Ragged Old Flag

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

There are people that cry for unity and think their Constitutional rights are violated when they become offended. No one said you didn't have the right to be offended nor does the Constitution guarantee that you the right that you won't be offended. Nor is it the governments responsibility to keep you from being offended at all times. However...

What other country offers you the Constitutional rights that you have today?

The Constitution does guarantee you the right to peaceful assembly so we can form a more perfect union.

If you want a more perfect union then be peaceful while you're protesting and obey the legal orders of the duly elected officials and those assigned to carry out the legal orders.

Now go do your penance and say a I Pledge Allegiance and a Star Spangled Banner while standing proudly honoring that Ragged Old Flag.


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