Ratcliffe: Democrats 'racing' to beat disclosure that 'damages the Obama-Biden administration'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Democratic leaders are rushing through impeachment proceedings to beat out a potentially scathing revelation about the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, according to a House Intelligence Committee Republican.

Texas Rep. John Ratcliffe said Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz's forthcoming report on FBI intelligence-gathering activities is "likely to be damning" in how it reflects upon the Obama administration, and by extension former Vice President Joe Biden, who is a leading candidate for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.

"Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are racing to get this done," the Texas congressman said on Fox News's Sunday Morning Futures, referring to the House speaker and House Intelligence Committee chairman, respectively. "That’s why we have five impeachment hearings this week with eight different witnesses. They’re racing the clock. They want to get this done before information that comes out that damages the Obama-Biden administration and their efforts to frame Donald Trump come out in the IG report or from John Durham’s criminal investigation into those very same issues."

Read much more and video at. Ratcliffe: Democrats 'racing' to beat disclosure that 'damages the Obama-Biden administration'
Ratcliffe is right. That's what has been the motivation for this Shampeachment from the get go.
The democrats know what they've done & they're petrified of getting their necks stretched!

They have to try SOMETHING even if it means calling witnesses who didn't witness anything.

Next up they'll be asking a blind man what he saw!

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