Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class

The core voting block for the Democrat Party are inner city Blacks, most of them on welfare.

They are joined by Environmental Wackos, Anti Gun Nuts, Feminazis, Illegals, Welfare Queens, Stupid Moon Bats, Union Bosses and confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.

Then you have Liberal Elite. Mega rich. Limousine Liberals. Ones that benefit from globalization and the government providing welfare to every Tom, Jose and Jamal. Also are Johnny on the Spot to take government bailouts when their businesses fails. Snobbish assholes who think they since they have money that they know what is best for everybody else.
SOME DAY maybe we will get smart & figure out that Not supporting
Everything Our preference party puts forward.
is a good IDEA, That supporting good ideas & honest people
IS a better way to go for US average Americans.
The great resignation had zero negative effects on anything.
I know. It allowed a lot of people to get promotions. And the people who retired have enough money.

My brother is a VP making $1 million a year. He's going to retire soon. Can you imagine quitting a job that pays that? He has enough. 54 years old. He thinks they'll be "fucked" when he goes. No they won't. Dude, you're in HR, they'll figure it out. What's not going to happen or what's going to happen if one or any of your projects doesn't get done? Get over yourself". And he agreed they'll do just fine without him. But right now they're like "no stay" because he does a lot and has a lot of experience. Guess what? They'll figure it out.

And it's funny, he was tasked with finding his replacement. A diversity candidate. So it's a black guy who's all about affirmative action. My brothers like, "nothing else is getting done!" and I reminded him, "what happens if none of those projects get done?" Does the product still get manufactured? Do the sales people still sell it? Do the trucks still deliver the product? Does accounting still invoice and collect the money? Then your business will be just fine.

HR is such a bullshit department. LOL. I know it's necessary but it's also a bloated beurocracy where everyone is justifying their salaries. And this definitely adds to the cost of the product. And it's put on the consumer.

Know what companies are starting to figure out when it comes time for layoffs? That they can keep 12.5 workers that make $80K and get rid of my brother to save $1 million dollars.
Do ya? 😏

Moar free shit!!! They'll wake em up.
You call it socialism but every other country in the free world pays taxes and enjoys social programs, public pools, fixed roads, etc.

And corporations who's trucks tear up our roads should pay taxes to fix the roads. You think that will be passed on to the consumer. I say it'll come out of the CEO's paycheck. Or VP's. They make a lot.

It's corporations and rich people who want free shit. Pay your fucking taxes.
You call it socialism but every other country in the free world pays taxes and enjoys social programs, public pools, fixed roads, etc.

And corporations who's trucks tear up our roads should pay taxes to fix the roads. You think that will be passed on to the consumer. I say it'll come out of the CEO's paycheck. Or VP's. They make a lot.

It's corporations and rich people who want free shit. Pay your fucking taxes.
If only people could understand that you know better. That you know their interests better than they do.
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If only people could understand that you know better. That you know their interests better than they do.
Well if people realized that Republicans have destroyed the middle class, since the 70's, they'd wake up and stop voting GOP. Right now you blame Clinton, Obama and Biden for Reaganomics, Bushanomic and Bidenomics. Perfect example. You know Clinton signed NAFTA but do you realize who invented NAFTA? It was Reagan and Bush 1.

Yes, if people understood.

I know many blue collar uneducated white idiots who are not doing as good as they were before Bush sent all their jobs overseas because they were overpaid lazy union workers. Yes, I know a lot of union workers who voted for Trump. Idiots all of them. They didn't believe Republicans would send their jobs overseas or bankrupt their companies and cost themselves their pensions.

God bless the Auto unions. They got you idiots who don't know better a big fat raise this summer. This year was the year of the unions. They will help fix the middle class. It won't be any Republican including Trump.
You idiot. Obamacare ran up the cost of healthcare for everybody except the welfare queens that never had to pay anything in the first place.

Obamacare has been a disaster for this country.
Hardly cost me a little bit more. I get corporate insurance. I hardly notice dude. And now millions more get healthcare? Kids get free healthcare? Fuck yea! I'm all for that.

You don't care about life. You care only about embryos. LOL.
Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.

I found this interesting. I was reading about the great resignation and how many people regret quitting their jobs.

Nearly a third of employers won’t consider giving people their jobs back, and blue-collar employers are 17% more likely than white-collar employers to feel this way.”

Blue collar people are the ones struggling the most to make ends meet in America. Because of Trumpflation. Don't these blue collar deplorables ever blame the employers for their woes? And don't they see Republicans side with their employers and not them? I don't think they do because they vote for Trump/Republicans.
This is a huge problem, the concentration of mega wealth.
People like Musk who are brilliant and insane.
Allowed too run rampant, and adored by both DEMS and REPUBS

Here is proof Republicans are the party for the rich.

The Ultrawealthy Are Sitting On $8.5 Trillion In Untaxed 2022 Profits:​

These centimillionaires and billionaires made up just 0.05% of all American households in 2022, according to Federal Reserve data analyzed by the progressive nonprofit Americans for Tax Fairness. But they held one-sixth of so-called unrealized capital gains in the country.

Guess which party both here and in Washington will fight this?

Biden has also proposed ending the loophole, known as the stepped-up basis, that erases capital gains for tax purposes when wealthy individuals pass on their fortunes as inheritance. Both plans have virtually no support among Republicans.

These centimillionaires and billionaires made up just 0.05% of all American households in 2022, according to Federal Reserve data analyzed by the progressive nonprofit Americans for Tax Fairness. But they held one-sixth of so-called unrealized capital gains in the country.
Took the Obama then Trump then back to Obama (aka Joe) contrasts to show the working class who has their best interest at heart.

What the data show: Democrats are statistically tied with Republicans among Hispanics on the generic congressional ballot, according to a New York Times-Siena College poll out this week. Dems held a 47-point edge with Hispanics during the 2018 midterms.
An NBC News poll in April found Democrats held a 38-point lead among women with college degrees -- up from 10 points from 2010. Democrats lost ground with nearly every other demographic group tested in the survey.


What's happening: Democratic strategists say the party's biggest vulnerability is assuming that the priorities of progressive activists are the same as those of working-class voters.

Progressive activists led the push to cut police budgets. Communities of color have borne the brunt of higher crime.

Hispanics living on the U.S.-Mexico border are more likely to favor tougher border security measures that Republicans have championed.

The recall of liberal school board members and a district attorney in San Francisco was fueled by disillusioned Asian-American Democrats.

Between the lines: Add the reality of growing inflation and worries of recession, and you see why Democrats are losing ground with a core part of their coalition.

Wealthier Americans aren't feeling the day-to-day hardship hitting the working class.

This week's Times/Siena poll found affluent voters care about gun control and abortion rights. Working-class voters are squarely focused on the economy.

And I’ll save you Leftards the grief of me slapping you silly later. Axios is a Leftist rag.
Here's another realignment

The wealth makes McCormick emblematic of the type of candidate Republicans are relying on to win back control of the Senate in 2024. The recruitment of the wealthy, an intentional strategy by the GOP, aims to help close the persistent gap in fundraising between Democratic and Republican Senate candidates that has opened up since the 2018 midterm elections. Republicans are counting on them to either fund races with their own pocketbooks, or turn to extensive fundraising networks.

The GOP is clearly the party for the rich. Like Clarence Thomas.
Here's another realignment

The wealth makes McCormick emblematic of the type of candidate Republicans are relying on to win back control of the Senate in 2024. The recruitment of the wealthy, an intentional strategy by the GOP, aims to help close the persistent gap in fundraising between Democratic and Republican Senate candidates that has opened up since the 2018 midterm elections. Republicans are counting on them to either fund races with their own pocketbooks, or turn to extensive fundraising networks.

The GOP is clearly the party for the rich. Like Clarence Thomas.
You mean Nancy Lugosi and Diane Feinstein ( RIP)
You mean Nancy Lugosi and Diane Feinstein ( RIP)
Oh they all have to play the game. But Democrats get money from liberal pro middle class millionaires like Lebron James not like Republicans and Clarence Thomas who take from corporations who want anti middle class legislation passed.
Here's another realignment

The wealth makes McCormick emblematic of the type of candidate Republicans are relying on to win back control of the Senate in 2024. The recruitment of the wealthy, an intentional strategy by the GOP, aims to help close the persistent gap in fundraising between Democratic and Republican Senate candidates that has opened up since the 2018 midterm elections. Republicans are counting on them to either fund races with their own pocketbooks, or turn to extensive fundraising networks.

The GOP is clearly the party for the rich. Like Clarence Thomas.
Hilarious. There isn’t a Democrat who hasn’t made millions by being a government employee and never producing anything.

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