trumpsters....There WILL BE a Dem in the WH...

And when this Democrat is in the White House, will low poll numbers be sufficient evidence to demand resignation/impeachment? Will saying the wrong thing be enough reason to demand impeachment? Will Congress get to decide what a High Crime or Misdemeanor actually is? Because we’ve heard all those excuses from the Democrats regarding Trump.
I think before the dims blow thier tampons out, they need to first find a crime Trump has done and convict him of that.
I think before the dims blow thier tampons out, they need to first find a crime Trump has done and convict him of that.

They should put Harris on the case. Her record as a prosecutor would make her a shoe-in for GOP Attorney General in Texas she was such a law and order zealot (despite her PC make-over).
This democrat will campaign having uttered such statements as " China, if you're listening.......Explain to all of us why Trump's statement about crooked Clinton is wrong. Russia, if you're listening, try making a man of the OP.

This democrat may have open business dealings with Iran or the Saudis, or........Explain to all of us why a businessman must be prevented from doing business in foreign countries. Compare and contrast to Obama giving 1.7B cash to Iran.

This democrat will have accumulated almost 200 days of golfing in a 4 year term (almost 20% of his tenure.) Explain to all of us why a POTUS should be prevented from golfing, when in fact the sitting POTUS accomplished more in two years than the last three POTUS combined.

This democrat may open up a hotel across from the Capitol and collect emoluments from cronies Explain to all of us why a POTUS should stop production once they've become POTUS.

This democrat may now openly admit that he (or she) had to pay off hookers since his (or her's) fat ass needed to pay for a little sex. Explain to all of us why getting your dick wet is a crime.

Above are only SOME of the new "realities" that we must all accept from a president because.......well, as the DOJ has stated in its policy, a sitting president may be a scumbag, unethical, immoral and corrupt son-of-a-bitch, BUT HE (or she) IS ABOVE THE LAW. Link?
I think before the dims blow thier tampons out, they need to first find a crime Trump has done and convict him of that.

They should put Harris on the case. Her record as a prosecutor would make her a shoe-in for GOP Attorney General in Texas she was such a law and order zealot (despite her PC make-over).
Yeah, maybe another two year witch hunt to waste more money and time.
So I take it your answer is that the democratic leadership is incompetent. No surprises there.

Yep.....above the type of "conclusion" that a poorly educated, Trump ass kisser would make.....
AND, "no surprise there" either.....LOL
So I take it your answer is that the democratic leadership is incompetent. No surprises there.

Yep.....above the type of "conclusion" that a poorly educated, Trump ass kisser would make.....
AND, "no surprise there" either.....LOL
Well, dickhead...........With a moron republican in the WH.......TWO YEARS of an overwhelming majority in congress, with a conservative Supreme Court, with hand-picked republican stooges in the DOJ..........

WHY in the good heavens.....haven't all you fuckheads sent a bunch of democrat "spies" to prison???


51-49 Senate, 5-4 USSC with Roberts defecting on Barry-Care ....RINO Ryan in the hospitality industry's pocket as Speaker....and a lying sack of shit like you says we had full control....
We got a deal big mouth? What are you scared of?

Trump may make "deals": with low-life morons........I do not........LOL

(but thanks for the bump........You must be an avid fan of my posts....)
52-48 Senate, 5-4 USSC with Roberts defecting on Barry-Care ....RINO Ryan in the hospitality industry's pocket as Speaker....and a lying sack of shit like you says we had full control.... see,'ll have to come to terms with the real fact that not ALL republicans are Trump ass kissers.(like you.....LOL)
52-48 Senate, 5-4 USSC with Roberts defecting on Barry-Care ....RINO Ryan in the hospitality industry's pocket as Speaker....and a lying sack of shit like you says we had full control.... see,'ll have to come to terms with the real fact that not ALL republicans are Trump ass kissers.(like you.....LOL)
iu see,'ll have to come to terms with the real fact that not ALL republicans are Trump ass kissers.(like you.....LOL)

I ain't a republican....I'm a Patriot....something a shitbag like you will never understand.
We got a deal big mouth? What are you scared of?

Trump may make "deals": with low-life morons........I do not........LOL

(but thanks for the bump........You must be an avid fan of my posts....)
with low-life morons...

So you are going to call me names instead of backing up your big mouth? That is a pretty good indication you do not even believe the shit you are spreading or that the Democrats have a chance in Hell of beating Trump in 2020. Period. You just are not credible or worth listening to. I was only trying to put you and everyone else out of their misery.

You don't have to thank me.
I think before the dims blow thier tampons out, they need to first find a crime Trump has done and convict him of that.

They should put Harris on the case. Her record as a prosecutor would make her a shoe-in for GOP Attorney General in Texas she was such a law and order zealot (despite her PC make-over).
Kamala Harris? The jabberwocky specialist who wants to impeach President Trump first thing this morning? Uh, she's not my first choice.
I think before the dims blow thier tampons out, they need to first find a crime Trump has done and convict him of that.

They should put Harris on the case. Her record as a prosecutor would make her a shoe-in for GOP Attorney General in Texas she was such a law and order zealot (despite her PC make-over).
Yeah, maybe another two year witch hunt to waste more money and time.
The Democrats want the people to pay for two more years of nonsense to segregate the Republicans to get even for us daring to vote Republican to end Clinton's career of crime and punishment.
So I take it your answer is that the democratic leadership is incompetent. No surprises there.

Yep.....above the type of "conclusion" that a poorly educated, Trump ass kisser would make.....
AND, "no surprise there" either.....LOL

Except I am not poorly educated, I do not kiss Trump's ass, and Know it alls such as yourself are never surprised about anything because nothing ever penetrates that last brain cell you have. There is a reason I voted for Stein. There is a reason I probably will again. You are reflective of the abscess that the DNC has become.

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