Regulatory agencies EXPLODE under Obama--costing an additional 38 BILLION per year.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
While the private-sector is drowning under a perpetual recessionary storm, U.S. regulatory agencies are flourishing. "If the federal government’s regulatory operation were a business, it would be one of the 50 biggest in the country in terms of revenues, and the third largest in terms of employees, with more people working for it than McDonald’s, Ford, Disney and Boeing combined," writes John Merline of

Indeed, the federal regulatory business is thriving, and if there is one "victory" President Obama can declare, this is it, because government regulation has grown rapidly under his watch.

Regulatory agencies have seen their combined budgets grow a healthy 16% since 2008, topping $54 billion, according to the annual "Regulator's Budget," compiled by George Washington University and Washington University in St. Louis.

That's at a time when the overall economy grew a paltry 5%.

Since Obama took office, 75 new major regulations have been enacted, costing $38 billion annually, according to a study by the Heritage Foundation. "No other president has imposed as high a number or cost in a comparable time period," wrote James Gattuso, the study’s author.

The Heritage study predicts that this flood of new red tape will only intensify, as hundreds of new regulations will flow from the tentacles of ObamaCare, the Dodd-Frank financial regulation law, and the EPA’s war on global warming.

Regulatory Agencies Boom Under Obama Administration

Proof that the Federal Government has grown in leaps and bounds while the private sector continues to shrink under the Obama administration.

My favorite new regulatory policy of the Obama administration--is the new Goat/Sheep herder legislation.

Team Obama Regulates Goat Herders' Workplaces - HUMAN EVENTS

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Yeah but but, his cult followers will say he is doing it, to SAVE US..

And you wonder why Unemployment is STILL over 9%.

Go to the polls in 2012 folks, vote OUT the Obama and his distructive administation
this regulating BS need to be looked at. We have far too many that can just go away and not much would change. Obama has been late to realizing this fact, sorry to say. I hope he really fixes in on this issues when his economic plans comes to be.

however, why the uproar over 38 billion when we send that in Iraq for one community. realize we have bigger fish to fry. Putting this sort of political nonsense up front when we have far worse budget issues is strange and smells of political partisanship.
Well, it's good to see that someone is doing something to help stimulate the economy.

Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.
Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.

Hey, if business can't bring us out of the Bush abyss, who's left but government?

What's The Best 'Spending Yourself Out Of Recession' Argument? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

Bush started the abyss, Obama attached weights to the sinking economy rather than plugging the hole.

And for the answer, Ron Paul would get us out of this.
this regulating BS need to be looked at. We have far too many that can just go away and not much would change. Obama has been late to realizing this fact, sorry to say. I hope he really fixes in on this issues when his economic plans comes to be.

however, why the uproar over 38 billion when we send that in Iraq for one community. realize we have bigger fish to fry. Putting this sort of political nonsense up front when we have far worse budget issues is strange and smells of political partisanship.

The GOP is already talking about it. Being an electrical contractor you wouldn't believe the unnecessary and problematic items the National Electric code has added to the new construction of a home. Adding about $1500.00 per medium sized home--that even electrical inspectors are complaining about. And all of it to "fill" the pockets of the lobbyists sitting in the NEC office.

I imagine every other construction company is getting hammered with the same B.S. regulations.
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A big part of the "Texas miracle" involves the fact that they didn't suffer as greatly as other states during the mortgage debacle. Some would love to lionize Perry for this, but he wasn't going out covering people's mortgages!!! The reason Texas didn't suffer as much is that they have some of the toughest state REGULATIONS on the mortgage industry in the country. So, don't throw the baby out with the bath water, when you go out on your next regulation safari!!! :cool:
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.

Well, it's good to see that someone is doing something to help stimulate the economy.

Fer real??? Did you just say the government is stimulating the economy??? Stop and think, if all you're doing is spending the same money over and over what exactly do you stimulate?? If you have 100 dollars in the bank, spend $100.00 this week, put $100.00 back in next week, what have you got?? The the same $100.00, you didn't grow anything!!

Now think about this, if you put $100.00 in the bank, spend $50.00 this week, put in another $100.00 next week, now what do you have?? You grew your savings and still spent.

The government is using the same $100.00 every week, sometimes spending $150.00 and only putting back $100.00. Nothing will grow from government spending, in fact they will likely spend more than $100.00 every week.
Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.

Hey, if business can't bring us out of the Bush abyss, who's left but government?

What's The Best 'Spending Yourself Out Of Recession' Argument? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

To bad Obama chose to blow all of the stimulus paying people to sit on their ass instead of public improvement projects that could cause stimulus. Increasing regulations & paying people not to work is depressing the economy.

[ame=""]Government assistance screws the economy![/ame]
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Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.

Hey, if business can't bring us out of the Bush abyss, who's left but government?

What's The Best 'Spending Yourself Out Of Recession' Argument? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

Seriously? seriously you think government is the answer?? That scenario you posted is a fairy's utterly ridiculous to think the rich people are the one's that caused this debacle. Wealth envy is driving this country into the ground.

You know what happens to all those rich people it's going to hurt?? They just move their companies and their money to countries that want them to thrive so their people have jobs!! The bigger they grow, the more employees they need.
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Only "you" would see this as stimulative to the economy. Things like this are part of the reason why the economy keeps wallowing in the three year quagmire it's been in. Progressives love this crap. Anyone trying to run a business hates it.

Hey, if business can't bring us out of the Bush abyss, who's left but government?

What's The Best 'Spending Yourself Out Of Recession' Argument? | The Rundown News Blog | PBS NewsHour | PBS

Have you been asleep for the past two and a half years? We just blew a trillion dollars on a big government "rescue" and it failed miserably. What do you think government is going to do now? Business hasn't brought us out of this recession because they are opposed by an Administration that views them as the enemy.

One more time for you Progressives that STILL don't get it...the Public Sector does not create jobs.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.

Leftists believe in separation of church and state -- except when the state IS the church.
The Government's Prayer

Our Government in D.C.,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy nanny state come
Thy mandate be done
On flyover country as it is in the coasts.
Give us this month our monthly check,
And audit us our trespasses,
As we file suit against those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into liberty,
But deliver us from ourselves.
For thine is the oligarchy,
And the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.

Leftists believe in separation of church and state -- except when the state IS the church.


"A liberal is more concerned with distributing the eggs the Golden Goose lays--while a conservative is more concerned with the health of the Golden Goose".

This administration has this bird plucked and cleaned and is getting ready to throw in the pot.

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