"Red" States, "Blue" States....Why.

Talk about ineducable! Color has nothing to do with politics.

Tell me that next time you're crying about some racial nonsense.

You're the one that spouts racial nonsense. Like admitting you wet yourself every time you're near a black neighborhood! :lmao:

According to President Obama, his white grandparents - who were there for him, loved him and raised him when his despicable black father abandoned him - were afraid in a black neighborhood.
Hmmmm....You did manage to cut and paste.

But in your wide search you were unable to find a Democrat who associates with the Socialist Party. You see PC...I can call you a Socialist, that doesn't make you one

Just because Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh tell their minions that Progressive = Socialist doesn't make it so. The fact that you so readily consume the rightwing kool aid and rush to cut and paste it to the board is revealing


No prob.

1. " Congress itself is infused with a Marxist-socialist bloc whose agenda includes the socialization of healthcare, the sweeping reconstruction of the American economy, with special attention to continuing the progressive indoctrination of education, the disarming America by encouraging enemies and alienating allies, and dismantling the military, and enforcing an impotent and flawed ‘green economy.’

2. The radical groups demonstrate an uncanny ability to wait patiently, like sleeper cells, for years and even decades, working their way into positions of influence, for the next opportunity to push their nefarious agenda while updating and perfecting the details of their well-planned, multilayered assault.

a. Obama is but the tip of the iceberg. There was ‘Green Jobs Czar’ Van Jones, who was the founder of a communist organization. And Anita Dunn, whose ideal was Mao, and who had served as Obama’s Communications Director…boasting of ‘making’ the news media cover only certain issues, while making sure that news was ‘controlled.’

b. But the progressive Red Army is an organized network of numerous branches and divisions, of which the Obama group is only one. It deploys appropriate battalions for each goal or battle.

3. The insignia of the Red Army are varied. Many hate America, the capitalist system, the United States Constitution. There are those who love America, but believe that socialism or communism is the way to a better society. Others pursue personal power and/or profit, and identify with the battle for a new world order. Thus, the provenance of Obama’s promise of the “fundamental transformation of America.”
Credit to Klein, in his masterful tome, "Red Army.'

One more?

‘America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.’
Attributed to Josef Stalin

OK, wingy....you can insert your usual babble here....

As cut and paste goes into overdrive...you have yet to address the question. Is that how you faked your way through college?

1. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns
The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

3. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
The Grasp of Socialist International

BTW....Did you know that Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father" for his pal Barack Obama?

See how those socialists stick together?

No prob.

1. " Congress itself is infused with a Marxist-socialist bloc whose agenda includes the socialization of healthcare, the sweeping reconstruction of the American economy, with special attention to continuing the progressive indoctrination of education, the disarming America by encouraging enemies and alienating allies, and dismantling the military, and enforcing an impotent and flawed ‘green economy.’

2. The radical groups demonstrate an uncanny ability to wait patiently, like sleeper cells, for years and even decades, working their way into positions of influence, for the next opportunity to push their nefarious agenda while updating and perfecting the details of their well-planned, multilayered assault.

a. Obama is but the tip of the iceberg. There was ‘Green Jobs Czar’ Van Jones, who was the founder of a communist organization. And Anita Dunn, whose ideal was Mao, and who had served as Obama’s Communications Director…boasting of ‘making’ the news media cover only certain issues, while making sure that news was ‘controlled.’

b. But the progressive Red Army is an organized network of numerous branches and divisions, of which the Obama group is only one. It deploys appropriate battalions for each goal or battle.

3. The insignia of the Red Army are varied. Many hate America, the capitalist system, the United States Constitution. There are those who love America, but believe that socialism or communism is the way to a better society. Others pursue personal power and/or profit, and identify with the battle for a new world order. Thus, the provenance of Obama’s promise of the “fundamental transformation of America.”
Credit to Klein, in his masterful tome, "Red Army.'

One more?

‘America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.’
Attributed to Josef Stalin

OK, wingy....you can insert your usual babble here....

As cut and paste goes into overdrive...you have yet to address the question. Is that how you faked your way through college?

1. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns
The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

3. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
The Grasp of Socialist International

BTW....Did you know that Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father" for his pal Barack Obama?

See how those socialists stick together?

How did you fake your way through college?

I know you sucked up to professors who actually bought into your cut and paste academics. But at some point you must have demonstrated the capability for original thought and analysis of complex issues

Has our academic system deteriorated so badly that you could fake your way through? Maybe it is just that you have abandoned all academic integrity since you have left school
But the real question is why we just don't use the color WHITE to denote the Republican party. They are the closest thing we have to a White Peoples Party. In seventy five years Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks to the House or Senate

Yes 89% of Republicans are white and only 2%, YES 2 Freaken Percent are black

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.

Surely, you must have heard about leading dumb animals to water. Or herding cats.
As cut and paste goes into overdrive...you have yet to address the question. Is that how you faked your way through college?

1. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns
The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

3. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
The Grasp of Socialist International

BTW....Did you know that Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father" for his pal Barack Obama?

See how those socialists stick together?

How did you fake your way through college?

I know you sucked up to professors who actually bought into your cut and paste academics. But at some point you must have demonstrated the capability for original thought and analysis of complex issues

Has our academic system deteriorated so badly that you could fake your way through? Maybe it is just that you have abandoned all academic integrity since you have left school

This is gonna blow your skirt up………

How about we broaden the view, from all of the socialists in Congress that I have named, to tentacle of the 'Ugly-Octopus' of Leftism:

1. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.

a. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Early on, he wrote this: “Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”

b. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
American Communist Lawyer’s Union : Stop The ACLU

"...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted..."

I understand why you'd be afraid to connect the RED dots....

OK, and now from an intellect that can only be considered argillaceous. ....time for you to repeat....

You're on, Rainman: go.
But the real question is why we just don't use the color WHITE to denote the Republican party. They are the closest thing we have to a White Peoples Party. In seventy five years Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks to the House or Senate

Yes 89% of Republicans are white and only 2%, YES 2 Freaken Percent are black

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.
Surely, you must have heard about leading dumb animals to water. Or herding cats.

Right on cue
1. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns
The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

3. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
The Grasp of Socialist International

BTW....Did you know that Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father" for his pal Barack Obama?

See how those socialists stick together?

How did you fake your way through college?

I know you sucked up to professors who actually bought into your cut and paste academics. But at some point you must have demonstrated the capability for original thought and analysis of complex issues

Has our academic system deteriorated so badly that you could fake your way through? Maybe it is just that you have abandoned all academic integrity since you have left school

This is gonna blow your skirt up………

How about we broaden the view, from all of the socialists in Congress that I have named, to tentacle of the 'Ugly-Octopus' of Leftism:

1. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.

a. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Early on, he wrote this: “Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”

b. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
American Communist Lawyer’s Union : Stop The ACLU

"...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted..."

I understand why you'd be afraid to connect the RED dots....

OK, and now from an intellect that can only be considered argillaceous. ....time for you to repeat....

You're on, Rainman: go.

It really is a shame that you wasted your parents money in faking your way through school. There was a time when plagarism and blindly passing off the ideas of others was frowned upon.

Your inability to stay on topic while you blindly paste unrelated material from rightwing blogs highlights the lack of depth in your education

So tell us......How did you get your professors to buy into your shit?
Were you really that big a suck up?
But the real question is why we just don't use the color WHITE to denote the Republican party. They are the closest thing we have to a White Peoples Party. In seventy five years Republicans have only managed to elect six blacks to the House or Senate

Yes 89% of Republicans are white and only 2%, YES 2 Freaken Percent are black

Republican Base Heavily White, Conservative, Religious

That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.
Surely, you must have heard about leading dumb animals to water. Or herding cats.

Right on cue

How can anyone blame blacks for voting in an almost surreal, mind-numb and monolothic way for Democrats, when said Democrats have done so much for them.

Detroit has had Black mayors for the last twenty plus years. No wonder it is thriving. RIGHT!
Same goes for Washington, DC. Another example of Democratic Paradise. RIGHT!
Atlanta is another. Of course!

Or how about States with past and present black Governors. They all have brought riches and plenty to their black constituents. Of course!

Not to mention all the black Congress People who sacrificed everything and live in poverty in order to serve their black constituents. Like Charlie Rangel, with multiple residences in exotic places, tax free. Naturally!!

When even people who are normally considered normal, like Colin Powell break party ranks and vote for a totally unqualified hack, one needs to question the rationality of black voters.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. must be spinning in his grave, seeing his message about content of character, rather than the color of skin, so criminally, stupidly and willfully ignored.
That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.
Surely, you must have heard about leading dumb animals to water. Or herding cats.

Right on cue

How can anyone blame blacks for voting in an almost surreal, mind-numb and monolothic way for Democrats, when said Democrats have done so much for them.

Detroit has had Black mayors for the last twenty plus years. No wonder it is thriving. RIGHT!
Same goes for Washington, DC. Another example of Democratic Paradise. RIGHT!
Atlanta is another. Of course!

Or how about States with past and present black Governors. They all have brought riches and plenty to their black constituents. Of course!

Not to mention all the black Congress People who sacrificed everything and live in poverty in order to serve their black constituents. Like Charlie Rangel, with multiple residences in exotic places, tax free. Naturally!!

When even people who are normally considered normal, like Colin Powell break party ranks and vote for a totally unqualified hack, one needs to question the rationality of black voters.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. must be spinning in his grave, seeing his message about content of character, rather than the color of skin, so criminally, stupidly and willfully ignored.

More reason why the GOP should be designated by the color WHITE
How did you fake your way through college?

I know you sucked up to professors who actually bought into your cut and paste academics. But at some point you must have demonstrated the capability for original thought and analysis of complex issues

Has our academic system deteriorated so badly that you could fake your way through? Maybe it is just that you have abandoned all academic integrity since you have left school

This is gonna blow your skirt up………

How about we broaden the view, from all of the socialists in Congress that I have named, to tentacle of the 'Ugly-Octopus' of Leftism:

1. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.

a. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Early on, he wrote this: “Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”

b. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
American Communist Lawyer’s Union : Stop The ACLU

"...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted..."

I understand why you'd be afraid to connect the RED dots....

OK, and now from an intellect that can only be considered argillaceous. ....time for you to repeat....

You're on, Rainman: go.

It really is a shame that you wasted your parents money in faking your way through school. There was a time when plagarism and blindly passing off the ideas of others was frowned upon.

Your inability to stay on topic while you blindly paste unrelated material from rightwing blogs highlights the lack of depth in your education

So tell us......How did you get your professors to buy into your shit?
Were you really that big a suck up?

And, since not everyone is as easily-led as you are, wingy, how to understand real Americans voting for the Lefists?

Here's how:

1. Central to advancing the Leftist agenda of President Obama is the media which has largely failed to report on the radicalism of this President, and the company he has sought to keep. This media, whose job it should be to serve as a watchdog on government has, instead, been a rubber stamp for socialist policy.

2. This media is connected to the same radical network, and is instrumental in attempts to rebrand and sell radical policies cloaked as moderate and centrist plans.

3. Katie Couric on CBSNews, does a poem campaigning for ObamaCare: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwmDWiEK5fk&feature=player_embedded]Notebook: Health Care Rhyme - YouTube[/ame]

a. And, she referred to folks who objected to ObamaCare as showing “fear and frankly ignorance.”
Katie Couric Denounces "Fear" And "Ignorance" Driving People To Town-Hall Forums On Health Care Reform

b. And the same CBS suggests that there is some other subtext if one opposes healthcare reform…maybe racism?’ “uncovered disturbing attitudes and emotions that have nothing to do with policy”….that simply means that the healthcare debate has finally uncovered all of the racists out there who wouldn’t otherwise be against Obamacare; but since he’s black, you don’t like it.’ Katie Couric: Fear and Ignorance Town Hall Protests » The Admonition

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you?

And, speaking of ObamaCare....wouldn't it be ironic if the Supreme Court invalidated this socialized medicine plan on the same day as Custer's Last Stand occurred?

Yup...June 25th.....
This is gonna blow your skirt up………

How about we broaden the view, from all of the socialists in Congress that I have named, to tentacle of the 'Ugly-Octopus' of Leftism:

1. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.

a. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Early on, he wrote this: “Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”

b. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
American Communist Lawyer’s Union : Stop The ACLU

"...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted..."

I understand why you'd be afraid to connect the RED dots....

OK, and now from an intellect that can only be considered argillaceous. ....time for you to repeat....

You're on, Rainman: go.

It really is a shame that you wasted your parents money in faking your way through school. There was a time when plagarism and blindly passing off the ideas of others was frowned upon.

Your inability to stay on topic while you blindly paste unrelated material from rightwing blogs highlights the lack of depth in your education

So tell us......How did you get your professors to buy into your shit?
Were you really that big a suck up?

And, since not everyone is as easily-led as you are, wingy, how to understand real Americans voting for the Lefists?

Here's how:

1. Central to advancing the Leftist agenda of President Obama is the media which has largely failed to report on the radicalism of this President, and the company he has sought to keep. This media, whose job it should be to serve as a watchdog on government has, instead, been a rubber stamp for socialist policy.

2. This media is connected to the same radical network, and is instrumental in attempts to rebrand and sell radical policies cloaked as moderate and centrist plans.

3. Katie Couric on CBSNews, does a poem campaigning for ObamaCare: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwmDWiEK5fk&feature=player_embedded]Notebook: Health Care Rhyme - YouTube[/ame]

a. And, she referred to folks who objected to ObamaCare as showing “fear and frankly ignorance.”
Katie Couric Denounces "Fear" And "Ignorance" Driving People To Town-Hall Forums On Health Care Reform

b. And the same CBS suggests that there is some other subtext if one opposes healthcare reform…maybe racism?’ “uncovered disturbing attitudes and emotions that have nothing to do with policy”….that simply means that the healthcare debate has finally uncovered all of the racists out there who wouldn’t otherwise be against Obamacare; but since he’s black, you don’t like it.’ Katie Couric: Fear and Ignorance Town Hall Protests » The Admonition

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you?

And, speaking of ObamaCare....wouldn't it be ironic if the Supreme Court invalidated this socialized medicine plan on the same day as Custer's Last Stand occurred?

Yup...June 25th.....

Look Political Chic....I got an A


Just like how YOU got through college!
Right on cue

How can anyone blame blacks for voting in an almost surreal, mind-numb and monolothic way for Democrats, when said Democrats have done so much for them.

Detroit has had Black mayors for the last twenty plus years. No wonder it is thriving. RIGHT!
Same goes for Washington, DC. Another example of Democratic Paradise. RIGHT!
Atlanta is another. Of course!

Or how about States with past and present black Governors. They all have brought riches and plenty to their black constituents. Of course!

Not to mention all the black Congress People who sacrificed everything and live in poverty in order to serve their black constituents. Like Charlie Rangel, with multiple residences in exotic places, tax free. Naturally!!

When even people who are normally considered normal, like Colin Powell break party ranks and vote for a totally unqualified hack, one needs to question the rationality of black voters.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. must be spinning in his grave, seeing his message about content of character, rather than the color of skin, so criminally, stupidly and willfully ignored.

More reason why the GOP should be designated by the color WHITE

NORTON, don't quote my post if you don't have the decency or the mental capability to answer it.

I said my piece about the absurdity and blindness and stupidity and ridiculousness and total defiance of logic and common sense of African-Americans voting Democrat.

My post was not repudiated by African -Americans. At loss for words, in face of truth, I guess. But at least their silence proves that they - unlike you - know that if you say nothing people may think you are stupid, but as soon as you do, people WILL know that you are. As you have proved.

If the color of the GOP is white, as you claim, how come the first Secretary of State was a Republican (at least THEN)? How come the first Security Adviser to the President was a black woman? How come the first Attorney General was a Hispanic?

Herman Cain was absolutely correct: Block and monolithic vote for Democrats is the sure an unmistakable sign of being hopelessly brainwashed.

No prob.

1. " Congress itself is infused with a Marxist-socialist bloc whose agenda includes the socialization of healthcare, the sweeping reconstruction of the American economy, with special attention to continuing the progressive indoctrination of education, the disarming America by encouraging enemies and alienating allies, and dismantling the military, and enforcing an impotent and flawed ‘green economy.’

2. The radical groups demonstrate an uncanny ability to wait patiently, like sleeper cells, for years and even decades, working their way into positions of influence, for the next opportunity to push their nefarious agenda while updating and perfecting the details of their well-planned, multilayered assault.

a. Obama is but the tip of the iceberg. There was ‘Green Jobs Czar’ Van Jones, who was the founder of a communist organization. And Anita Dunn, whose ideal was Mao, and who had served as Obama’s Communications Director…boasting of ‘making’ the news media cover only certain issues, while making sure that news was ‘controlled.’

b. But the progressive Red Army is an organized network of numerous branches and divisions, of which the Obama group is only one. It deploys appropriate battalions for each goal or battle.

3. The insignia of the Red Army are varied. Many hate America, the capitalist system, the United States Constitution. There are those who love America, but believe that socialism or communism is the way to a better society. Others pursue personal power and/or profit, and identify with the battle for a new world order. Thus, the provenance of Obama’s promise of the “fundamental transformation of America.”
Credit to Klein, in his masterful tome, "Red Army.'

One more?

‘America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.’
Attributed to Josef Stalin

OK, wingy....you can insert your usual babble here....

As cut and paste goes into overdrive...you have yet to address the question. Is that how you faked your way through college?

1. In the 60’s, radicals attempted to overthrow the US capitalist system by actual revolution: the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) or its spinoff, the Weathermen terrorist group. DSA was established to transform capitalism by democratic means.

2. Michael Harrington, founder of the Democratic Socialists of America, knew that infiltration of the Democratic Party was primary, and it already contained all of the progressive elementns
The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive Socialism time line.
The DSA remains the principle branch of the Socialist International, whose primary goal is global governance under worldwide socialism.

3. The Socialist International boasts it is successor to the First International of Karl Marx, 1864. “Ever since its inception in 1951, the Socialist International has made cosmetic efforts to distance itself from communist socialists.”
The Grasp of Socialist International

BTW....Did you know that Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers wrote "Dreams from My Father" for his pal Barack Obama?

See how those socialists stick together?
This is why that we shouldn't be surprised by the lefties here sticking together in the face of blatantly obvious evidence. It's almost pathological to watch the posts.
How can anyone blame blacks for voting in an almost surreal, mind-numb and monolothic way for Democrats, when said Democrats have done so much for them.

Detroit has had Black mayors for the last twenty plus years. No wonder it is thriving. RIGHT!
Same goes for Washington, DC. Another example of Democratic Paradise. RIGHT!
Atlanta is another. Of course!

Or how about States with past and present black Governors. They all have brought riches and plenty to their black constituents. Of course!

Not to mention all the black Congress People who sacrificed everything and live in poverty in order to serve their black constituents. Like Charlie Rangel, with multiple residences in exotic places, tax free. Naturally!!

When even people who are normally considered normal, like Colin Powell break party ranks and vote for a totally unqualified hack, one needs to question the rationality of black voters.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. must be spinning in his grave, seeing his message about content of character, rather than the color of skin, so criminally, stupidly and willfully ignored.

More reason why the GOP should be designated by the color WHITE

NORTON, don't quote my post if you don't have the decency or the mental capability to answer it.

I said my piece about the absurdity and blindness and stupidity and ridiculousness and total defiance of logic and common sense of African-Americans voting Democrat.

My post was not repudiated by African -Americans. At loss for words, in face of truth, I guess. But at least their silence proves that they - unlike you - know that if you say nothing people may think you are stupid, but as soon as you do, people WILL know that you are. As you have proved.

If the color of the GOP is white, as you claim, how come the first Secretary of State was a Republican (at least THEN)? How come the first Security Adviser to the President was a black woman? How come the first Attorney General was a Hispanic?

Herman Cain was absolutely correct: Block and monolithic vote for Democrats is the sure an unmistakable sign of being hopelessly brainwashed.

That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.

Your words, not mine Bunker
This is gonna blow your skirt up………

How about we broaden the view, from all of the socialists in Congress that I have named, to tentacle of the 'Ugly-Octopus' of Leftism:

1. The ACLU was founded on January 19, 1920. It grew out of a previous group, The National Civil Liberties Bureau which had grown out of the American Union Against Militarism, and a party that was held in New York City and attended by just about every radical from New York, such as Socialist Party notable Norman Thomas, future Communist Party chairman Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, and Soviet agent Agnes Smedley. In 1920, Rev. Harry Ward, the RedDean of the Union Theological Seminary was Chairman, Baldwin was director, and Communist publisher Louis Budenz, who would later go on to testify against Communism, director of publicity.

a. Roger Nash Baldwin : the founder, and director of ACLU. At the time of the founding, he was deeply involved in the communist movement. In late 1935, he gave a speech that said his political goal was communism. Early on, he wrote this: “Therefore, I am for Socialism, disarmament and ultimately, for the abolishing of the State itself…I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class and sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal”.”

b. “Do steer away from making it look like a Socialist enterprise…We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted to make of this country, and to show that we are really the folks that really stand for the spirit of our institutions.”-Baldwin’s advice in 1917 to Louis Lochner of the socialist People’s Council in Minnesota.
American Communist Lawyer’s Union : Stop The ACLU

"...We want also to look like patriots in everything we do. We want to get a good lot of flags, talk a good deal about the Constitution and what our forefathers wanted..."

I understand why you'd be afraid to connect the RED dots....

OK, and now from an intellect that can only be considered argillaceous. ....time for you to repeat....

You're on, Rainman: go.

It really is a shame that you wasted your parents money in faking your way through school. There was a time when plagarism and blindly passing off the ideas of others was frowned upon.

Your inability to stay on topic while you blindly paste unrelated material from rightwing blogs highlights the lack of depth in your education

So tell us......How did you get your professors to buy into your shit?
Were you really that big a suck up?

And, since not everyone is as easily-led as you are, wingy, how to understand real Americans voting for the Lefists?

Here's how:

1. Central to advancing the Leftist agenda of President Obama is the media which has largely failed to report on the radicalism of this President, and the company he has sought to keep. This media, whose job it should be to serve as a watchdog on government has, instead, been a rubber stamp for socialist policy.

2. This media is connected to the same radical network, and is instrumental in attempts to rebrand and sell radical policies cloaked as moderate and centrist plans.

3. Katie Couric on CBSNews, does a poem campaigning for ObamaCare:

a. And, she referred to folks who objected to ObamaCare as showing “fear and frankly ignorance.”
Katie Couric Denounces "Fear" And "Ignorance" Driving People To Town-Hall Forums On Health Care Reform

b. And the same CBS suggests that there is some other subtext if one opposes healthcare reform…maybe racism?’ “uncovered disturbing attitudes and emotions that have nothing to do with policy”….that simply means that the healthcare debate has finally uncovered all of the racists out there who wouldn’t otherwise be against Obamacare; but since he’s black, you don’t like it.’

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you?

And, speaking of ObamaCare....wouldn't it be ironic if the Supreme Court invalidated this socialized medicine plan on the same day as Custer's Last Stand occurred?

Yup...June 25th.....

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More reason why the GOP should be designated by the color WHITE

NORTON, don't quote my post if you don't have the decency or the mental capability to answer it.

I said my piece about the absurdity and blindness and stupidity and ridiculousness and total defiance of logic and common sense of African-Americans voting Democrat.

My post was not repudiated by African -Americans. At loss for words, in face of truth, I guess. But at least their silence proves that they - unlike you - know that if you say nothing people may think you are stupid, but as soon as you do, people WILL know that you are. As you have proved.

If the color of the GOP is white, as you claim, how come the first Secretary of State was a Republican (at least THEN)? How come the first Security Adviser to the President was a black woman? How come the first Attorney General was a Hispanic?

Herman Cain was absolutely correct: Block and monolithic vote for Democrats is the sure an unmistakable sign of being hopelessly brainwashed.

That is more the reflection of the mental capability and stability of minorities, than the philosophy of the Republican Party.

Your words, not mine Bunker

Once again, and not surprisingly, you are either unable or unwilling to respond to the context of my post.

Did Clinton, the "first Black President" nominated anyone Black in any of the consequential posts in his cabinet? Or was it a Republican President who has done so?

I truly wish for the day when you Democrats will see the content of the character of a person , rather than the color of his/her skin.
It really is a shame that you wasted your parents money in faking your way through school. There was a time when plagarism and blindly passing off the ideas of others was frowned upon.

Your inability to stay on topic while you blindly paste unrelated material from rightwing blogs highlights the lack of depth in your education

So tell us......How did you get your professors to buy into your shit?
Were you really that big a suck up?

And, since not everyone is as easily-led as you are, wingy, how to understand real Americans voting for the Lefists?

Here's how:

1. Central to advancing the Leftist agenda of President Obama is the media which has largely failed to report on the radicalism of this President, and the company he has sought to keep. This media, whose job it should be to serve as a watchdog on government has, instead, been a rubber stamp for socialist policy.

2. This media is connected to the same radical network, and is instrumental in attempts to rebrand and sell radical policies cloaked as moderate and centrist plans.

3. Katie Couric on CBSNews, does a poem campaigning for ObamaCare:

a. And, she referred to folks who objected to ObamaCare as showing “fear and frankly ignorance.”
Katie Couric Denounces "Fear" And "Ignorance" Driving People To Town-Hall Forums On Health Care Reform

b. And the same CBS suggests that there is some other subtext if one opposes healthcare reform…maybe racism?’ “uncovered disturbing attitudes and emotions that have nothing to do with policy”….that simply means that the healthcare debate has finally uncovered all of the racists out there who wouldn’t otherwise be against Obamacare; but since he’s black, you don’t like it.’

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you?

And, speaking of ObamaCare....wouldn't it be ironic if the Supreme Court invalidated this socialized medicine plan on the same day as Custer's Last Stand occurred?

Yup...June 25th.....


Can't tell how crushed I am by your objections to the form of my posts.

What is telling is how you are unable to respond or rebut the essence of same, namely that you are a lock-step automaton, following each and every directive of the socialist commissariat.

Speaking of which....

1. The media bias was clear to all when the JournoList Scandal hit: hundreds of journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. “…a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic … plotted to fix the damage.” Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller

a. Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

b. …an anti-Christian culture among those who participated in the Journolist forum. In the context of coordinating this media attack on Sarah Palin, Daniel Levy apparently experienced no hesitation at all in using the word “Christian” as a characteristic that should be used to “scare people”: “This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff, including some of the things that people have been noting here – scare people about having this woefully inexperienced, no foreign policy/national security/right-wing christia[n] wing-nut a heartbeat away …… bang away at McCain’s age making this unusually significant …. I think people should be replicating some of the not-so-pleasant viral email campaigns that were used against [Obama].” Sarah Palin’s “Scary” Christianity | NewsReal Blog

Isn't that what makes you running-dog lackeys of your socialist masters get that tingle up your leg?

Admit it wingy.....never an original thought in your head, simply mouth the quotations from the ersatz version of Mao's Little Red Book.
And, since not everyone is as easily-led as you are, wingy, how to understand real Americans voting for the Lefists?

Here's how:

1. Central to advancing the Leftist agenda of President Obama is the media which has largely failed to report on the radicalism of this President, and the company he has sought to keep. This media, whose job it should be to serve as a watchdog on government has, instead, been a rubber stamp for socialist policy.

2. This media is connected to the same radical network, and is instrumental in attempts to rebrand and sell radical policies cloaked as moderate and centrist plans.

3. Katie Couric on CBSNews, does a poem campaigning for ObamaCare:

a. And, she referred to folks who objected to ObamaCare as showing “fear and frankly ignorance.”
Katie Couric Denounces "Fear" And "Ignorance" Driving People To Town-Hall Forums On Health Care Reform

b. And the same CBS suggests that there is some other subtext if one opposes healthcare reform…maybe racism?’ “uncovered disturbing attitudes and emotions that have nothing to do with policy”….that simply means that the healthcare debate has finally uncovered all of the racists out there who wouldn’t otherwise be against Obamacare; but since he’s black, you don’t like it.’

You bought that like it was on sale, didn't you?

And, speaking of ObamaCare....wouldn't it be ironic if the Supreme Court invalidated this socialized medicine plan on the same day as Custer's Last Stand occurred?

Yup...June 25th.....


Can't tell how crushed I am by your objections to the form of my posts.

What is telling is how you are unable to respond or rebut the essence of same, namely that you are a lock-step automaton, following each and every directive of the socialist commissariat.

Speaking of which....

1. The media bias was clear to all when the JournoList Scandal hit: hundreds of journalists plotted to minimize negative publicity surrounding Obama’s radical ties. “…a group of liberal journalists took radical steps to protect their favored candidate. Employees of news organizations including Time, Politico, the Huffington Post, the Baltimore Sun, the Guardian, Salon and the New Republic … plotted to fix the damage.” Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Jeremiah Wright | The Daily Caller

a. Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”

b. …an anti-Christian culture among those who participated in the Journolist forum. In the context of coordinating this media attack on Sarah Palin, Daniel Levy apparently experienced no hesitation at all in using the word “Christian” as a characteristic that should be used to “scare people”: “This seems to me like an occasion when the non-official campaign has a big role to play in defining Palin, shaping the terms of the conversation and saying things that the official [Obama] campaign shouldn’t say – very hard-hitting stuff, including some of the things that people have been noting here – scare people about having this woefully inexperienced, no foreign policy/national security/right-wing christia[n] wing-nut a heartbeat away …… bang away at McCain’s age making this unusually significant …. I think people should be replicating some of the not-so-pleasant viral email campaigns that were used against [Obama].” Sarah Palin’s “Scary” Christianity | NewsReal Blog

Isn't that what makes you running-dog lackeys of your socialist masters get that tingle up your leg?

Admit it wingy.....never an original thought in your head, simply mouth the quotations from the ersatz version of Mao's Little Red Book.

Look at all the neat stuff I found on the interweb professor! Can't I just claim it as my opinion?
Still flogging this red-blue thing?!?! :lmao:

If this is any indication of the kinds of things that are important to the right, no wonder Congress can't get anything done.
Who's flogging. It's long been shown to be the case you Kommies had a branding problem and so you rebranded.

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