Reid is such a fucken idiot....

Yeah... well if I made tens of Millions of dollars telling lies to the ignorant, funded by fortune 500 companies as a Marketing Campaign, I might have a supermodel for a wife... but as it is, My wife is pretty hot(7 out of 10, IMO) and I don't have to eat babies or suck down Oxycontin to look in a fuckin' mirror in order to shave in the morning.

You are totally out of touch with reality.

That explains why you're a liberal.

Ooo.... what a comeback. If you notice, I was poking fun at the "Rush eats babies" thing in the post before the pic. Then some asshole had to take it seriously and attempted a lame attack on my wife... THEN I posted the response that you responded to.

Funny thing is, you defending Limbaugh shows a hell of a lot more about you than my post says about me. Lim-bot.
Reid On Bipartisanship: Republicans, Drop The Tea Party 'extremism' | Fox News
Obama and the democrats cannot run on there record, so they have to create an enemy, fortunately the people of America are smarter than these games he is trying to play. November 2012 will be fun for us. It will be a great day for liberty, and the freedom of the worker to actually have gainful employment without overbearing regulation!!!!!

Um, well, I don't know.... Smarter than supposed political games? It is certain that there are viable enemies.
oh look, the tool has more video.:clap2:

removed bullshit from Mr Shaman

There is a general agreement on the board that people do not quote Mr Shaman. Many, many, many of us have that drooling fool on ignore.... even the liberals here won't claim him as one of theirs - he is that ridiculous.... Engage with him if you must but please - for the sake of the rest of us... please do not quote his posts. :lol::lol::lol:
Harry Reid represents the Liberals 20%
New House Republicans represents tea party 22%
So who is the extreme?
Harry Reid - I only must allow liberal views, must drop the conservatives views.
Harry Reid does not accept that his views are extreme and against the majority of the people.
58% of Americans want smaller gov.
37% want bigger gov.
Harry Reid supports bigger government so who is the extreme? Reid is.
I've always wondered how the left can call the TEA Parties 'extremist', at the same time as high fiving 'OWS'.

Do they see the absolute hypocrisy of that?

I was thinking exactly the same thing. Notice how it's always the Republicans who have to rein in their "extreme" elements, but you never see anyone demanding the Democrats do the same?
Reid On Bipartisanship: Republicans, Drop The Tea Party 'extremism' | Fox News
Obama and the democrats cannot run on there record, so they have to create an enemy, fortunately the people of America are smarter than these games he is trying to play. November 2012 will be fun for us. It will be a great day for liberty, and the freedom of the worker to actually have gainful employment without overbearing regulation!!!!!

Oh I don't know about idiot. He knows this talking point will go over big with his rabid base..and they will swallow it hook, line and sinker.
oh look, the tool has more video.:clap2:

removed bullshit from Mr Shaman

There is a general agreement on the board that people do not quote Mr Shaman. Many, many, many of us have that drooling fool on ignore.... even the liberals here won't claim him as one of theirs - he is that ridiculous.... Engage with him if you must but please - for the sake of the rest of us... please do not quote his posts. :lol::lol::lol:

Lady, he is not ridiculous just as you are not the bitch you seem to think you are.

Yes, I suppose it would be best if he remains unappreciated to not be quoted. That would be foolish of those who do so, indeed. :cuckoo: