Ralph Reed's Group: An Obama Victory Means "He Can Complete America's Destruction"


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

By Andy Kroll

The nonprofit run by the ex-Christian Coalition leader blankets voters with grab-bag of right-wing Obama hatred.

Last week, Mother Jones reported on a controversial mailer from the Faith and Freedom Coalition, an evangelical Christian group run by veteran political operative Ralph Reed. The flyer, which was sent to potential voters, asked recipients to compare President Barack Obama's policies to the threat of Nazi Germany and Japan circa World War II. It also accused Obama of having "Communist beliefs." Reed is no bit player: The former head of the Christian Coalition (who played a part in the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal), he's leading a massive, multi-million-dollar effort to turn out evangelical voters for Mitt Romney in November.

But wait—Reed's Obama flame-throwing doesn't end there. That Faith and Freedom Coalition mailer also included 10 more pages of inflammatory, debunked, and malicious rhetoric, a right-wing grab bag of Obama hatred. In this letter to potential voters, Reed claims that Obama wants an America where "government bureaucrats micromanage every aspect of your life," the taxman "seizes most of what you earn," and death panels—yes, those fictional death panels—determine whether you live or die. Reed insists that Obama will destroy capitalism and replace it with "Socialistic economic theories."

Here's the most inflammatory line: If Obama wins reelection, "he can complete America's destruction." This warning, naturally, is presented in bold print.

Does Reed truly believe Obama is bent on the ultimate destruction of the nation? An FFC spokeswoman declined to respond to requests for comment.

The Faith and Freedom Coalition letter, which was mailed out in recent weeks, echoes Romney's "47 percent" comments, as revealed by Mother Jones. In this case, though, Reed's group says 45 percent of the electorate is comprised of Obama-voting, government leeches. "That's Obama's base," the letter says. "And he expands his base by creating more dependents on government."

Reed, once hailed as the "Right Hand of God" on the cover of Time magazine, founded the Faith and Freedom Coalition in 2009. And his group is important for Romney. In 2008, 26 percent of all voters identified themselves as evangelicals or born-again Christians. Romney, a Mormon, is hardly an evangelical darling: He trailed Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum among evangelicals throughout the Republican presidential primary fight.

The 2012 elections mark Reed's full return to presidential politics after being ensnared in the Abramoff affair. Reed, a friend of Abramoff's for decades, fell out of favor with the GOP establishment after it was revealed Abramoff had directed money to Reed through his Indian casino clients in party for work Reed did trying to block casinos that would've competed with clients of the disgraced Washington lobbyist.

More: Ralph Reed's Group: An Obama Victory Means "He Can Complete America's Destruction" | Mother Jones
I saw an interview with Reed where he said that he would motivate the evangelicals to vote Romney as he did to vote for Bush, and did nothing to help McCain. Reed's evangelical group has more than 54 million members. They just distributed The Christian Voter Guide. Those little church groups will have workers transporting all the other little church members to the voting booth all day.

obama is a deranged little insect with a shady background in real estate deals, terrorist friends and severe drug addiction.
Christofascist shithead would destroy a great many things that are good about America without a second thought.
I saw an interview with Reed where he said that he would motivate the evangelicals to vote Romney as he did to vote for Bush, and did nothing to help McCain. Reed's evangelical group has more than 54 million members. They just distributed The Christian Voter Guide. Those little church groups will have workers transporting all the other little church members to the voting booth all day.

obama is a deranged little insect with a shady background in real estate deals, terrorist friends and severe drug addiction.

The Democrats and SEIU also have buses, but they take the little old ladies to several polling places
"we need death panels" -- Obama adviser 9/16/2012

Liberals will say that Reed is a nut, he's an idiot, he's blah blah blah, who cares what liberals say. A lot of Christians who are unmotivated to go vote will get motivated. And there is nothing liberals can do about it! All they can do is whistle in the wind about Reed being a deranged wingnut, as if anyone but other liberals pays that any attention.
I saw an interview with Reed where he said that he would motivate the evangelicals to vote Romney as he did to vote for Bush, and did nothing to help McCain. Reed's evangelical group has more than 54 million members. They just distributed The Christian Voter Guide. Those little church groups will have workers transporting all the other little church members to the voting booth all day.

obama is a deranged little insect with a shady background in real estate deals, terrorist friends and severe drug addiction.

The Democrats and SEIU also have buses, but they take the little old ladies to several polling places

Now they have some competition!

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