Realignment: Democrats are the Party of the Rich Elitists, Republicans Party of the Working Class

But then they support Mike Johnson?

I think today these corporations donate to everyone. Just in case they win. Both sides.
More evidence corporations aren't as liberal as you think

Despite Johnson's radical views, several prominent corporations backed Johnson before his ascension to power

Among those corporations was Walmart, which publicly presents itself as a champion of LGBTQ rights. Walmart moved to protect abortion access for its employees after the Supreme Court overturned Roe vs. Wade. The company even pledged to stop donating to lawmakers who voted against the certification of the 2020 election's results. But none of that has stopped Walmart from giving Johnson $9,000 since 2017.

Meta, formerly Facebook, has also proclaimed itself to be a champion of LGBTQ rights, said it would support its employees who needed an abortion after Roe vs. Wade was overturned and came out forcefully against the Jan. 6 Capitol riot -- but it has also donated money to Johnson's campaigns, totaling $4,000.

Microsoft and AT&T also donated to this cock sucker.

Poor snowflake
Be kinda cool to have a party that represents the nation, rather than specific interest groups.
I think that would be the Democratic party. We aren't anti corporation just because we are pro worker. We just see the widening gap between the rich and working class. Just look at this story. Democrats want to make overtime mandatory. Overtime. What do Republicans argue? They argue that American workers are lazy. Reminds me of when in the 2000's Republicans went to war with unions while sending all our highest paying manufacturing jobs overseas. Attack/blame the workers.

Clearly Republicans are not for the working class. The CEO of Home Depot is backing Trump. How much does he pay his workers? Exactly.

Even though the hearing was about employees who work long hours, the GOP chair of the House Committee on Education & the Workforce took a moment to argue that too many Americans don’t want to work at all.

“There’s just a lot of people in this country that don’t want to work, period … and want other people to take care of them,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.).

See? Republicans can't even discuss the issues. Just repeat their talking points.

Biden’s Labor Department has proposed a new rule that would guarantee more workers time-and-a-half pay when they work extra hours. The White House estimates that an additional 3.6 million workers, most of them salaried, would be eligible for overtime pay under the plan.
How can this be true? Elon Musk is clearly a Republican. And didn't he do a classic Republican thing when he laid off half his workers? If we want to see layoffs, vote GOP. Last month Biden added jobs to the economy despite Elon letting go 100,000 employees.

And now with a Republican owing Twitter, he's allowing the lies to spread. Republicans live off lies.

The GOP is the party for the rich. Elon Musk types.
This is a huge problem, the concentration of mega wealth.
People like Musk who are brilliant and insane.
Allowed too run rampant, and adored by both DEMS and REPUBS
That's a fantasy. Half the country hates Democrats. That's why Trump happened. I guess here's where you quibble over whether it's half or 48%. :rolleyes:
What percent of the GOP voters are rich enough that they benefit from Republicans economic policies? The rest of them have been duped with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism. Otherwise, they'd be Democrats.
Hate to tell you this, but most of the mega-wealthy in this country are democrats. TRUMP! was a life-long democrat before he got smart. Bruce Jenner has always been a Republican, that's not new. Now, why do you associate being black with being poor?
There's a reason Harlan Crow bribes conservative judges. Look at the judges rulings. Clearly Republican judges serve the rich.

And look at Home Depot Owner and Billionaire who's gonna back up Trump even if he's convicted. Why? What does Trump do for Home Depot? Keep wages really low? Or allow him to continue gouging us?
What percent of the GOP voters are rich enough that they benefit from Republicans economic policies? The rest of them have been duped with social wedge issues. God, gays, guns and racism. Otherwise, they'd be Democrats.
Of course. You know better. That's why everyone loves Democrats! :rolleyes:
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Wow... so much wrong with this... so much.

First, the Republicans are still the party of the Rich, but even the rich are worried when they get to the level of crazy the GOP has gotten to (like making a ten year old rape victim have her rapist's baby.)

Of course, the real problem is the white working class has been voting against its own economic interests since Tricky Dick.
Nah, we checked, and the Republicans are squarely on the side of the middle-class guy. Democrats are the party of the rich.
There's a reason Harlan Crow bribes conservative judges. Look at the judges rulings. Clearly Republican judges serve the rich.

And look at Home Depot Owner and Billionaire who's gonna back up Trump even if he's convicted. Why? What does Trump do for Home Depot? Keep wages really low? Or allow him to continue gouging us?
We checked, and the democrats are on the side of the rich, craving those big donations.
REMEMBER TRUMPS tax cut you loved?
AS was planned the Middle Class tax cut expired after four years.
Then increases taxes every year after.
Of course. You know better. That's why everyone loves Democrats! :rolleyes:
I remember years ago someone said poor Republicans have lotto mentality. Rather than say "I want social security and I appreciate the social programs that taxes pay for" these poor Americans think "what if I were rich. I would HATE to pay that much in taxes".

So Republicans are worried more about what if they got rich than what benefits them in reality. In reality, they should not want tax cuts for millionaires and cuts to medicare. But they argue that "it's not fair" how much rich people pay in taxes.

It's weird. poor conservatives have empathy for only one group of people. Rich people.
What needs to happen is for corporations to struggle finding workers. That would help the situation.
I thought that too but this has proven to not be true. Wages went as high as they are going to go. And if wages get too high, the Feds raise interest rates to slow down the growth. So supply and demand really doesn't apply here because when McD jobs get to $15 hr, nothing is ever going to make it go to $20. I wish it would.

I thought if we ran all the illegals out suddenly blue collar jobs would pay a much better wage. But Tim Horton or Wendy's is only going to raise wages so much. They will never pay a living wage or a wage that a person could raise a family on. I wish that would happen.

The truth is we had a great resignation because of Covid. Many 50 somethings retired when they probably would have worked till at least 65 if covid didn't happen. It got them to re assess life. Anyways, long story short is that anyone worth getting a promotion, got one. If you wanted to go out and find a better job, they were out there. In fact people who got a new job got a raise, even after factoring inflation in. In other words if inflation ate up $5 an hour, they got a $6 raise. So they are actually doing better than when Trump was president. A lot of people are. People who stayed at their jobs, have taken a pay cut because of inflation. Corporations don't need to give you a raise. You aint going no where.

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