'Rapist' (D) Keith Ellison's Lead Vanishes...

As for Keith Ellison: there are police records and medical records proving his abuse! and ZERO #metoo protests on that one by the Democrats! wtf is going on!
Keith Ellison faces mounting pressure over domestic violence claim
National Organization for Women calls for him to drop out of race for the Minnesota attorney general's race, while top DFL leaders say they still back him.
By Maya Rao, Kelly Smith and Jessie Van Berkel Star Tribune
August 17, 2018 — 6:24am
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
Keith Ellison is a monkey fucker
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

I doubt he did it, but what the hell... an accusation is basically the real thing now so might as well lock him up.
As for Keith Ellison: there are police records and medical records proving his abuse! and ZERO #metoo protests on that one by the Democrats! wtf is going on!

Where are the Pussy Hatters?
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

I doubt he did it, but what the hell... an accusation is basically the real thing now so might as well lock him up.

Well, they do have police reports and recorded phone calls. But yeah, if you're gonna apply Pussy Hat Democrat standards, he is definitely guilty.
Dims claim we must believe women, we must believe the survivor.

Welllllll, that is unless you are the female survivor of their parties co-chair.

Yup, no Pussy Hatter freak outs over Ellison. Tells you everything you need to know about Democrats.
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
I find that to be an acceptable outcome when it comes to those who abuse others. Unlike Republicans who vote their abusers into office.

Tobacco vagina Oval Office?

Stop being a hypocrite
We are back to a he said/she said and the presumption of innocence. So if she presses charges and he is found guilty that is one thing however I would let the voters decided on what to do with him. Really hesitant about putting weight into he said/she said accusations.
We are back to a he said/she said and the presumption of innocence. So if she presses charges and he is found guilty that is one thing however I would let the voters decided on what to do with him. Really hesitant about putting weight into he said/she said accusations.

Yes, it is a "he said she said".

However, Dimocrats insist that we believe the "survivors". So why aren't they out banging on the doors of the DNC ?
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a 'Rapist.' No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
Too bad the DNC can’t silence her, end any investigation, and force him into the position for the rest of his life like the GOP did with Kavanaugh. Maybe he should have raped her instead of pulling her off of a bed. The GOP would be screaming #HIMTOO #HIMTOOOOO!!!

Pretty sure she has said he DNC has tried to silence her. And why no calls for the FBI to investigate Ellison abuse?
The FemiNazi Hate Hypocrisy on display again...
You can’t applaud Kavanaugh for his serial rapings and then claim hypocrisy because some people aren’t freaking out Ellison pulled his girlfriend off of a bed.
LOL you LYING piece of HUMAN GARBAGE, there was NEVER any evidence kavanaugh did ANY of the things you on the left accused him off. NONE NADA ZIP and the accusers? Caught in lie after lie.
We are back to a he said/she said and the presumption of innocence. So if she presses charges and he is found guilty that is one thing however I would let the voters decided on what to do with him. Really hesitant about putting weight into he said/she said accusations.

Yes, it is a "he said she said".

However, Dimocrats insist that we believe the "survivors". So why aren't they out banging on the doors of the DNC ?

I don't care what hypocritical left wing nuts do, they are not a good moral compass for anyone and this really shows their hypocrisy. I still believe in the concept of innocent until proven guilty, left nuts believe in party over anything else.
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
Thread fail. Keith Ellison defeats Doug Wardlow in Minnesota attorney general race
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
Thread fail. Keith Ellison defeats Doug Wardlow in Minnesota attorney general race
That is a fail for Minnesota.
Thanks Twin Cities, for choosing identity politics over common sense.

Ellison has NO support from the rural counties.
How bout those Dems? Out there stumping for a Rapist. No dishonesty and hypocrisy there, huh? :rofl:

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations

Embattled Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison’s lead in the Minnesota Attorney General election appears to be vanishing amid allegations of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend.

The congressman’s bid to become the top law enforcement official in the blue state was supposed to be an easy task for a popular Democrat who holds one of the top positions within the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Ellison’s lead has taken a dramatic cut since Karen Monahan came forward with her story in August detailing the physical and emotional abuse she suffered allegedly at the hands of Ellison...

Keith Ellison's lead vanishing amid domestic abuse allegations
Thread fail. Keith Ellison defeats Doug Wardlow in Minnesota attorney general race
Trumpicans will make excuses to deny and remain delusional.

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