Patrick Caddell: The real election surprise? The uprising of the American people
Yep. As someone on fox just said. Clinton will have NO MANDATE. More than half the country wants her in prison,doesn't trust her and is scared of what she is going to do. Its just going to take one TINY spark to set off a wildfire she won't be able to stop and if she calls out her gestapo thugs to murder dissenters and patriots it will just piss off more of the people.
Clinton needs to be held to Constitutional limits on govt the same as Obama, Bush, or Trump if he proposes solutions to the public.
As long as we work toward Constitutional corrections and solutions,
the same people, the American people, will still need to do all the work it takes,
regardless which people hold office.
We need to quit this topdown business of expecting leaders to tell everyone else what to do,
and get all people organized, from local solutions all the way to the top national levels,
to tell govt what WE are going to do.
As long as we work from the topdown, we will keep getting stuck in this same loop.
I say we organize business cooperatives and networks, which even Sanders was proposing that workers organize their own management of companies,
and start hiring and lending to each other, and deducting all investments (or donations)
off taxes. We start investing in building solutions locally we can control,
and quit giving money to govt to control for us.
Pay for mentors to help train communities how to manage their own schools, nonprofits and businesses. The more you manage on your own, the less you depend on govt to solve
your problems. That's the shift I'd like to see. If people are fed up with Clinton, Trump
and lies in the media, maybe the transition will finally happen, like kids deciding to
leave home and get a job and apt of their own. Instead of fighting with mom and dad
over the rules of the house!