Real Black Conservatives


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
You guys talk about the media like it's all liberal. Except it's not. The right wing media have promoted a certain type of black republican and use them to claim how colorblind they are. These black "conservatives" generally repeat what racist whites believe about us, deny racism, then preach to us about responsibility. Blacks have been taking personal responsibility since the first slave felt it was his/her responsibility to dive in the Atlantic and drown instead of staying on that slave ship. But the media darling black conservatives are fake news.

Good gawd I wish you would move to Africa already.
You would be so much happier eating bushmeat and spreading ebola.
It's true...Republicans keep trying to attract blacks...why? Many can't vote (felons)...more won't. Their ideals are all askew since the black family was decimated by social programs.
Blacks are a joke as far as a voting block...economically they are better than they were but still occupy the lowest rungs...for the most part.

Waste of time.
Also, yes, the MSM is mostly leftist.
Which is sad. We shouldn't be discussing their bias. They should just do their fucking job!
Laura Ingraham Invites The WRONG Black Conservative On Her Show

Good gawd I wish you would move to Africa already.
You would be so much happier eating bushmeat and spreading ebola.
Move to Europe first bitch.
Black folks must not have much personal responsibility if only a few of them jumped in the Atlantic to drown, instead of staying on that slave ship.

Mugambo: You go first, Jabari."

Jabari: "No, you go first."

Mugambo: "Ok. I go first. Bye bye."


Jabari: "Sucker..."
Coon Confessions - Why I Left The Republican/Conservative Plantation

Black folks must not have much personal responsibility if only a few of them jumped in the Atlantic to drown, instead of staying on that slave ship.
A few million. And a few million more ran away from slavery after that. Nice try saltine boy.
BTW im2.. running away from your owners isnt responsible. It's the exact opposite.
They should have done what they were told.
Ugh loyalty died a long time ago...
Another 'Kill Whitey" thread disguised as anything but.... by the forums greatest Loser Victim.
Every day we get another thread that is nothing but a stage for his whining and racism.

In this thread he cites two examples where the black guest did not fully support the dialog of conservatism. So WHAT? As if his examples represent ALL blacks who are conservatives? hardly.

He fully supports the NBPP (New Black panther party) but claims that a black person cannot be racist and that "there are no Black Supremacists organizations" (his words)

See this thread
Trump has created the Deep State
Beginning at post 274 - 297 where he refuses to deny he approves of the NBPP

Here's what he embraces 100%
“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!”
— King Samir Shabazz, former head of the party’s Philadelphia chapter, in a National Geographic documentary, January 2009.

Sure, there are valid arguments to the nations past with relation to the treatment of blacks but we as a nation have come a long way and his posts never touch on the achievements. It's bigotry. Hateful racism in every post and every thread.

Everyone should report ALL his posts as Hate Speech. That's all it is. They're being allowed due to Political Correctness.
BTW..he is using the 'Report Post" tool as a weapon to get posts removed from his threads that he disagrees with.

I'm sure he's already "reported" this post
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You guys talk about the media like it's all liberal. Except it's not. The right wing media have promoted a certain type of black republican and use them to claim how colorblind they are. These black "conservatives" generally repeat what racist whites believe about us, deny racism, then preach to us about responsibility. Blacks have been taking personal responsibility since the first slave felt it was his/her responsibility to dive in the Atlantic and drown instead of staying on that slave ship. But the media darling black conservatives are fake news.

You are right about the past. Wrong bout black Repubs. They have courage to go against the grain. Now stop milking the system with never ending guilt to others and show everyone what you got. You have let the extreme feminists and gays take the prize from you while you blame the white schmuck who has been emasculated himself. That is sad.
Black folks must not have much personal responsibility if only a few of them jumped in the Atlantic to drown, instead of staying on that slave ship.
A few million. And a few million more ran away from slavery after that. Nice try saltine boy.

Actually, we Poles, under Casimir the Great, freed you slaves in 1347.

Blaming us for later generations of slaves just because we are considered to be Honkies too is pretty racist,.

Why can you differentiate between Poles, Slovaks,Lithuanians, and other Honkies. We all aren't the same, and we all don't have the same history with African Americans.

My Polish grandfathers sold food to anyone who had the money, they didn't care if you were black or white, and that was in the days before racial integration in America.
BTW im2.. running away from your owners isnt responsible. It's the exact opposite.
They should have done what they were told.
Ugh loyalty died a long time ago...
Since what you say is bullshit...
Another 'Kill Whitey" thread disguised as anything but.... by the forums greatest Loser Victim.
Every day we get another thread that is nothing but a stage for his whining and racism.

In this thread he cites two examples where the black guest did not fully support the dialog of conservatism. So WHAT? As if his examples represent ALL blacks who are conservatives? hardly.

He fully supports the NBPP (New Black panther party) but claims that a black person cannot be racist and that "there are no Black Supremacists organizations" (his words)

See this thread
Trump has created the Deep State
Beginning at post 274 - 297 where he refuses to deny he approves of the NBPP

Here's what he embraces 100%
“I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn’t come out here to play today. There’s too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!”
— King Samir Shabazz, former head of the party’s Philadelphia chapter, in a National Geographic documentary, January 2009.

Sure, there are valid arguments to the nations past with relation to the treatment of blacks but we as a nation have come a long way and his posts never touch on the achievements. It's bigotry. Hateful racism in every post and every thread.

Everyone should report ALL his posts as Hate Speech. That's all it is. They're being allowed due to Political Correctness.
BTW..he is using the 'Report Post" tool as a weapon to get posts removed from his threads that he disagrees with.

I'm sure he's already "reported" this post

I think that you don't get to dictate what I post. You are here lying on me because I did not do what you want. Why do I have to recognize that we have come a long way from a place we never should have been at in the first place? And why in the hell do I have to touch on such achievements when I read the shit whites post in here?

Motherfucker, this is the race and racism section and I am going to talk about and call out white racism. If I am talking about politics, whites entering my threads to bitch because they want this to be a forum where whites get to talk shit all day on blacks will get reported. On the matter of black conservatives, I happen to be black and know as well as worked in the community with black conservatives. I have attended and led seminars in America and Africa with a wide variety of black thinkers, leaders, politicians, business people, etc. I say what I do about black conservatives because that's how it is. Other blacks here will tell you the same thing.

The black conservatives whites try pushing on us are black accomodationists. Traditionally those have been the blacks whites like you and most here love. Let's just stay in our place, be grateful about how whites let us shit in the same toilet with them. Brag about how a half done job is progress. Don't push for an end to the bullshit. Blacks push to end the bullshit get called racists and pussies with internet courage start making demands about how they should call different black groups hate groups and if they don't the pussy assumes you support that group. The pussy then lies about you even as you have NEVER called for the death of whites or have said you hate all whites.

And no matter how many times you tell the dumb racist bastards that not all whites are racists, the pussies whine on about how you blame all white people. You're a punk ass, spineless, racist turd BHU and your posts are rife with white fragility. In case you want to whine about that being racist, the term was created by a white person.

white fragility- discomfort and defensiveness on the part of a white person when confronted by information about racial inequality and injustice.

"Sure, there are valid arguments to the nations past with relation to the treatment of blacks but we as a nation have come a long way and his posts never touch on the achievements."

You were asked to denounce every white supremacist group by name, but you didn't. And while you don't want me to consider your punk ass a racist for not doing that, you want to claim I embrace the beliefs of one member of the NBPP because I did not do what you say.

We are no longer legally forced to do what white people tell us to do bitch.

Stop living in the past. And I don't subscribe to MAGA.
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The interesting phenomenon with Leftists and in particular "Black" Leftists is that when they excoriate Black Conservatives, they never cite anything said by them that is false. Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams skewer Black "leaders" for their refusal to address the internal problems within the Black community, always calling out "Whitey" for the poverty, lawlessness, and social ills of the Black community. But those who criticize Sowell and Williams never point out any factual errors, any mistaken data, any failures of logic...because there aren't any.

The truth hurts.

There is nothing "racist" about Our Beloved President, but the Left takes every opportunity to call him racist. He has done more for American Blacks than Barry Soetoro ever dreamed of doing, but that is a fact, not a Leftist talking point.
The interesting phenomenon with Leftists and in particular "Black" Leftists is that when they excoriate Black Conservatives, they never cite anything said by them that is false. Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams skewer Black "leaders" for their refusal to address the internal problems within the Black community, always calling out "Whitey" for the poverty, lawlessness, and social ills of the Black community. But those who criticize Sowell and Williams never point out any factual errors, any mistaken data, any failures of logic...because there aren't any.

The truth hurts.

There is nothing "racist" about Our Beloved President, but the Left takes every opportunity to call him racist. He has done more for American Blacks than Barry Soetoro ever dreamed of doing, but that is a fact, not a Leftist talking point.

Trump is a racist and he's done nothing for blacks. Sowell and Williams are jokes.

Thomas Sowell is responsible for making life more dangerous for black people in America with irresponsible rhetoric he pawns off as high level intellectual thought. One can criticize liberals all they want about policies, but when you are black and you suggest to whites that blacks are starting a race war with them, you invite problems that no one black should be facing. When you know that your audience consists of white right wing extremists and you state how they are under attack from blacks and the media hides it, you invite and should be held criminally responsible for the hate crimes you have created.

“More dangerous than these highly publicized episodes over the years are innumerable organized and unprovoked physical attacks on whites by young black gangs in shopping malls, on beaches, and in other public places all across the country today. While some of these attacks make it into the media as isolated incidents, the nationwide pattern of organized black-on-white attacks by thugs remains invisible in the mainstream media, with the notable exception of Bill O’Reilly on the Fox News Channel.”

Early Skirmishes in a Race War, Thomas Sowell, National Review, October 24, 2013

I remembered those words as I was listening to a stirring rendition of the Old Ship of Zion sung by Rev. Randolph Miller at the funeral for Rev. Clementa Pinckney. As I listened to this old spiritual, I wondered had Dylan Roof read the words of Sowell and did those words validate Roofs feelings of how he needed to do something to end the scourge of black attacks against whites in Sowells race war. As I listened to this man sing this song and was moved to tears during the televised funeral, I began thinking just how many of these kinds of funerals blacks have had to endure.

I hold great disdain for opinions such as Sowells and I regard the elevation of blacks like him into thought leadership as having been detrimental to the overall improvement of blacks in America. Here is a man who ignored conditions blacks faced at Cornell that led to black students eventually taking over Willard Straight Hall. Furthermore his opposition to government solving the problem government made for blacks just doesn’t make sense. He ignores almost 200 years of whites exclusively getting government assistance in his analysis.

At this point it is important to show the numeric human cost of what Sowell stated in that National Review article. Beginning with the next paragraph are hate crime statistics from 2015, 2 years after Sowell declared that Blacks had begun a race war against whites.

“According to the 2015 FBI hate crime statistics, there were 613 anti-white-related crimes out of 5,850 total cases. That's around 10.5 percent of all reported hate crimes, and within the yearly average, federal numbers show.

By comparison, the FBI reports there were 1,745 anti-black hate crimes or about 30 percent of all reported incidents. Jews were the most targeted religious group that year and were victims of 11 percent of all hate crimes. It's not clear how many anti-Jewish hate crime victims also may have been attacked because of their race.

The 2015 FBI data showed that of the 734 total reported offenses committed against whites — a single incident could have multiple offenses like assault or theft — 46 percent of those were committed by blacks.

In contrast, of the 2,125 reported offenses committed against blacks, 58 percent of those who committed by whites.”

Based on this data, how can a black person make such an irresponsible and dangerous comment like the one Sowell made? There is a very long history of violence perpetrated against blacks by whites throughout US history. Most of it came from whites feeling threatened. Now we have a black man stoking and validating in their minds those same fears. I don’t know what media Sowell watches, but the local news where I live from at least 2 cities show stories on these kinds of crimes every time they happen complete with pictures of the captured perpetrators. Sowell has half assed his way into wealth because of dumb white conservatives who suck up his message only because it validates their racial views.
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