Remember "Rather Red than Dead"?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Wake up, America!
By Ed Koch
February 27, 2007

...despite all the horror and carnage of the past, we don't appear to be learning from history. We don't seem to remember that appeasement never works. It didn't work at Munich in 1938 with Chamberlain's infamous statement that we had achieved "peace in our time" with Hitler. It won't work now. Promises that it will leave Iraq have not bought peace for Britain. British authorities now say the danger of terror attacks inside Britain is greater than ever, with thousands of home-grown Jihadists ready to attack.

Why won't we take those who threaten us at their word? Why do we continue to make excuses for their threatening behavior until finally we will be forced to act because they have exploded the dirty bomb or the real nuclear bomb in our homeland?

There will come a time when it may be too late to simply respond to an attack. As a result of such an attack on our homeland, we may be so physically injured and suffered so many casualties as to cause us to consider surrender. We may by then have lost our national will as to make it too difficult for us to muster the moral and physical strength needed to defend ourselves. Remember the refrain, primarily in Europe during the Cold War, "Better Red than Dead?"

Am I painting a too grim a picture? I don't think so. Wake up, America! This war is not only taking place in Iraq. The struggle is for the future of the world. Our enemies intend to conquer us, and they say so openly. The time to resist is now.

for full article:
How would MORE attacks create apathy or anything but fiercer resistance? Would you suddenly lose your spirit if the US was attacked? Even poor-ass Iraqis are still fighting the invaders...
Wake up, America!
By Ed Koch
February 27, 2007

...despite all the horror and carnage of the past, we don't appear to be learning from history. We don't seem to remember that appeasement never works. It didn't work at Munich in 1938 with Chamberlain's infamous statement that we had achieved "peace in our time" with Hitler. It won't work now. Promises that it will leave Iraq have not bought peace for Britain. British authorities now say the danger of terror attacks inside Britain is greater than ever, with thousands of home-grown Jihadists ready to attack.

Why won't we take those who threaten us at their word? Why do we continue to make excuses for their threatening behavior until finally we will be forced to act because they have exploded the dirty bomb or the real nuclear bomb in our homeland?

There will come a time when it may be too late to simply respond to an attack. ]

Germany was a powerful nation with a large well trained army and imperial designs on Europe. They should not have been 'appeased'. Agreed.
They really do not parallel an Iraqi insurgency, nor do they parallel the Taliban or Al Qaeda. Which of those organizations have troops, ships, planes,etc staged at US borders? Are they flying bombing raids overhead?

And if America hates threatening behavior so much - stop behaving that way.

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