Rasmussen Has Trump At 50% Approval July 31. Will This Story Be On CNN/MSNBC All Weekend?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.
The fake news DNC supporting leftist media will never report how Trump's poll numbers are higher than Barry's were at the same point in his time in office....

The fake news DNC supporting leftist media will never report how Trump's poll numbers are higher than Barry's were at the same point in his time in office....

right,,just like when CNN gave Obama a 60% approval after 65 Million Americans fired him in 2016
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.
Probably not without the rest of the polls, as Rasmussen is an outlier or out and out liar, depending on point of views, as they known to be in the bag for trump. Here are the others listed on FiveThirtyEight:
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.
Yes his approval is at 50% :clap:


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Raz Muffin should take this Poll,,,,,,,Trump Biden Titmouse.......i wonder who gets second place
Rasmussen tracking is better said a "Lifestyle" poll. Anyone able to take a call, 5 pm to 9 pm weeknights, gets included. Anyone "Essential" is not included. So Rasmussen can only generalize to a hyper-tiny part of the general population.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Deut 23: 19-20, can scare off even Martians--aka, "Antifa," from landing on a planet clearly uninhabitable!)
Wow! Trump at 50% approval. This must mean that Biden is actually around 35% being we need to give about 15% to the undecided. This probably also means that Trumps Approval in the rust belt is actually between 55 to 60 per-cent being most people there are white deplorables.

Depending on polls this far from the election is like trusting the 14th day of the 14 day weather forecast will be correct.

It doesn't matter what the polls say, especially now. For one, polls are designed for a specific outcome. Two, polls are only as good as the honestly of the participants.

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