"Reasonable" says Trump called NAZI good people


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
U.S.A. gone wild
His thread seems to have been lost, but his message wasn't. He based his decision on the story per the link below. Here are the highlights of the story, followed by reality (bold):

From the story, which of course is a liberal source:

President Trump on Tuesday sought to sanitize the stench of hate surrounding a deadly white nationalist rally in Virginia, calling armed, torch-carrying protesters clad in Nazi gear “very fine people” looking to protect their history. So far, we only see the suggestion by a leftist (story teller) that Trump called these people fine individuals. As you can see, so far, Trump didn't say this, the story teller only says he did. You know, fact Vs fabrication (e.g., propaganda).

Trump, in a return to his statement from Saturday, cast blame for the outbreak of savagery on “both sides” and shrugged off the evil nature that made up the core of the white supremacist groups in the crowd at the “Unite the Right” event. Trump's right, but liberals don't take responsibility, they project.

You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest,” the President said of the sea of people who chanted Nazi slogans, carried swastikas and wore combat gear. Again Trump is right. Those with a brain see the twist on words following the quote. This is where people like "REASONABLE" cave in, because they're cowardly, uneducated and weak.

“I don’t know if you know, they had a permit,” a defensive Trump added in an attempt to justify the gathering. “The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story.” Again, Trump is right. And incidentally the NAZI didn't have a permit, nor did KKK or white supremacists. For that matter, nor did the left.

Rally organizers were clear about their objectives ahead of the chaotic event — which claimed the life of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer and two state troopers. Wholly shit people, read that line again. They just implied the objectives were to kill a 32 year old paralegal.

Organizer Jason Kessler told The Associated Press last week that it was “about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do.” Kessler is correct.

Attendees included white nationalist Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, though Trump said Tuesday that he was unaware at the time of his first statement that Duke had been there. These people were not invited, but it's a free country.

The commander-in-chief’s sympathy for the radical edges of society was a return to his original comments after the death of Heyer, when he said that “many sides” were behind the violence, which drew heavy criticism. No where in the body of the story is this line supported. It's propaganda to get weak people to hate.

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want,” Trump said Tuesday. Again, Trump is right.

He blamed “both sides” for the violence, correctly noting that some of the counterprotesters were armed with clubs and had been looking for trouble, while portraying those who were protesting with torches and shouting anti-Jewish slogans as “people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.” Again Trump is right, and in fact the left was responsible for most of the violence.

“There are no ‘very fine’ white supremacists, Mr. Trump,” Gov. Cuomo said on Twitter. Cumo like the OP think with their butts. They hear what they want to hear, while none of what they "hear" can be supported by reality.

Well there you go people. This is the story that motivated the OP to say Trump says some NAZI are fine people. As you can see, every day is opposite day for "Reasonable". I really hope he sees the error in his ways to change his avatar. As unusual as it may seem, he called his opponents liars throughout this thread. I call it expected. Thanks for the link "Reasonable", you were an easy task.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade
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Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
if he showed sympathy to the anti-fa he'd have done the same yet, that's what everyone is so pissed at today.

the fact he called anti-fa a hate group.

got a better word for them?
Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."
Fucking moonbat
I sincerely doubt Trump was referring to anyone of the KKK, or the like.

He was likely referring to regular Trump supporters who likely got caught up in a fucking mess.
I sincerely doubt Trump was referring to anyone of the KKK, or the like.

He was likely referring to regular Trump supporters who likely got caught up in a fucking mess.

Of course he wasn't referring to KKK etc., but don't tell a leftist that. After all, liberal entities have instructed them to what Trump really means.
His thread seems to have been lost, but his message wasn't. He based his decision on the story per the link below. Here are the highlights of the story, followed by reality (bold):

From the story, which of course is a liberal source:

President Trump on Tuesday sought to sanitize the stench of hate surrounding a deadly white nationalist rally in Virginia, calling armed, torch-carrying protesters clad in Nazi gear “very fine people” looking to protect their history. So far, we only see the suggestion by a leftist (story teller) that Trump called these people fine individuals. As you can see, so far, Trump didn't say this, the story teller only says he did. You know, fact Vs fabrication (e.g., propaganda).

Trump, in a return to his statement from Saturday, cast blame for the outbreak of savagery on “both sides” and shrugged off the evil nature that made up the core of the white supremacist groups in the crowd at the “Unite the Right” event. Trump's right, but liberals don't take responsibility, they project.

You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest,” the President said of the sea of people who chanted Nazi slogans, carried swastikas and wore combat gear. Again Trump is right. Those with a brain see the twist on words following the quote. This is where people like "REASONABLE" cave in, because they're cowardly, uneducated and weak.

“I don’t know if you know, they had a permit,” a defensive Trump added in an attempt to justify the gathering. “The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story.” Again, Trump is right. And incidentally the NAZI didn't have a permit, nor did KKK or white supremacists. For that matter, nor did the left.

Rally organizers were clear about their objectives ahead of the chaotic event — which claimed the life of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer and two state troopers. Wholly shit people, read that line again. They just implied the objectives were to kill a 32 year old paralegal.

Organizer Jason Kessler told The Associated Press last week that it was “about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do.” Kessler is correct.

Attendees included white nationalist Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, though Trump said Tuesday that he was unaware at the time of his first statement that Duke had been there. These people were not invited, but it's a free country.

The commander-in-chief’s sympathy for the radical edges of society was a return to his original comments after the death of Heyer, when he said that “many sides” were behind the violence, which drew heavy criticism. No where in the body of the story is this line supported. It's propaganda to get weak people to hate.

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want,” Trump said Tuesday. Again, Trump is right.

He blamed “both sides” for the violence, correctly noting that some of the counterprotesters were armed with clubs and had been looking for trouble, while portraying those who were protesting with torches and shouting anti-Jewish slogans as “people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.” Again Trump is right, and in fact the left was responsible for most of the violence.

“There are no ‘very fine’ white supremacists, Mr. Trump,” Gov. Cuomo said on Twitter. Cumo like the OP think with their butts. They hear what they want to hear, while none of what they "hear" can be supported by reality.

Well there you go people. This is the story that motivated the OP to say Trump says some NAZI are fine people. As you can see, every day is opposite day for "Reasonable". I really hope he sees the error in his ways to change his avatar. As unusual as it may seem, he called his opponents liars throughout this thread. I call it expected. Thanks for the link "Reasonable", you were an easy task.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade
I pointed out to this dumb fuck 3 posts where I posted links. He couldn't find them.
How stupid are you?
Here is it aFOURTH time.

President Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people,’ blames Charlottesville on ‘both sides’ in bizarre Trump Tower tirade

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

You thoroughly embarrassed yourself by one... not even knowing what your fuhrer said and two not knowing what a link is.

Oh and three. This call out thread.

Current events over racists demonstrations are not about nazi's. Even though you may believe it is.

I think this is all about shaming people who are not playing along with the Globalists / Elitists / Establishments AGENDA.

Let's substitute these "Nazi's" in Charlottesville with another group....mostly white but with a few blacks in the mix.
Let's assume THIS group has no confederate symbols, no nazi symbols and just clean cut Americans with a leaning towards CONSERVATISM.

Would you like to place your bet that the reaction would be the same? I say it would. Globalists / Elitists / Establishments don't really give a rat's ass about race except where manipulating the weak minded can benefit their agendas.

So, I say that ANY peaceful assembly that has asserted it is against the Leftest agenda and reaches significant size will ganer the EXACT same defamation, negative press, condemnation and villification as these "nazi's" did in Charlottesville.

Look at the Pro-Trump rallies. Those were not Nazi gatherings but do you remember the violence by the Left?
This is not about Nazi's. It's about the Left continuing it's PC shaming of ANY and ALL opposition to it's agendas. Period.
This rally simply gave them a great opportunity to do what they do regardless.
Current events over racists demonstrations are not about nazi's. Even though you may believe it is.

I think this is all about shaming people who are not playing along with the Globalists / Elitists / Establishments AGENDA.

Let's substitute these "Nazi's" in Charlottesville with another group....mostly white but with a few blacks in the mix.
Let's assume THIS group has no confederate symbols, no nazi symbols and just clean cut Americans with a leaning towards CONSERVATISM.

Would you like to place your bet that the reaction would be the same? I say it would. Globalists / Elitists / Establishments don't really give a rat's ass about race except where manipulating the weak minded can benefit their agendas.

So, I say that ANY peaceful assembly that has asserted it is against the Leftest agenda and reaches significant size will ganer the EXACT same defamation, negative press, condemnation and villification as these "nazi's" did in Charlottesville.

Look at the Pro-Trump rallies. Those were not Nazi gatherings but do you remember the violence by the Left?
This is not about Nazi's. It's about the Left continuing it's PC shaming of ANY and ALL opposition to it's agendas. Period.
This rally simply gave them a great opportunity to do what they do regardless.
Translation: I'm a Nazi sympathizer as is my president so I'll try to cover it up because... just because.
View attachment 144002
His thread seems to have been lost, but his message wasn't. He based his decision on the story per the link below. Here are the highlights of the story, followed by reality (bold):

From the story, which of course is a liberal source:

President Trump on Tuesday sought to sanitize the stench of hate surrounding a deadly white nationalist rally in Virginia, calling armed, torch-carrying protesters clad in Nazi gear “very fine people” looking to protect their history. So far, we only see the suggestion by a leftist (story teller) that Trump called these people fine individuals. As you can see, so far, Trump didn't say this, the story teller only says he did. You know, fact Vs fabrication (e.g., propaganda).

Trump, in a return to his statement from Saturday, cast blame for the outbreak of savagery on “both sides” and shrugged off the evil nature that made up the core of the white supremacist groups in the crowd at the “Unite the Right” event. Trump's right, but liberals don't take responsibility, they project.

You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest,” the President said of the sea of people who chanted Nazi slogans, carried swastikas and wore combat gear. Again Trump is right. Those with a brain see the twist on words following the quote. This is where people like "REASONABLE" cave in, because they're cowardly, uneducated and weak.

“I don’t know if you know, they had a permit,” a defensive Trump added in an attempt to justify the gathering. “The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story.” Again, Trump is right. And incidentally the NAZI didn't have a permit, nor did KKK or white supremacists. For that matter, nor did the left.

Rally organizers were clear about their objectives ahead of the chaotic event — which claimed the life of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer and two state troopers. Wholly shit people, read that line again. They just implied the objectives were to kill a 32 year old paralegal.

Organizer Jason Kessler told The Associated Press last week that it was “about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do.” Kessler is correct.

Attendees included white nationalist Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, though Trump said Tuesday that he was unaware at the time of his first statement that Duke had been there. These people were not invited, but it's a free country.

The commander-in-chief’s sympathy for the radical edges of society was a return to his original comments after the death of Heyer, when he said that “many sides” were behind the violence, which drew heavy criticism. No where in the body of the story is this line supported. It's propaganda to get weak people to hate.

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want,” Trump said Tuesday. Again, Trump is right.

He blamed “both sides” for the violence, correctly noting that some of the counterprotesters were armed with clubs and had been looking for trouble, while portraying those who were protesting with torches and shouting anti-Jewish slogans as “people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.” Again Trump is right, and in fact the left was responsible for most of the violence.

“There are no ‘very fine’ white supremacists, Mr. Trump,” Gov. Cuomo said on Twitter. Cumo like the OP think with their butts. They hear what they want to hear, while none of what they "hear" can be supported by reality.

Well there you go people. This is the story that motivated the OP to say Trump says some NAZI are fine people. As you can see, every day is opposite day for "Reasonable". I really hope he sees the error in his ways to change his avatar. As unusual as it may seem, he called his opponents liars throughout this thread. I call it expected. Thanks for the link "Reasonable", you were an easy task.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade
I pointed out to this dumb fuck 3 posts where I posted links. He couldn't find them.
How stupid are you?
Here is it aFOURTH time.

President Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people,’ blames Charlottesville on ‘both sides’ in bizarre Trump Tower tirade

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

You thoroughly embarrassed yourself by one... not even knowing what your fuhrer said and two not knowing what a link is.

Oh and three. This call out thread.

Notice the side-step? Where's the link where Trump called white supremacists ‘very fine people?

I hope your on Soro's payroll "Reasonable". Even a prostitute has sense enough to exploit themselves for compensation.
I sincerely doubt Trump was referring to anyone of the KKK, or the like. He was likely referring to regular Trump supporters who likely got caught up in a fucking mess.
Of course he wasn't referring to KKK etc., but don't tell a leftist that. After all, liberal entities have instructed them to what Trump really means.

The Liberal brain operates much like a broken 78 RPM phonograph whose tonearm just slides across the record into the center and bounces off the end of the track back to the beginning over and over again.
Donald Trump on Charlottesville: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Donald Trump on the German invasion of Poland and the allied response: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides."

Uhm, Trump wasn't even alive in 1939.
View attachment 144002
His thread seems to have been lost, but his message wasn't. He based his decision on the story per the link below. Here are the highlights of the story, followed by reality (bold):

From the story, which of course is a liberal source:

President Trump on Tuesday sought to sanitize the stench of hate surrounding a deadly white nationalist rally in Virginia, calling armed, torch-carrying protesters clad in Nazi gear “very fine people” looking to protect their history. So far, we only see the suggestion by a leftist (story teller) that Trump called these people fine individuals. As you can see, so far, Trump didn't say this, the story teller only says he did. You know, fact Vs fabrication (e.g., propaganda).

Trump, in a return to his statement from Saturday, cast blame for the outbreak of savagery on “both sides” and shrugged off the evil nature that made up the core of the white supremacist groups in the crowd at the “Unite the Right” event. Trump's right, but liberals don't take responsibility, they project.

You had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest and very legally protest,” the President said of the sea of people who chanted Nazi slogans, carried swastikas and wore combat gear. Again Trump is right. Those with a brain see the twist on words following the quote. This is where people like "REASONABLE" cave in, because they're cowardly, uneducated and weak.

“I don’t know if you know, they had a permit,” a defensive Trump added in an attempt to justify the gathering. “The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this. There are two sides to a story.” Again, Trump is right. And incidentally the NAZI didn't have a permit, nor did KKK or white supremacists. For that matter, nor did the left.

Rally organizers were clear about their objectives ahead of the chaotic event — which claimed the life of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer and two state troopers. Wholly shit people, read that line again. They just implied the objectives were to kill a 32 year old paralegal.

Organizer Jason Kessler told The Associated Press last week that it was “about an anti-white climate within the Western world and the need for white people to have advocacy like other groups do.” Kessler is correct.

Attendees included white nationalist Richard Spencer and former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, though Trump said Tuesday that he was unaware at the time of his first statement that Duke had been there. These people were not invited, but it's a free country.

The commander-in-chief’s sympathy for the radical edges of society was a return to his original comments after the death of Heyer, when he said that “many sides” were behind the violence, which drew heavy criticism. No where in the body of the story is this line supported. It's propaganda to get weak people to hate.

“I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family and this country. You can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want,” Trump said Tuesday. Again, Trump is right.

He blamed “both sides” for the violence, correctly noting that some of the counterprotesters were armed with clubs and had been looking for trouble, while portraying those who were protesting with torches and shouting anti-Jewish slogans as “people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.” Again Trump is right, and in fact the left was responsible for most of the violence.

“There are no ‘very fine’ white supremacists, Mr. Trump,” Gov. Cuomo said on Twitter. Cumo like the OP think with their butts. They hear what they want to hear, while none of what they "hear" can be supported by reality.

Well there you go people. This is the story that motivated the OP to say Trump says some NAZI are fine people. As you can see, every day is opposite day for "Reasonable". I really hope he sees the error in his ways to change his avatar. As unusual as it may seem, he called his opponents liars throughout this thread. I call it expected. Thanks for the link "Reasonable", you were an easy task.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade
I pointed out to this dumb fuck 3 posts where I posted links. He couldn't find them.
How stupid are you?
Here is it aFOURTH time.

President Trump calls white supremacists ‘very fine people,’ blames Charlottesville on ‘both sides’ in bizarre Trump Tower tirade

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

You thoroughly embarrassed yourself by one... not even knowing what your fuhrer said and two not knowing what a link is.

Oh and three. This call out thread.

Notice the side-step? Where's the link where Trump called white supremacists ‘very fine people?

I hope your on Soro's payroll "Reasonable". Even a prostitute has sense enough to exploit themselves for compensation.
Omg. I gave it to u 3 times in my thread and once right in your face in this thread. Are you retarded?
Current events over racists demonstrations are not about nazi's. Even though you may believe it is.

I think this is all about shaming people who are not playing along with the Globalists / Elitists / Establishments AGENDA.

Let's substitute these "Nazi's" in Charlottesville with another group....mostly white but with a few blacks in the mix.
Let's assume THIS group has no confederate symbols, no nazi symbols and just clean cut Americans with a leaning towards CONSERVATISM.

Would you like to place your bet that the reaction would be the same? I say it would. Globalists / Elitists / Establishments don't really give a rat's ass about race except where manipulating the weak minded can benefit their agendas.

So, I say that ANY peaceful assembly that has asserted it is against the Leftest agenda and reaches significant size will ganer the EXACT same defamation, negative press, condemnation and villification as these "nazi's" did in Charlottesville.

Look at the Pro-Trump rallies. Those were not Nazi gatherings but do you remember the violence by the Left?
This is not about Nazi's. It's about the Left continuing it's PC shaming of ANY and ALL opposition to it's agendas. Period.
This rally simply gave them a great opportunity to do what they do regardless.
Translation: I'm a Nazi sympathizer as is my president so I'll try to cover it up because... just because.

How is Trump a Nazi sympathizer?
if he showed sympathy to the anti-fa he'd have done the same yet, that's what everyone is so pissed at today.

the fact he called anti-fa a hate group.

got a better word for them?
Obama never called a terrorist attack, a terrorist attack. It was work place violence, so by liberal logic. He supported the terrorist.
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Hey dumb fuck dude.... go to post 8 and click on the red words... then go fuck yourself you spastic moron.
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