Refuting the "Unemployment Conspiracy" Nonsense

What scrutiny? Other than Fox glazing over the issue for 30 seconds and a couple of internet media sources who is talking about this?

if any Woodward or Bernstein or media outlet on left or write could expose Obama or a high ranking liberal in the administration for lying about the unemployment numbers they would become famous, rich, powerful and cost Barry the election.

It has less to do with their monetary or fame gain. It's more like a cause for them. They own the obama administration because they have groomed obama for this position, how would fame or money protect them from an out rage populous?

my point was that there is a huge huge incentive to expose the Obama administration as liars if they are in fact liars!!
"This is an example of pre-election statistical racketeering," observed one economist. Another economist allowed that he could not tell if the government had "cooked the books," but did regard it as an "honest question, considering how close it is to the election."

These remarks were not about the recently reported decline in the unemployment rate from 8.1% in August to 7.8% in September, when the Bureau of Labor Statistics was accused of finagling the numbers. Rather, they were accusations leveled in late October 1992, just before incumbent George H.W. Bush lost to challenger Bill Clinton. ...

The October 1992 accusations had an ironic denouement. Contrary to expectations at the time, the Commerce Department later released huge upward revisions to [GDP] initial estimates; the 1.5% [Q2 1992 GDP] and 2.7% [Q3 1992 GDP] became 4.3% and 4.2% ...

To add confusion, former CEO of GE Jack Welch—fresh from his earlier charge of data manipulation and implicitly conceding that 7.8% isn't a terrible number—decided to weigh in on this issue yet again in an op-ed in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal. Anyone reading this piece should have stopped when the author observed, "By definition, fewer people in the workforce leads to better unemployment numbers," thus earning Mr. Welch an "F" on both the definition and the facts. The facts are that fewer people in the workforce have not prevented worse unemployment numbers several times in the past few years.

Martin Fridson, whose book Financial Statement Analysis is in its fourth edition, observes that "Jack Welch came by his suspicion of data-manipulation honestly, having presided over some aggressive tactics to smooth earnings fluctuations while CEO of GE."

More Statistical Silliness -
No one tampered with the data,
There is no need to.
Besides everyone is looking at the wrong numbers anyway.
The important number is:
1) the number of EMPLOYED - not the number of "unemployed".
2) As well as the number of underemployed.
3) Percentage of part-time employees (which is currently incredibly high)
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What scrutiny? Other than Fox glazing over the issue for 30 seconds and a couple of internet media sources who is talking about this?
What scrutiny? Other than Fox glazing over the issue for 30 seconds and a couple of internet media sources who is talking about this?

Why, the scrutiny of the cons. No rationality needed. No proof of their charges available. Just a bunch of pure clowns trying to develop a conspiracy theory.
If you clowns all get together, in, say, Orlando, then if you blow yourselves up, then it is obvious what the outcome would be. The average intelligence of the people in the Orlando area would go UP.

[ame=]Sorry Conservatives, Science Says You're Stupid - YouTube[/ame]

If you have a double digit IQ that's one digit to many.
Only a simple mind idiot would show a video of a known photo shop image
and also support obama.
Thanks for playing spinning morons like you.:clap2:
And your opinion again. You know how much I respect your opinion. By the way, no photo shopping at all. simply a video based on an impartial college study showing that cons are stupid. But then, such studies are many. they always come out the same.

Here is another. May help you to understand your shortcomings:

Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
If you need more, there are many studies out there. Not opinion pieces, or books of opinion, though there are plenty of those. But actual studies using scientific methodology.

Really, just trying to help. I don't even dislike you. Just feel sorry for you, and want to help you to understand why you are the way you are. You know. STUPID.
You are correct, you are very limited on your views. Yes there are jobs to be had, but compared the rate of pay now to 4 years ago people are making less money.
And your proof is where???? You are again posting opinion, and you know how much I respect your opinion.
Get a grip. Find some impartial sources. Quit wasting everyones time with your opinion.

First you need to take your own advice
He who makes the charge, or makes a claim, needs some evidence. You have none. I need none to say that you are a fool to make charges with no proof, just con tools making statements. Get it yet?
^^^ This is what passes for liberal "science".

Dood. Do you really need predetermined conclusions, bad methodology, and faulty data to feel superior?

It must really SUCK to be you. :lol:
Predetermined conclusions? Not actually, me boy. Bad methodology. No it was not. Faulty data? No, though you can argue that cons are faulty. Feeling superior??? Of cons??? That is a really low bar, me poor ignorant con.
Just pointing out the obvious. Need more proof??? Hard to take, eh, dipshit??? there are hundreds of studies, all come to the same conclusion. But then, you are a con, so you will not believe it. Just make up reasons to believe the studies are invalid.
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^^^ This is what passes for liberal "science".

Dood. Do you really need predetermined conclusions, bad methodology, and faulty data to feel superior?

It must really SUCK to be you. :lol:
Predetermined conclusions? Not actually, me boy. Bad methodology. No it was not. Faulty data? No, though you can argue that cons are faulty. Feeling superior??? Of cons??? That is a really low bar, me poor ignorant con.
Just pointing out the obvious. Need more proof??? Hard to take, eh, dipshit??? there are hundreds of studies, all come to the same conclusion. But then, you are a con, so you will not believe it. Just make up reasons to believe the studies are invalid.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're not a bright person. You should stop lying to yourself.
^^^ This is what passes for liberal "science".

Dood. Do you really need predetermined conclusions, bad methodology, and faulty data to feel superior?

It must really SUCK to be you. :lol:
Predetermined conclusions? Not actually, me boy. Bad methodology. No it was not. Faulty data? No, though you can argue that cons are faulty. Feeling superior??? Of cons??? That is a really low bar, me poor ignorant con.
Just pointing out the obvious. Need more proof??? Hard to take, eh, dipshit??? there are hundreds of studies, all come to the same conclusion. But then, you are a con, so you will not believe it. Just make up reasons to believe the studies are invalid.

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're not a bright person. You should stop lying to yourself.
Not bright? Damn, daveman. I know that is just your opinion, but you must know how much I value your opinion. But you believe you are bright. Which fits in perfectly with most of the studies. those that look at the phenomenon all find it true that cons, who are stupid, all believe they have the answers. They are the ones shouting the loudest. Comes from a need to have things in order. Which comes from FEAR.
And there is daveman. Spouting dogma. All laid out in neat pros by the masters of the con movement. Makes daveman feel much safer. No need to wonder about anything, no need to study anything. Cause daveman has the answers. They were given to him. No study, and no thinking, required. Makes daveman feel so much better.
So daveman BELIEVES in the unemployment conspiracy nonsense. Because daveman wants to believe in it. Just as he no doubt believed in the Fast and Furious conspiracy. Still probably does. Cause daveman needs not ever think. Too much work. Daveman simply believes what he wants to believe.
all find it true that cons, who are stupid, all believe they have the answers.

Who knew that conservatives from Aristotle to our Founders and to Milton Friedman were stupid for wanting freedom from liberal government?? Maybe you should go live in Cuba where you will find the founders very very intelligent? Great weather and free health care too!!

The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness by Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr. and M.D. (Oct 30, 2006)
(64 customer reviews)
Republicans who know WTF they are talking about are in bold red.

A good conspiracy theory is irrefutable. A bad one usually collapses when confronted by reality.

The claim by some supporters of Republican challenger Mitt Romney that President Barack Obama’s Chicago-based campaign doctored September’s unemployment figures for political gain fall into the second category, according to members of both parties who have served in the government’s economic data system.

Jack Welch, the former chief executive officer of General Electric Co. (GE), touched off an Internet-based frenzy yesterday when he suggested on Twitter that Obama’s team lowered the country’s unemployment rate to 7.8 percent to give the president a boost. “Unbelievable jobs numbers. . . these Chicago guys will do anything. . . can’t debate so change numbers,” he wrote. ...

During a television interview last night, when CNBC host Larry Kudlow said it was unrealistic to allege the White House tampered with the data, Welch tempered his words. ...

Economists, including one who worked for McCain, dismissed the very suggestion that U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics would, or even could, manipulate the data.

The people who compile the numbers “are professionals” and “do this as a career,” said Doug Holtz-Eakin, economist for the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush and the policy director for McCain’s 2008 campaign. “I have a lot of respect for them.” ...

Each month, federal agencies, staffed by career civil servants, compile the raw data that eventually become two jobs- day numbers: the unemployment rate and the total number of jobs added to the economy.

It begins on the Sunday of the week that has the 19th in it, with 2,000 Census Bureau workers knocking on 60,000 doors, asking residents if they were employed, or if they were seeking employment, in the last week, said Nancy Potok, the bureau’s associate director, in an interview on July 30.

The bureau has 20 days to complete the survey and send it to the BLS, which then has two or three days to provide the numbers to the Council of Economic Advisers, said Gary Steinberg, a BLS spokesman, in an Aug. 1 interview. Before transmitting the numbers to the CEA, the Census Bureau weights the data to adjust for non-answers and unresponsive households.

At the same time, the BLS is conducting the so-called establishment survey, by sending and receiving questionnaires to 486,000 work sites. The main question that separate survey seeks to answer: how many jobs the work sites had on their payrolls on the 12th of the month.

On the Thursday afternoon before Labor Department’s Friday release of the numbers, the BLS transmits both data sets to the Council of Economic Advisers, over a secure system. It then becomes the CEA chairman’s responsibility to provide the president with the numbers. All the data is transmitted over secure systems and it is often walked to the West Wing by the CEA chairman, Austan Goolsbee, Obama’s previous CEA chairman said in a Sept. 5 interview. ...

“There’s no politics that goes into these numbers at all,” [Bernard Baumohl, chief global economist at Economic Outlook Group LLC] said. “The way the U.S. collects economic statistics is viewed around the world as the gold standard.”

“For sure, some conspiracy theorist will contend that the BLS is cooking the data for political reasons. Such theories are absolutely garbage,” said Ray Stone, managing director of Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in Princeton, New Jersey, in a note to clients. “The BLS never lets politics enter the data.” ...

“I don’t think they could manipulate it,” said [Keith] Hennessey, [Bush’s last director of the National Economic Council], who received the jobs reports on Thursday nights before their release when he was in government. “Too many people would have to be involved and they couldn’t coordinate that many people lying about the data.”

“It would be very difficult,” to manipulate numbers at the BLS, said Elaine Chao, U.S. Labor Secretary from 2001 to 2009.

Welch Conspiracy Theory on Jobs Data Not Tied to Reality - Bloomberg
And people thought Colin Powell was a republican. I really don't care what party a person says they belong too. If what they say doesn't add up too reality, what they say is total bullshit.

in other words, if they aren't so far to the right that they don't resemble normal conservative values, they are RINO's...right?

Republicans who know WTF they are talking about are in bold red.

Welch Conspiracy Theory on Jobs Data Not Tied to Reality - Bloomberg
And people thought Colin Powell was a republican. I really don't care what party a person says they belong too. If what they say doesn't add up too reality, what they say is total bullshit.

in other words, if they aren't so far to the right that they don't resemble normal conservative values, they are RINO's...right?


being suspicious of government numbers only makes sense if you are a Republican, especially when the numbers all involved multi-decade records just before a major election about the numbers.

There is another report to come before the election. That one will tell the tale. I doubt such a huge conspiracy is possible and sustainable
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It was a conspiracy & not nonsense. Previous 2 months numbers were revised down. We lost ground on employment. The employment to population went down!

Private employees are losing their jobs while government employees are fat, rich and happy.

We need a government employee tax to make things fair.
Private employees are losing their jobs while government employees are fat, rich and happy.

We need a government employee tax to make things fair.

or we could end unemployment right now buy cutting public employee wages by 60% (since they make double the going wage and work 10% less) and use the money to hire every single unemployed person!!

Don't tell me public employee goons aren't deadly to our economy!!
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Private employees are losing their jobs while government employees are fat, rich and happy.

We need a government employee tax to make things fair.

or we could end employment right now buy cutting public employee wages by 60% (since they make double the going wage and work 10% less) and use the money to hire every single unemployed person!!

Don't tell me public employee goons aren't deadly to our economy!!

'Attack of the fully employed Zombies!'

Showing at a post office near you....

And your proof is where???? You are again posting opinion, and you know how much I respect your opinion.
Get a grip. Find some impartial sources. Quit wasting everyones time with your opinion.

First you need to take your own advice
He who makes the charge, or makes a claim, needs some evidence. You have none. I need none to say that you are a fool to make charges with no proof, just con tools making statements. Get it yet?

You are limited in your views. Anyone that supports obama is very limited to only a failed view.

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