Reinstate Prohibition


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
That will take away the consumer demand for illegal drugs.

When something is legal like alcohol - there is always a demand for something even better thats ilegal - human nature I guess.

Make alcohol illegal again - and the demand for pot, cocaine, heroin, meth etc wil be greatly diminished.
Pot legaization hasn't even gotten to first base even in themost liberal states like Calif, Ore and Wash..........

measures alwaysgetpunked
If you legalize all hard drugsup to meth - thedrugheadswill aways want something better l
That will take away the consumer demand for illegal drugs.

When something is legal like alcohol - there is always a demand for something even better thats ilegal - human nature I guess.

Make alcohol illegal again - and the demand for pot, cocaine, heroin, meth etc wil be greatly diminished.

Where do you get these nifty sayings? "When something is legal like alcohol- there is always a demand for something better"? Better? In the minds of drug addicts maybe. Only in the fevered minds of hard core drug addicts is there a connection between consuming a six pack of beer while watching a football game and visiting zombies in a meth lab.
That will take away the consumer demand for illegal drugs.

When something is legal like alcohol - there is always a demand for something even better thats ilegal - human nature I guess.

Make alcohol illegal again - and the demand for pot, cocaine, heroin, meth etc wil be greatly diminished.

That may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this MB. I recommend that you immediately start taking drugs so you will have a fucking clue what you are talking about.
2 types of people in the world:

Those that respect and obey the law -and those that dont.
Pot legaization hasn't even gotten to first base even in themost liberal states like Calif, Ore and Wash..........

measures alwaysgetpunked

??? I'm not sure where you've been the past decade, but pretty much anyone can get a prescription for pot in California and walk into any number of legal store locations to buy it. I have a friend who got a scrip for "anxiety" - it lasts one year.

(irony of all ironies, about 6 months or so after he got his scrip, and decades after beginning to smoke pot regularly, he decided to quit. I guess once he was able to have it legally he didn't want it!)
Pot legaization hasn't even gotten to first base even in themost liberal states like Calif, Ore and Wash..........

measures alwaysgetpunked

??? I'm not sure where you've been the past decade, but pretty much anyone can get a prescription for pot in California and walk into any number of legal store locations to buy it. I have a friend who got a scrip for "anxiety" - it lasts one year.

(irony of all ironies, about 6 months or so after he got his scrip, and decades after beginning to smoke pot regularly, he decided to quit. I guess once he was able to have it legally he didn't want it!)

I wasn't talking about medical marijuana - was talking about making marijuana legal for recreational use like booze - hasnt gotten to first base..........................
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That will take away the consumer demand for illegal drugs.

When something is legal like alcohol - there is always a demand for something even better thats ilegal - human nature I guess.

Make alcohol illegal again - and the demand for pot, cocaine, heroin, meth etc wil be greatly diminished.

One of the most moronic posts I've ever read.
Pot legaization hasn't even gotten to first base even in themost liberal states like Calif, Ore and Wash..........

measures alwaysgetpunked

??? I'm not sure where you've been the past decade, but pretty much anyone can get a prescription for pot in California and walk into any number of legal store locations to buy it. I have a friend who got a scrip for "anxiety" - it lasts one year.

(irony of all ironies, about 6 months or so after he got his scrip, and decades after beginning to smoke pot regularly, he decided to quit. I guess once he was able to have it legally he didn't want it!)

I wasn't talking about medical marijuana - was talking about making marijuana legal for recreational use like booze - hasnt gotten to first base..........................

Dude - were you paying attention at all? ANYONE CAN GET A PRESCRIPTION FOR "MEDICAL" MARIJUANA I CALIFORNIA. It is de-facto already legalized for recreational use there.

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