Raul Castro and Friend


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
And in today's news......one of the Menendez brothers.....er, Castro brothers....reminds that he is no friend to capitalism.

(So sorry to confuse Lyle and Erik with the infamous Raul and Fidel......}

1. "HAVANA (AP) -- President Raul Castro issued a stern warning to entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries of Cuba's economic reform,....

2. ....has issued tighter regulations on businesses seen as going too far or competing excessively with state enterprises.

3. .....the government has banned the resale of imported hardware and clothing and cracked down on unlicensed private videogame and movie salons.

4. Castro threw his full weight behind such measures in an address to the biannual meeting of the communist legislature, saying "every step we take must be accompanied by the establishment of a sense of order."

5. "Inadequate controls by government institutions in the face of illegal activities by private businesspeople weren't resolved in a timely fashion, creating an environment of impunity and stimulating the accelerated growth of activities that were never authorized for certain occupations," ....

6. ....will never give in to demands for changes to Cuba's government and economy,...."
News from The Associated Press

And then there's this:

a. "...black human rights activist Orlando Zapata-Tamayo died after an 83-day hunger strike and a series of savage beatings by his Castroite jailers/torturers."
Archived-Articles: Black Civil Rights Activist Murdered by Castro Regime

2. Having seized power on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro, following the tradition of Vladimir Lenin, turned his nation into a huge slave camp. Half a million human beings have passed through Castro’s gulags. Since Cuba’s population is only around eleven million, that gives Castro’s despotism the highest political incarceration rate, per capita, on earth.

a. Firing squads have carried out more than fifteen thousand executions.

b. The Castro regime's barbarity is best epitomized by the Camilo Cienfuegos plan, the program of horrors followed in the forced-labor camp on the Isle of Pines. Forced to work almost naked, prisoners were made to cut grass with their teeth and to sit in latrine trenches for long periods of time.
Pascal Fontaine, “Cuba: Interminable Totalitarianism in the Tropics,” in the Black Book of Communism, p. 647-665

And....the official imprimatur:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVJMztDiAKM]President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela's memorial - YouTube[/ame]

Did he use Lava Soap to get that blood off his hand?
Once upon a time we had Presidents who symbolized what we want our children to be.
Unfortunately, from time to time, there are very different individuals who ascend to that lofty position.

Striking how similar this Obama faux pas, the President of the United States of America warmly clutching a stone killer and homicidal maniac.........

...is to the remarkably similar situation that happened in the 1930's.......

“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
Mark Twain
And in today's news......one of the Menendez brothers.....er, Castro brothers....reminds that he is no friend to capitalism.

(So sorry to confuse Lyle and Erik with the infamous Raul and Fidel......}

1. "HAVANA (AP) -- President Raul Castro issued a stern warning to entrepreneurs pushing the boundaries of Cuba's economic reform,....

2. ....has issued tighter regulations on businesses seen as going too far or competing excessively with state enterprises.

3. .....the government has banned the resale of imported hardware and clothing and cracked down on unlicensed private videogame and movie salons.

4. Castro threw his full weight behind such measures in an address to the biannual meeting of the communist legislature, saying "every step we take must be accompanied by the establishment of a sense of order."

5. "Inadequate controls by government institutions in the face of illegal activities by private businesspeople weren't resolved in a timely fashion, creating an environment of impunity and stimulating the accelerated growth of activities that were never authorized for certain occupations," ....

6. ....will never give in to demands for changes to Cuba's government and economy,...."
News from The Associated Press

And then there's this:

a. "...black human rights activist Orlando Zapata-Tamayo died after an 83-day hunger strike and a series of savage beatings by his Castroite jailers/torturers."
Archived-Articles: Black Civil Rights Activist Murdered by Castro Regime

2. Having seized power on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro, following the tradition of Vladimir Lenin, turned his nation into a huge slave camp. Half a million human beings have passed through Castro’s gulags. Since Cuba’s population is only around eleven million, that gives Castro’s despotism the highest political incarceration rate, per capita, on earth.

a. Firing squads have carried out more than fifteen thousand executions.

b. The Castro regime's barbarity is best epitomized by the Camilo Cienfuegos plan, the program of horrors followed in the forced-labor camp on the Isle of Pines. Forced to work almost naked, prisoners were made to cut grass with their teeth and to sit in latrine trenches for long periods of time.
Pascal Fontaine, “Cuba: Interminable Totalitarianism in the Tropics,” in the Black Book of Communism, p. 647-665

And....the official imprimatur:

President Obama shakes hands with Cuba's Raul Castro at Nelson Mandela's memorial - YouTube

Did he use Lava Soap to get that blood off his hand?
Gotta love the boots on the necks of the people...Obama is trying to do the very same here...he just loves people of like mind. Dreams of his father indeed.
Barry Soetoro alias B. Hussein Obama was indoctrinated in his early adulthood by a Commie teacher, Dr. Davis I think it was. Some say he was even his daddy. Whatever, Obama is an unpatriotic, illegal, lying POS, and it's no wonder he sucks up to some of the world's disgusting leaders.
Barry Soetoro alias B. Hussein Obama was indoctrinated in his early adulthood by a Commie teacher, Dr. Davis I think it was. Some say he was even his daddy. Whatever, Obama is an unpatriotic, illegal, lying POS, and it's no wonder he sucks up to some of the world's disgusting leaders.

The man you are pointing to is Frank Marshall Davis.

“So who were Obama’s founding fathers? In Hawaii, he came under the influence of the former Communist Frank Marshall Davis; at Columbia, he encountered the Palestinian radical Edward Said; at Harvard, Obama’s mentor was the Brazilian socialist Roberto Mangabeira Unger; in Chicago, Obama befriended the revolutionary preacher Jeremiah Wright and the former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers…

...Never before has America had a president tutored and mentored by a Communist and pat-time pornographer; a ‘professor of terror” who advocated armed resistance against America and her allies; by a socialist so radical that he was rejected by the foreign socialist government he served in; by an incendiary theologician whose philosophy can be summed up in the phrase “God damn America”; and by a former terrorist, who, like Osama Bin Laden, attempted to blow up th Pentagon and other symbols of American power.” Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 69-70.

I don't blame Obama....he is what he is....but all of the above was known before his election.....

....I blame the simpletons, the lazy ignorant buffoons who didn't have the sense to analyze what the above information predicted.
Barry Soetoro alias B. Hussein Obama was indoctrinated in his early adulthood by a Commie teacher, Dr. Davis I think it was. Some say he was even his daddy. Whatever, Obama is an unpatriotic, illegal, lying POS, and it's no wonder he sucks up to some of the world's disgusting leaders.

The man you are pointing to is Frank Marshall Davis.

“So who were Obama’s founding fathers? In Hawaii, he came under the influence of the former Communist Frank Marshall Davis; at Columbia, he encountered the Palestinian radical Edward Said; at Harvard, Obama’s mentor was the Brazilian socialist Roberto Mangabeira Unger; in Chicago, Obama befriended the revolutionary preacher Jeremiah Wright and the former Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers…

...Never before has America had a president tutored and mentored by a Communist and pat-time pornographer; a ‘professor of terror” who advocated armed resistance against America and her allies; by a socialist so radical that he was rejected by the foreign socialist government he served in; by an incendiary theologician whose philosophy can be summed up in the phrase “God damn America”; and by a former terrorist, who, like Osama Bin Laden, attempted to blow up th Pentagon and other symbols of American power.” Dinesh D’Souza, “Obama’s America,” p. 69-70.

I don't blame Obama....he is what he is....but all of the above was known before his election.....

....I blame the simpletons, the lazy ignorant buffoons who didn't have the sense to analyze what the above information predicted.
Can't say we didn't give them fair warning....WE DID. Too many are just happy to ignore it and blame Bush, the Republicans, TEA Party...for what is befalling them.

When will they join reality? History?

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