Real consequences of California's continual decline into socialism...courtesy of Moonbeam Brown!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Rent a moving truck from Las Vegas to San Jose and you'll pay about $100.
In the opposite direction, the same truck will cost you 16 times that, or nearly $2,000.

What accounts for the difference? The simple laws of supply and demand, says economist Mark J. Perry. With so many people leaving the Bay Area, there are not enough rental trucks to go around. Perry, a University of Michigan professor, published his findings in a new study with public policy think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

CBS News reported recently that operators of a San Jose U-Haul business have trouble getting their rental vans back "because so many are on a one-way ticket out of town." The revelation inspired Perry to compare the costs of U-Haul rentals for trucks leaving San Jose versus those heading into the city.

So many people are leaving the Bay Area, a U-Haul shortage is jacking up prices

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus

San Jose real estate agent Sandy Jamison has seen many long-time residents and natives leave the state recently. The lack of available housing, leading to some of the priciest real estate in the country, is driving many from the region, she said.

Jamison has even drawn up a marketing flyer for the top five reasons people leave the Bay Area:
high taxes,
cost of living,
quality of life from traffic to homelessness, politics and
high housing prices. For many long-time residents, she said,
“they feel like they don’t belong here any more.”

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus – East Bay Times
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
Rent a moving truck from Las Vegas to San Jose and you'll pay about $100.
In the opposite direction, the same truck will cost you 16 times that, or nearly $2,000.

What accounts for the difference? The simple laws of supply and demand, says economist Mark J. Perry. With so many people leaving the Bay Area, there are not enough rental trucks to go around. Perry, a University of Michigan professor, published his findings in a new study with public policy think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

CBS News reported recently that operators of a San Jose U-Haul business have trouble getting their rental vans back "because so many are on a one-way ticket out of town." The revelation inspired Perry to compare the costs of U-Haul rentals for trucks leaving San Jose versus those heading into the city.

So many people are leaving the Bay Area, a U-Haul shortage is jacking up prices

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus

San Jose real estate agent Sandy Jamison has seen many long-time residents and natives leave the state recently. The lack of available housing, leading to some of the priciest real estate in the country, is driving many from the region, she said.

Jamison has even drawn up a marketing flyer for the top five reasons people leave the Bay Area:
high taxes,
cost of living,
quality of life from traffic to homelessness, politics and
high housing prices. For many long-time residents, she said,
“they feel like they don’t belong here any more.”

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus – East Bay Times

It's all about liberal politics and California's quest to have the most political influence on the rest of the country. The purpose of the disparity in moving truck costs is so the predominantly liberal cities can retain their gerrymandered Democratic voter base. After all, how can they elect more Democratic candidates if their voters keep leaving the state?
California has driven up property prices in many other states including Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Idaho, the exodus continues. I have relatives that live there and are conservatives which makes it difficult for them to express their opinions without a huge backlash.

Pretty state, nice weather however the politics and the taxes are just insane.
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
yea you dont hate the were doing ok until the last sentence...nice try....
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
yea you dont hate the were doing ok until the last sentence...nice try....
And? Californians are calling for secession!
One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. The poll's margin of error for the California answers was plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Support for California secession is up, one poll says
I encourage them! They should have their own country! Better yet return to Mexico where they were originally.
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
The socialism growth.. in govt. you are implying yet give no examples...
California has driven up property prices in many other states including Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Idaho, the exodus continues. I have relatives that live there and are conservatives which makes it difficult for them to express their opinions without a huge backlash.

Pretty state, nice weather however the politics and the taxes are just insane.
It's been that way for a long time. I encountered it the first time in 1978...
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
I feel sorry for those who live in shithole states like the other 49 in the union.
California has driven up property prices in many other states including Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona and Idaho, the exodus continues. I have relatives that live there and are conservatives which makes it difficult for them to express their opinions without a huge backlash.

Pretty state, nice weather however the politics and the taxes are just insane.
The wages are commensurate with the taxes.
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
The socialism growth.. in govt. you are implying yet give no examples...

What is happening on the west coast should serve as a stark reminder that sadly, the basic tenets and principles of socialism are alive and well in America.
Capitalism is being rejected more and more frequently due to the idea that it’s rooted in greed and selfishness, and conversely, socialism is starting to become more accepted because it is almost always associated with “fairness” and “compassion.” The truth, of course, is that socialism is anything but fair – any economic system that involves the government taking money from people who have earned it and giving it to those who haven’t is just about as unfair as it gets.

What’s worse is that young people appear to be growing more and more fond of the idea of socialism in America, and shockingly, many of them even embrace communism. According to a study that was recently conducted by Victims of Communism Memorial Fund-YouGov, 44 percent of millennials would rather live in a socialist country rather than a capitalist country, and an additional seven percent say they prefer to live under communism.
This means that an astonishing 51 percent of young people in America today would rather live under socialism or communism instead of free-market capitalism, which, for anyone who is economically literate, is not a good sign. (Related: The communist infiltration of the U.S. Congress has been exposed in a mind-blowing documentary.)

“Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” explained Marion Smith, the executive director of Victims of Communism. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.” (Related: These are the 45 goals of communism’s takeover of America… more than half have already been achieved.)
Liberal cities in California becoming homeless wastelands as socialist policies FAIL
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
yea you dont hate the were doing ok until the last sentence...nice try....
And? Californians are calling for secession!
One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. The poll's margin of error for the California answers was plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Support for California secession is up, one poll says
I encourage them! They should have their own country! Better yet return to Mexico where they were originally.
I would love to be separated from the rest of the union as a single nation. No more having to support the losers in the rest of the nation with federal income tax going elsewhere instead of to help our own. It would also mean the downfall of the rest of the US because California is what keeps them afloat.
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
The socialism growth.. in govt. you are implying yet give no examples...

What is happening on the west coast should serve as a stark reminder that sadly, the basic tenets and principles of socialism are alive and well in America.
Capitalism is being rejected more and more frequently due to the idea that it’s rooted in greed and selfishness, and conversely, socialism is starting to become more accepted because it is almost always associated with “fairness” and “compassion.” The truth, of course, is that socialism is anything but fair – any economic system that involves the government taking money from people who have earned it and giving it to those who haven’t is just about as unfair as it gets.

What’s worse is that young people appear to be growing more and more fond of the idea of socialism in America, and shockingly, many of them even embrace communism. According to a study that was recently conducted by Victims of Communism Memorial Fund-YouGov, 44 percent of millennials would rather live in a socialist country rather than a capitalist country, and an additional seven percent say they prefer to live under communism.
This means that an astonishing 51 percent of young people in America today would rather live under socialism or communism instead of free-market capitalism, which, for anyone who is economically literate, is not a good sign. (Related: The communist infiltration of the U.S. Congress has been exposed in a mind-blowing documentary.)

“Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” explained Marion Smith, the executive director of Victims of Communism. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.” (Related: These are the 45 goals of communism’s takeover of America… more than half have already been achieved.)
Liberal cities in California becoming homeless wastelands as socialist policies FAIL
The wasteland is the result of capitalist greed. If we had socialism the homeless would have housing and food.
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
The socialism growth.. in govt. you are implying yet give no examples...

What is happening on the west coast should serve as a stark reminder that sadly, the basic tenets and principles of socialism are alive and well in America.
Capitalism is being rejected more and more frequently due to the idea that it’s rooted in greed and selfishness, and conversely, socialism is starting to become more accepted because it is almost always associated with “fairness” and “compassion.” The truth, of course, is that socialism is anything but fair – any economic system that involves the government taking money from people who have earned it and giving it to those who haven’t is just about as unfair as it gets.

What’s worse is that young people appear to be growing more and more fond of the idea of socialism in America, and shockingly, many of them even embrace communism. According to a study that was recently conducted by Victims of Communism Memorial Fund-YouGov, 44 percent of millennials would rather live in a socialist country rather than a capitalist country, and an additional seven percent say they prefer to live under communism.
This means that an astonishing 51 percent of young people in America today would rather live under socialism or communism instead of free-market capitalism, which, for anyone who is economically literate, is not a good sign. (Related: The communist infiltration of the U.S. Congress has been exposed in a mind-blowing documentary.)

“Millennials are increasingly turning away from capitalism and toward socialism and even communism as a viable alternative,” explained Marion Smith, the executive director of Victims of Communism. “This troubling turn highlights widespread historical illiteracy in American society regarding socialism and the systemic failure of our education system to teach students about the genocide, destruction, and misery caused by communism since the Bolshevik Revolution one hundred years ago.” (Related: These are the 45 goals of communism’s takeover of America… more than half have already been achieved.)
Liberal cities in California becoming homeless wastelands as socialist policies FAIL
Nope no institutionalized socialist operations in that article just more huff and puff...
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
yea you dont hate the were doing ok until the last sentence...nice try....
And? Californians are calling for secession!
One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. The poll's margin of error for the California answers was plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Support for California secession is up, one poll says
I encourage them! They should have their own country! Better yet return to Mexico where they were originally.
i lived there for 50 years and this kind of shit was always being talked about every few years and yet the state is still there, 90% of that 1/3 would not leave the US if push came to shove,,its a small group of real far lefties that are the ones who call for this shit...even many liberals dont like them..
not another i hate california thread.....this has all been covered a dozen times already....

Who says I hate California? I don't. I feel sorry for the millions of people living there that have to put up with continual socialism growth. I don't hate them. I wish them well as a
separate country!
yea you dont hate the were doing ok until the last sentence...nice try....
And? Californians are calling for secession!
One-third of state residents support peacefully seceding from the United States, up from 20% since Californians were last asked the same question in 2014, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll. The poll's margin of error for the California answers was plus or minus 5 percentage points.

Support for California secession is up, one poll says
I encourage them! They should have their own country! Better yet return to Mexico where they were originally.
I would love to be separated from the rest of the union as a single nation. No more having to support the losers in the rest of the nation with federal income tax going elsewhere instead of to help our own. It would also mean the downfall of the rest of the US because California is what keeps them afloat.
it would be a big hit to the rest of the country,but it would also be a big hit to californias economy....
That treasonous bald fuck Jerry Brown......he looks like he should be on the planet Talos IV experimenting on Capt. Pike.
Rent a moving truck from Las Vegas to San Jose and you'll pay about $100.
In the opposite direction, the same truck will cost you 16 times that, or nearly $2,000.

What accounts for the difference? The simple laws of supply and demand, says economist Mark J. Perry. With so many people leaving the Bay Area, there are not enough rental trucks to go around. Perry, a University of Michigan professor, published his findings in a new study with public policy think tank American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

CBS News reported recently that operators of a San Jose U-Haul business have trouble getting their rental vans back "because so many are on a one-way ticket out of town." The revelation inspired Perry to compare the costs of U-Haul rentals for trucks leaving San Jose versus those heading into the city.

So many people are leaving the Bay Area, a U-Haul shortage is jacking up prices

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus

San Jose real estate agent Sandy Jamison has seen many long-time residents and natives leave the state recently. The lack of available housing, leading to some of the priciest real estate in the country, is driving many from the region, she said.

Jamison has even drawn up a marketing flyer for the top five reasons people leave the Bay Area:
high taxes,
cost of living,
quality of life from traffic to homelessness, politics and
high housing prices. For many long-time residents, she said,
“they feel like they don’t belong here any more.”

Enough is enough: Tenants join landlord in Bay Area exodus – East Bay Times

It's all about liberal politics and California's quest to have the most political influence on the rest of the country. The purpose of the disparity in moving truck costs is so the predominantly liberal cities can retain their gerrymandered Democratic voter base. After all, how can they elect more Democratic candidates if their voters keep leaving the state?

That's why its hilarious their votes in presidential elections are meaningless, by the time CA votes its all over.

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