Rational Dialogue With Democrats On Race Relations Will Never Happen

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Trump could drag a Nazi out in the middle of 5th Avenue, shoot him in the head and it wouldn't make one bit of difference to Liberals. Without the grievance industry, identity politics, class war, and politics of envy Democrats couldn't give away a free puppy for a vote.

Everyone knows it. Democrats can't afford race relations to get better. It's their power base. And it's shrinking at a rate they can't live with. They have lost 1000 elected seats in the last six years by calling Joe Six Pack a racist and they still don't get it.

Democrats have lost the war of ideas. They're virtually naked and they won't stop trying to ratchet up the rhetoric.

How pathetic is it you have to pit Americans against each other to hold on to what little power you have left?
Oh, you scared me for a moment! Rational dialog and Democrat don't belong in the same sentence.

But don't take my word: read most RW dialogs on this forum and you will see attempts to argue facts.
Read most LW dialogs on this forum and they start right out with insults, name calling, and basically, that you are an idiot just for disagreeing with them.
Lieberals are emotional crybabies and facts that don't support their sensitive little souls are to be buried. Their parents should be embarrassed.
Trump could drag a Nazi out in the middle of 5th Avenue, shoot him in the head and it wouldn't make one bit of difference to Liberals. Without the grievance industry, identity politics, class war, and politics of envy Democrats couldn't give away a free puppy for a vote.

Everyone knows it. Democrats can't afford race relations to get better. It's their power base. And it's shrinking at a rate they can't live with. They have lost 1000 elected seats in the last six years by calling Joe Six Pack a racist and they still don't get it.

Democrats have lost the war of ideas. They're virtually naked and they won't stop trying to ratchet up the rhetoric.

How pathetic is it you have to pit Americans against each other to hold on to what little power you have left?
Trump could drag a Nazi out in the middle of 5th Avenue, shoot him in the head and it wouldn't make one bit of difference to Liberals.
The problem liberals or for that matter a lot of the GOP has, is when Trump is asked to take a stand on white nationalists Trump does this

If you are asked to denounce people who think Hitler was an OK guy, you say yes, not run away from the question like your Speedy Gonzales.
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Trump could drag a Nazi out in the middle of 5th Avenue, shoot him in the head and it wouldn't make one bit of difference to Liberals. Without the grievance industry, identity politics, class war, and politics of envy Democrats couldn't give away a free puppy for a vote.

Everyone knows it. Democrats can't afford race relations to get better. It's their power base. And it's shrinking at a rate they can't live with. They have lost 1000 elected seats in the last six years by calling Joe Six Pack a racist and they still don't get it.

Democrats have lost the war of ideas. They're virtually naked and they won't stop trying to ratchet up the rhetoric.

How pathetic is it you have to pit Americans against each other to hold on to what little power you have left?
Trump could even call for the Central Park 5 to return their damages and call the president a Muslim. Shame on the dems.
They thrive on two things.

Chaos and the unreal drugged out stupid minds of their followers.

Democrats in no way shape or form are interested in having rational discussions.

They perpetuate the grievance INDUSTRY and the grievance INDUSTRY is not in any way concerned about solving any grievance.

Only finding new grievances and creating more rivers of donations through countless fundraisers.

They are evil to the core.
The neonazis in C- Ville felt very comfortable showing their faces and not not wearing their hoods because they know Trump has their backs.
David Duke said so explicitly yesterday..
When the Dump was asked during the campaign how he felt about the support of Duke, the pathological liar said he didn't know him. Lol
Every single trump bot on this forum that is defending the Dump can't hide their affinity towards the neonazis. This forum is filled with them.
Progs have no interest in equality of any kind. They have an interest in furthering their political agenda of social justice to garner power and fundamentally change American.

Obama said it himself.

These left wing fringe groups are not mainstream. They are radical.

If you advocate the murder of police, you are not mainstream.
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You take out the race card and they are left with feminists and gays making up most of their base. The people who voted for Trump last year will vote for him again in 2020 wait and see.....I would not be surprised if the democrats lose a state Hillary won.
If you are asked to denounce people who think Hitler was an OK guy, you say yes, not run away from the question like your Speedy Gonzales.

Look, Jackass, he has already said as much and knows this is just another liberal trap to try to use his own words against him, not to get at the facts. No matter what he would say they are all there just to use it to spin into another attack on him. Witness the fact that they are already trying to make a thing out of the fact that he isn't solely blaming the supremacists alone, but also those who provoked the entire matter into a big fight! Now they will conclude that his not taking any questions on the matter after signing the important VA bill as proof that Trump is a Nazi himself.

I think the real question needing asked is why the police failed to keep the Nazi's and protesters further apart? Love 'em or hate 'em, they were just there exercising their right to peaceful assembly and free speech until the counter-protesters came along and escalated it into violence.
Oh, you scared me for a moment! Rational dialog and Democrat don't belong in the same sentence.

But don't take my word: read most RW dialogs on this forum and you will see attempts to argue facts.
Read most LW dialogs on this forum and they start right out with insults, name calling, and basically, that you are an idiot just for disagreeing with them.
you havent been here long enough,there are many righties here who do the same thing,especially the name calling and you are an idiot just for disagreeing with them........
If you are asked to denounce people who think Hitler was an OK guy, you say yes, not run away from the question like your Speedy Gonzales.

Look, Jackass, he has already said as much and knows this is just another liberal trap to try to use his own words against him, not to get at the facts. No matter what he would say they are all there just to use it to spin into another attack on him. Witness the fact that they are already trying to make a thing out of the fact that he isn't solely blaming the supremacists alone, but also those who provoked the entire matter into a big fight! Now they will conclude that his not taking any questions on the matter after signing the important VA bill as proof that Trump is a Nazi himself.

I think the real question needing asked is why the police failed to keep the Nazi's and protesters further apart? Love 'em or hate 'em, they were just there exercising their right to peaceful assembly and free speech until the counter-protesters came along and escalated it into violence.
he has already said as much and knows this is just another liberal trap to try to use his own words against him
I used his silence against him, which in this case is way more telling, as to him denouncing them. Please show me where? I've seen a broad condemnation of violence but no denunciation of them specifically. I don't count some surrogates "clarifying" his statements as him speaking. He was asked very specific questions at the press conference. They were as softball as they come. " Do you denounce white nationalist?" he choose to ignore the question. Not answering that speaks volumes.
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I don't get " its not racist to have pride in being white," my color, my sex, my looks, may have helped me get jobs or attention, but its only what I did with my life that has value, not because I am white. pride is about something you have done, not the color of your skin.
Good odds the OP is correct. Pointing fingers and screaming "racist" at persons who;ve done nothing to deserve that moniker is all they have left. It's hateful. I haven't seen this sort of hate since I was a young child.

It's old. It's been old. And, it lost the tards the election.
Oh, you scared me for a moment! Rational dialog and Democrat don't belong in the same sentence.

But don't take my word: read most RW dialogs on this forum and you will see attempts to argue facts.
Read most LW dialogs on this forum and they start right out with insults, name calling, and basically, that you are an idiot just for disagreeing with them.
you havent been here long enough,there are many righties here who do the same thing,especially the name calling and you are an idiot just for disagreeing with them........

Key word in my post: I said "most" not "all." There are good and bad on both sides. BUT, you are generally more apt to get a real discussion from the Right while more apt to just get a total slamming and name-calling slurs from the Left attacking the /person-group/ rather than the subject. One by one, whenever I find a person NEVER willing to openly debate the ISSUE from both sides with reason but simply here to slam individuals or groups repeatedly, I simply ignore them. So far, ALL of them have been Lefties.
The neonazis in C- Ville felt very comfortable showing their faces and not not wearing their hoods because they know Trump has their backs.

In what way to the fascist libtards think Trump has pro-statue protesters backs? Did those libtard sh1t4brains think Trump was going to show up and hose down the libtard counter-protesters?

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