RCP Poll - Yikes!


Senior Member
Feb 5, 2009
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I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

The more the Economy continues to tank, the more Obama continues to Bow to foreign leaders, and not defend his own nation, and Freedom in particuliar...

Continues his quest to agrandize himself when people are hurting, and the perception of him not caring...Continue to LIE about the REAL status of the MESS he and his puppetters have created?

He will FALL. And deservedly so. The "Give him a CHANCE" phase has long passed.
I only count the top 3 which gives him about a 48.5%. The news channels are unreliable at best.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.

Remember that Rasmussen was one of the closest in predicting the election results. They use likely voters instead of registered voters or all adults.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.
Rasmussen is still the only polling firm that screens for likely voters, rather than just the average schmuck whose only apparent criteria for political awareness is picking up the phone.
People are catching on to his game, to include this health care sham. I see where cap and trade may already be dead in the water. Hopefully the people will continue to learn.

Of course they are. He reads a few lines off a teleprompter, but the burning question is where's the passion for those hurting in the real world?

If he really cared? He'd stop what's going on, cut taxes, get OFF the backs of business, STOP the takeover of Business... But he is too busy in his redistribution of wealth, and by that OBAMA, is hurting people. The unemployment stats are enough to prove it on their own.

It's all about himself...and he doesn't care a wit. He is a Marxist nitwit. Government before the people.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.
Rasmussen is still the only polling firm that screens for likely voters, rather than just the average schmuck whose only apparent criteria for political awareness is picking up the phone.
And what brainpower does that take exactly? ;) :eusa_whistle:
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.

49.9-46=13 And liberals wonder why we think they're dipshits.
People are catching on to his game, to include this health care sham. I see where cap and trade may already be dead in the water. Hopefully the people will continue to learn.

Of course they are. He reads a few lines off a teleprompter, but the burning question is where's the passion for those hurting in the real world?

If he really cared? He'd stop what's going on, cut taxes, get OFF the backs of business, STOP the takeover of Business... But he is too busy in his redistribution of wealth, and by that OBAMA, is hurting people. The unemployment stats are enough to prove it on their own.

It's all about himself...and he doesn't care a wit. He is a Marxist nitwit. Government before the people.

The irony in a guy who's take is "Who gives a fuck about the less fortunate" is asking "where's the passion for those hurting".
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.

49.9-46=13 And liberals wonder why we think they're dipshits.

The average is +5.6. Rasmussen says it's -8. That's a 13.8 point difference.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.

49.9-46=13 And liberals wonder why we think they're dipshits.

No, we wonder why homeschooling doesn't focus more on math.
I recall the days when a few in here would deride the Rasmussen polls, and any other singular poll showing a decline in Obama approval. Now we have the latest RCP polling average showing Obama, for the first time, falling below 50%. No outliers here folks - just the cold hard fact that America is getting increasingly fed up with this White House...

Hope and Change indeed!

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

Rasmussen is STILL an outlier.:lol::lol::lol: 13 points outside the average.

See BS is 11.4 outside the average...

Clintoon News Network is 7.4 outside the average...

Yet you never complain about THEM... Why is that?
FYI, if we throw out the "outliers" Rassmusen, SeeBS and CNN these are the averages:

Approve: 48.75
Disprove: 47

Difference: +1.75

I'd like to know more about the methodology CBS and CNN's pollsters are using, because those numbers don't look right to me either.
Would another 911 boost Obama's ratings or just drive his down further?

Funny how that works isn't it.
Perhaps someone can explain how Gallup is more accurate? I see four interesting things.

1. Gallup's numbers add up to 93%; Rasmussen is 100%.
2. USA adds up to 94%.
3. Does meeting an average make it MORE correct?
4. Gallup and Rasmussen are more current polls.

I interpret these numbers to mean Gallup and the others allow an undecided category, where Rasmusen requires an approve or disapprove response. The differing methodologies are going to cause some level of distortion. It will be interesting to see of Rasmussen's is a predictor of the direction we will go when people make up their minds.
I'd like to know more about the methodology CBS and CNN's pollsters are using, because those numbers don't look right to me either.

I think CBS just asks Katie the same question 100 times. No seriously, sometimes your sample is just bad.
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