Red Dawn? It Has Already Happened


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Great movie, great year, great ensemble cast.

Yes, I know it sucks donkey ass—waking up one day to the realization your nation was invaded and conquered pretty much while you were asleep. Yeah, yeah I get it. Sounds crazy, right? Another member posted a thread earlier tonight about the United Nations Strong Cities Initiative, something we became aware of some months back. As I mentioned in his thread, all the United States cities (and one county) participating in this global radical leftist effort have since joining suffered waves of crime (school and movie theater shootings most notably), homelessness, police brutality and extremely violent BLM coalition riots. But that's just the tip of the iceberg and explosions of chaos in those places is not the most pressing investigations we average American citizens ought to be pursuing. The first question we should ask our elected leaders is how in the fuck did a handful of American cities JOIN an initiative that effects their AMERICAN government and populace, and which is run by foreign powers?

But wait, there's more. Ever hear of Confucius Institutes? I suspect not. Look them up, you'll be glad you did after you've finished puking all over your computer screens. I could go on and on listing Chinese and United Nations direct intervention programs running today in our nation which influence the minds of our children, university students, law enforcement agencies, and "elected" officials. But why waste any more of my time?

Suffice it to say Chinese communists (and their military) and United Nations globalists have essentially invaded and conquered our America for all intents and purpose that matter. Relax, Trump is not one of Them but Trump is also only one man; a man ringed night and day by a gauntlet of people who'd die to stab him in the back. So what does that leave us in terms of protections from the occupying invaders? Not much of anyone or anything, I'm afraid.

If you are a gun enthusiast you have likely recently seen advertisements on Facebook and elsewhere for a certain gun part advertised as a car part which ships only from China. I mean, Walmart sells it online but even states up front it is coming from China. Have any of you also noticed who these advertisers are using to hawk this particular item? Gun channel You tubers, that's who. So in effect China is manufacturing a product and marketing it to American gun owners through You Tube assholes millions of said gun owners watch everyday. The punchline? Nearly every American gun owner who purchases one or more of these "car parts" gets a visit from the ATF and, if they are very lucky, a warning. If unlucky, the ATF confiscates their gun collections and/or charges them with importing illegal "destructive" devices.

The above is just one example of US Government collusion with China to entrap and prosecute specific types of American citizens China and the UN despise and NEED to reduce in number. Don't believe me? Order yourself one or more of these "cylindrical" and "very quiet" car parts from a Chinese retailer and wait for the knock at your door. No, friends, I did not order any Chinese car parts for myself.

Bottom line? The United States of America, our USA, has already been invaded and conquered. All that's left for the enemy to do is mop us up . . . and that's exactly what They are in the process of doing right now.
All that's missing are the Chinese troops parachuting into our heartland. That will be in one of the subsequent phases of the Communist takeover.
Unlike where the public rises up against the enemy in the film, since the enemy is our own, complacent Americans will do nothing but complain.
Expect a national weapons registration to come soon after Marxist Biden and Harris get into power, followed by firearms confiscation soon afterward. Will the firearms public have risen to stop it? No.
All that's missing are the Chinese troops parachuting into our heartland. That will be in one of the subsequent phases of the Communist takeover.
Unlike where the public rises up against the enemy in the film, since the enemy is our own, complacent Americans will do nothing but complain.
Expect a national weapons registration to come soon after Marxist Biden and Harris get into power, followed by firearms confiscation soon afterward. Will the firearms public have risen to stop it? No.

American Second Amendment Gurus and even most local gun shop owners are agents of the ATF. Sure, they are likely not on the actual ATF payroll, but they lockstep march to the tune of the ATF's every confusing mandate drawn up to entrap American gun owners. Problem with all of that is millions of American gun owners worship the NRA, You Tube gun channel "owners" and their local gun shop and gun show owners. So yes, I agree with you. When THE TIME comes for most American hunters and firearms enthusiasts to actually use their precious weapons to defend their nation the need to do the defending will have already passed them by. My intent is not to crap on gun owners; my own and my family's gun ownership goes back centuries. Just stating the truth.
Patrick, charlie and the girls was the best .. that new movie sucked donkey balls

Powers Boothe and Ben Johnson. Damn fine actors.

Lea thompson

Jennifer gray

Your remake sucked.

The actors I listed above are FROM THE ORIGINAL MOVIE. Powers Boothe was the shot down F-15 pilot and Ben Johnson was the girls' grandfather or uncle or whatever. Are you a Russian spy? Lol?
Have to look it up..

Be right back after I smoke a cigarette..

You better not piss me off because I think your right..
Patrick, charlie and the girls was the best .. that new movie sucked donkey balls

Powers Boothe and Ben Johnson. Damn fine actors.

Lea thompson

Jennifer gray

Your remake sucked.

The actors I listed above are FROM THE ORIGINAL MOVIE. Powers Boothe was the shot down F-15 pilot and Ben Johnson was the girls' grandfather or uncle or whatever. Are you a Russian spy? Lol?
Have to look it up..

Be right back after I smoke a cigarette..

You better not piss me off because I think your right..

I'm way ahead of you. Smoke'em if you got 'em.
Great movie, great year, great ensemble cast.

Yes, I know it sucks donkey ass—waking up one day to the realization your nation was invaded and conquered pretty much while you were asleep. Yeah, yeah I get it. Sounds crazy, right? Another member posted a thread earlier tonight about the United Nations Strong Cities Initiative, something we became aware of some months back. As I mentioned in his thread, all the United States cities (and one county) participating in this global radical leftist effort have since joining suffered waves of crime (school and movie theater shootings most notably), homelessness, police brutality and extremely violent BLM coalition riots. But that's just the tip of the iceberg and explosions of chaos in those places is not the most pressing investigations we average American citizens ought to be pursuing. The first question we should ask our elected leaders is how in the fuck did a handful of American cities JOIN an initiative that effects their AMERICAN government and populace, and which is run by foreign powers?

But wait, there's more. Ever hear of Confucius Institutes? I suspect not. Look them up, you'll be glad you did after you've finished puking all over your computer screens. I could go on and on listing Chinese and United Nations direct intervention programs running today in our nation which influence the minds of our children, university students, law enforcement agencies, and "elected" officials. But why waste any more of my time?

Suffice it to say Chinese communists (and their military) and United Nations globalists have essentially invaded and conquered our America for all intents and purpose that matter. Relax, Trump is not one of Them but Trump is also only one man; a man ringed night and day by a gauntlet of people who'd die to stab him in the back. So what does that leave us in terms of protections from the occupying invaders? Not much of anyone or anything, I'm afraid.

If you are a gun enthusiast you have likely recently seen advertisements on Facebook and elsewhere for a certain gun part are Cmongdvertised as a car part which ships only from China. I mean, Walmart sells it online but even states up front it is coming from China. Have any of you also noticed who these advertisers are using to hawk this particular item? Gun channel You tubers, that's who. So in effect China is manufacturing a product and marketing it to American gun owners through You Tube assholes millions of said gun owners watch everyday. The punchline? Nearly every American gun owner who purchases one or more of these "car parts" gets a visit from the ATF and, if they are very lucky, a warning. If unlucky, the ATF confiscates their gun collections and/or charges them with importing illegal "destructive" devices.

The above is just one example of US Government collusion with China to entrap and prosecute specific types of American citizens China and the UN despise and NEED to reduce in number. Don't believe me? Order yourself one or more of these "cylindrical" and "very quiet" car parts from a Chinese retailer and wait for the knock at your door. No, friends, I did not order any Chinese car parts for myself.

Bottom line? The United States of America, our USA, has already been invaded and conquered. All that's left for the enemy to do is mop us up . . . and that's exactly what They are in the process of doing right now.
The Russians are coming is dumb.
Great movie, great year, great ensemble cast.

Yes, I know it sucks donkey ass—waking up one day to the realization your nation was invaded and conquered pretty much while you were asleep. Yeah, yeah I get it. Sounds crazy, right? Another member posted a thread earlier tonight about the United Nations Strong Cities Initiative, something we became aware of some months back. As I mentioned in his thread, all the United States cities (and one county) participating in this global radical leftist effort have since joining suffered waves of crime (school and movie theater shootings most notably), homelessness, police brutality and extremely violent BLM coalition riots. But that's just the tip of the iceberg and explosions of chaos in those places is not the most pressing investigations we average American citizens ought to be pursuing. The first question we should ask our elected leaders is how in the fuck did a handful of American cities JOIN an initiative that effects their AMERICAN government and populace, and which is run by foreign powers?

But wait, there's more. Ever hear of Confucius Institutes? I suspect not. Look them up, you'll be glad you did after you've finished puking all over your computer screens. I could go on and on listing Chinese and United Nations direct intervention programs running today in our nation which influence the minds of our children, university students, law enforcement agencies, and "elected" officials. But why waste any more of my time?

Suffice it to say Chinese communists (and their military) and United Nations globalists have essentially invaded and conquered our America for all intents and purpose that matter. Relax, Trump is not one of Them but Trump is also only one man; a man ringed night and day by a gauntlet of people who'd die to stab him in the back. So what does that leave us in terms of protections from the occupying invaders? Not much of anyone or anything, I'm afraid.

If you are a gun enthusiast you have likely recently seen advertisements on Facebook and elsewhere for a certain gun part are Cmongdvertised as a car part which ships only from China. I mean, Walmart sells it online but even states up front it is coming from China. Have any of you also noticed who these advertisers are using to hawk this particular item? Gun channel You tubers, that's who. So in effect China is manufacturing a product and marketing it to American gun owners through You Tube assholes millions of said gun owners watch everyday. The punchline? Nearly every American gun owner who purchases one or more of these "car parts" gets a visit from the ATF and, if they are very lucky, a warning. If unlucky, the ATF confiscates their gun collections and/or charges them with importing illegal "destructive" devices.

The above is just one example of US Government collusion with China to entrap and prosecute specific types of American citizens China and the UN despise and NEED to reduce in number. Don't believe me? Order yourself one or more of these "cylindrical" and "very quiet" car parts from a Chinese retailer and wait for the knock at your door. No, friends, I did not order any Chinese car parts for myself.

Bottom line? The United States of America, our USA, has already been invaded and conquered. All that's left for the enemy to do is mop us up . . . and that's exactly what They are in the process of doing right now.
The Russians are coming is dumb.

But so entertaining. Just ask the mujahedeen.
Patrick, charlie and the girls was the best .. that new movie sucked donkey balls

Powers Boothe and Ben Johnson. Damn fine actors.

Lea thompson

Jennifer gray

Your remake sucked.

The actors I listed above are FROM THE ORIGINAL MOVIE. Powers Boothe was the shot down F-15 pilot and Ben Johnson was the girls' grandfather or uncle or whatever. Are you a Russian spy? Lol?
Have to look it up..

Be right back after I smoke a cigarette..

You better not piss me off because I think your right..

I'm way ahead of you. Smoke'em if you got 'em.

Nice job..

Patrick, charlie and the girls was the best .. that new movie sucked donkey balls

Powers Boothe and Ben Johnson. Damn fine actors.

Lea thompson

Jennifer gray

Your remake sucked.
The remake was made a couple of years before released. And originally the Chinese were the enemies. But they protested or stopped it and the North Koreans became the enemy that invaded by themselves. Which is impossible. The original had the Cubans and Russians involved on our territory.

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