Religious Training In Public School?

In the state of utah and Idaho students are allowed released time of 1 hour each day to attend a religion class of their faith off campus

I used to get released from school to attend religious classes

Key is.....they were off campus
The same with me. I was Catholic in grade school. The parents came and got us and took us off to church for whatever. I guess the protestants did the same. I guess Jewish parents did the same. I question why these fundamentalist Christians can't do the same? Lazy, perhaps?
I seem to remember getting released from class to go to a weekly Communion or Confirmation class. Normal Sunday School was before Mass.

I have the same memories. But we had the children's mass and then Sunday School, which was going on at the same time that our parents attended mass and then picked us up afterward. I question why Christian fundamentalist parents can't manage this.

I am mindful that last night, Friday at dusk, Jewish matriarchs all over the world lit the candles and said the prayers to lead their families into the Sabbath.

Facts are facts.

1.Many make the mistake of believing that religion is not allowed to be imparted, imposed, authorized, or even allowed, in public school. There could hardly be a greater misapprehension! Only one religion is strictly forbidden, and punished when observed, and that is the religion of our Founders, the Judeo-Christian faith.
Consulting the Merriam-Webster Dictionary will inform as to the definition of religion, including “a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.”
Most graduates of government school leave with a deep and abiding faith, one that is infused in school. It is a fairly recent version, Militant Secularism.

2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.

As questioning ones faith is not encouraged, most Democrats are unaware of their own conversion, and the less perceptive may even deny that they are of the religious cult of Militant Secularism.
Not even certain which of the denominations they belong to: communism, Fascism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism or socialism.

[You may try to suddenly ask “have you accepted the nomenklatura as your lord and savior?”]

3. In any case, the old saying, “reality is defined by actions, not by words” applies. Admitting membership or not, they behave as Militant Secularists.
Let’s see where that takes us. To begin, keep in mind that ‘power over others’ is a sacrament of the faith, and this translates to the need to erase the other religion from the public space.

4. “Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration’s Agenda Trump appointees were harassed for their Christian views — now the Left is looking to actively reverse all the religious freedom gains that Trump’s administration fought for.

Now, they are looking forward to the resumption of duties by the same partisans who fought literal nuns all the way to the Supreme Court over a birth control mandate and fought hard to rescind the religious refugee status granted to the Romeike family.

Believing they now have allies in positions of power, the militant secularists are now on the march, demanding a rollback of that emphasis on religious freedom protections."
Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

It hardly seems fair that only their religion deserves the protections of the Constitution, protections that they have worked assiduously to wear away.
But.....'fair' isn't a requirement of Militant Secularism.
Mark 12:17

Strange post.....doubly inappropriate.

1. I am never wrong.

2. Militant Secularists abjure the Bible.

Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone

Dare to have a purpose firm, Dare to make it known!

From From the hymn “Hold the Fort!” First Congregational Church of Chicago, Illinois.
2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.
More nonsensical than usual. You're saying that 'they' vote for policies regardless of what 'phrase' you wish to put in front of it? That sounds like reason and not what you espouse, faith in an ideology.

Let's have you prove that I am correct, and blind faith is the basis of your Militant Secularism:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'll take that bet but first we have to agree on what is 'American'.

Here are two options (I'm open to others):
  1. The Constitution - a 250 year old document written for a minority of the country. After eliminating everyone under the age of 21, all slaves and women, most Jews and Catholics, plus those men too poor to be freeholders, the colonial electorate consisted of perhaps only 10 percent to 20 percent of the total population.
  2. The current population of the US
  3. You
  4. Me
Can we agree that #2 best represents what is 'American'?
So your claim is that you don't know that the amendments are parts of the Constitution?


I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'm happy to accept your challenge but to say what is 'anti-American' we must first know what is 'American'. Can I presume that since you neglected to select one of the 4 options and instead went off on a tangent about Constitutional amendments, you are saying your choice is #1, the Constitution is the arbiter of what is American? Do we agree that is your choice?
2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.
More nonsensical than usual. You're saying that 'they' vote for policies regardless of what 'phrase' you wish to put in front of it? That sounds like reason and not what you espouse, faith in an ideology.

Let's have you prove that I am correct, and blind faith is the basis of your Militant Secularism:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'll take that bet but first we have to agree on what is 'American'.

Here are two options (I'm open to others):
  1. The Constitution - a 250 year old document written for a minority of the country. After eliminating everyone under the age of 21, all slaves and women, most Jews and Catholics, plus those men too poor to be freeholders, the colonial electorate consisted of perhaps only 10 percent to 20 percent of the total population.
  2. The current population of the US
  3. You
  4. Me
Can we agree that #2 best represents what is 'American'?
So your claim is that you don't know that the amendments are parts of the Constitution?


I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'm happy to accept your challenge but to say what is 'anti-American' we must first know what is 'American'. Can I presume that since you neglected to select one of the 4 options and instead went off on a tangent about Constitutional amendments, you are saying your choice is #1, the Constitution is the arbiter of what is American? Do we agree that is your choice?

The Democrat Party is now running on an anti-American agenda, including full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And, perhaps you can offer your analysis of which Trump policy turned Americans against his policies. could if there were any.

Otherwise we're left with the theft of the election explanation.
The last thing Christians want is religion being taught in public schools.
While they want all children to be subjected to Christian doctrine, they would be outraged if their children came home with Jewish, Muslim or atheist teachings
Agreed! No religion in schools! Also, we need to get rid of a lot of the science, like the big bang, and a lot of evolutionary theory, cause, no actual PROOF of those things either.
religion is just a belief/fake/bullshit---like believing Aliens are taking you to the moon
..secularism is not fake--not a belief [emphasis added]
If you feel that way about "religion", why do you fear it with your protestations used as a shield? And why do you substitute that for your special Creed of Trumpism? Why not forsake them all and think for yourself? Why pledge your faith to an unethical lying MAN as if he had Godlike powers, but is nothing more than the bulling cowardly son of a coward?
2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.
More nonsensical than usual. You're saying that 'they' vote for policies regardless of what 'phrase' you wish to put in front of it? That sounds like reason and not what you espouse, faith in an ideology.

Let's have you prove that I am correct, and blind faith is the basis of your Militant Secularism:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'll take that bet but first we have to agree on what is 'American'.

Here are two options (I'm open to others):
  1. The Constitution - a 250 year old document written for a minority of the country. After eliminating everyone under the age of 21, all slaves and women, most Jews and Catholics, plus those men too poor to be freeholders, the colonial electorate consisted of perhaps only 10 percent to 20 percent of the total population.
  2. The current population of the US
  3. You
  4. Me
Can we agree that #2 best represents what is 'American'?
So your claim is that you don't know that the amendments are parts of the Constitution?


I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'm happy to accept your challenge but to say what is 'anti-American' we must first know what is 'American'. Can I presume that since you neglected to select one of the 4 options and instead went off on a tangent about Constitutional amendments, you are saying your choice is #1, the Constitution is the arbiter of what is American? Do we agree that is your choice?

The Democrat Party is now running on an anti-American agenda, including full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And, perhaps you can offer your analysis of which Trump policy turned Americans against his policies. could if there were any.

Otherwise we're left with the theft of the election explanation.
I suspected you'd retreat to your list of cut and paste, tread-worn, nonsensical accusations, unsupported by any facts. You have now failed three times to say what it means to be an 'American'. Why should I care about anything you post if you can't even answer such a basic question. You are just a parrot without the ability to think for yourself. Tell your master I'm unimpressed with his servant.

I knew you were of Asian descent but I thought you were American. Obviously I was wrong.
religion is just a belief/fake/bullshit---like believing Aliens are taking you to the moon
..secularism is not fake--not a belief [emphasis added]
If you feel that way about "religion", why do you fear it with your protestations used as a shield? And why do you substitute that for your special Creed of Trumpism? Why not forsake them all and think for yourself? Why pledge your faith to an unethical lying MAN as if he had Godlike powers, but is nothing more than the bulling cowardly son of a coward?
right there you PROVE beyond a doubt your post is crap
where do you get '''''fear''' from?????!!!--I've heard that babble crap before
religion is just a belief/fake/bullshit---like believing Aliens are taking you to the moon
..secularism is not fake--not a belief [emphasis added]
If you feel that way about "religion", why do you fear it with your protestations used as a shield? And why do you substitute that for your special Creed of Trumpism? Why not forsake them all and think for yourself? Why pledge your faith to an unethical lying MAN as if he had Godlike powers, but is nothing more than the bulling cowardly son of a coward?
''Trumpism''''!!!!!!!! hahhahahahahahaha

Then let’s teach children that God is a myth and there is no proof that Jesus even existed.
..but he might have existed--he just wasn't the son of god/god

Any business course should study Jesus. After all he was the greatest venture capitalists that ever lived.

He pitched an idea 2000 years ago and people are still giving Christian religions organizations billions of dollars a year.
religion is just a belief/fake/bullshit---like believing Aliens are taking you to the moon
..secularism is not fake--not a belief
Secularism is just another term for people who don't believe in fairy tales for subordination and subjugation......
Can you prove the big bang? Can you prove evolution? Sounds like thats just as much a fairy tale.
.....YOU people claim their is a god/jesus is god--it's up to you to prove it--not for us to disprove or prove anything
2. Faith is defined as complete trust or confidence in someone or something, and Faith is the key in understanding what a religion is.
And faith
requires no proof or objective explanation. The simple proof that Militant Secularism is such a faith, simply ask any adherent….they will admit that they are if you use the phrase ‘Democrat’ in place of ‘Militant Secularist’… explain/defend several of the policies they voted for, and you will quickly ascertain that Democrats vote based on faith.
More nonsensical than usual. You're saying that 'they' vote for policies regardless of what 'phrase' you wish to put in front of it? That sounds like reason and not what you espouse, faith in an ideology.

Let's have you prove that I am correct, and blind faith is the basis of your Militant Secularism:

I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'll take that bet but first we have to agree on what is 'American'.

Here are two options (I'm open to others):
  1. The Constitution - a 250 year old document written for a minority of the country. After eliminating everyone under the age of 21, all slaves and women, most Jews and Catholics, plus those men too poor to be freeholders, the colonial electorate consisted of perhaps only 10 percent to 20 percent of the total population.
  2. The current population of the US
  3. You
  4. Me
Can we agree that #2 best represents what is 'American'?
So your claim is that you don't know that the amendments are parts of the Constitution?


I can list dozens of Biden policies that are anti-American, and that I can attack.

Bet you can't do the same vis-a-vis Trump policies. And when you can't, you will have admitted that your sort are simply camp followers who are never allowed to think, or to question your masters.
It's a challenge for which you and your co-religionists are not prepared.
I'm happy to accept your challenge but to say what is 'anti-American' we must first know what is 'American'. Can I presume that since you neglected to select one of the 4 options and instead went off on a tangent about Constitutional amendments, you are saying your choice is #1, the Constitution is the arbiter of what is American? Do we agree that is your choice?

The Democrat Party is now running on an anti-American agenda, including full-blown anti-white racism,
opposition to free speech,
substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,
support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,
accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,
and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And, perhaps you can offer your analysis of which Trump policy turned Americans against his policies. could if there were any.

Otherwise we're left with the theft of the election explanation.
I suspected you'd retreat to your list of cut and paste, tread-worn, nonsensical accusations, unsupported by any facts. You have now failed three times to say what it means to be an 'American'. Why should I care about anything you post if you can't even answer such a basic question. You are just a parrot without the ability to think for yourself. Tell your master I'm unimpressed with his servant.

I knew you were of Asian descent but I thought you were American. Obviously I was wrong.

What a stupid post.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
7. There are other totalitarian theocracies in the word, and one wonders if the Democrats/Militant Secularists, took their cue from those….

Here, the posted efforts of Biden’s allies, the Secular Democrat of actual entity.

“The SDA’s (Secular Democrats of America) agenda offers a wide range of policy recommendations to push back against the so-called “Christian nationalist movement,” which the group describes as an “extraordinarily well-funded and well-organized” phenomenon whose “extreme and sectarian agenda (was) on constant display under the Trump-Pence administration.”

The group offered several recommendations to help “reframe” concepts of patriotism in ways that are more inclusive. Among them were encouraging politicians to avoid terms like “God and country”; promoting non-theistic and humanistic chaplains in the military; including nonreligious representatives at interfaith gatherings; and suggesting the use of the country’s onetime unofficial motto “E Pluribus Unum” — Latin for “out of many, one” — instead of the motto adopted in 1956, “In God We Trust,” which the group argues excludes nontheists and polytheists. —ReligionNews

The only religion allowed in Democrat America is theirs.

Perhaps, if they are successful, and magnanimous, the Militant Secularist might allow Christians and Jews to continue to reside in their homes with only the imposition of a payment of the jizya or ‘dimmhi’ tax.

Or….it might be something more…..severe. Did I mention that respect for human life is not a part of the Militant Secularist code?
8. “…secular belief is anything BUT religiously ‘neutral’.
Humanism, from its early roots and the Humanist Manifesto (original version) was up-front about setting itself up as a replacement for religion, deliberately seeking to push out what it sees as a rival belief system.

Some excerpts from that document…

Explicit call for a contemporary man-made religion:


Militant Secularists On The March: Pushing To Dominate A Biden Administration's Agenda

Can you see what they demand as substitute for the God of Western Civilization?
The only religious teaching that should be taught in schools is comparative religion. Remind them that everyone is going to "Hell" in someone elses belief system.
The only religious teaching that should be taught in schools is comparative religion. Remind them that everyone is going to "Hell" in someone elses belief system.

Be serious.

Your religion, Militant Secularism, is currently being indoctrinated into students in the Liberal owned and operated government school system.

9. No hint of the religion of our Founders is allowed in Liberal government schools.
What they want in its place: man as god.

Suddenly, the near-religious fervor of the left’s political expression makes so much more sense.

10. These ‘modern’ thinkers propose something we have been appraised of before:

“It [Communism] is not new. It is, in fact, man's second oldest faith. Its promise was whispered in the first days of the Creation under the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: "Ye shall be as gods." It is the great alternative faith of mankind. Like all great faiths, its force derives from a simple vision. Other ages have had great visions. They have always been different versions of the same vision: the vision of God and man's relationship to God. The Communist vision is the vision of Man without God.
It is the vision of man's mind displacing God as the creative intelligence of the world.”
Whittaker Chambers, Witness

“…they are seeking a federally-mandated endorsement of the very religious system the signers of the original Humanist Manifesto were hoping would displace traditional religious belief.” Op. Cit.

The only party that backed Russia, supported and paid for its existence, is the Democrat Party.

Since FDR reversed American policy and recognized the blood drenched Bolshevik nation in 1933, the Russians, Soviets, Communists, Bolsheviks, Marxists, whatever have had no greater supporters than the Democrat Party. And now they echo it in their demands for a Leftist religion, Militant Secularism.

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