'Radio Active Trump' Antidote to the 'PC' Political Morass...?


VIP Member
Mar 18, 2017
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking - politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed stand' for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change..?
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niches in the spectrum of robotic liars, neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a 'drowneded' clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere or are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'Radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
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Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
It's possible to be different without being this way. This isn't the only option.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
It's possible to be different without being this way. This isn't the only option.
Sure Donald Trump has a lot of flaws, who doesn’t? But it is not his job to play well with others…
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
It's possible to be different without being this way. This isn't the only option.
Sure Donald Trump has a lot of flaws, who doesn’t? But it is not his job to play well with others…
Well, that's okay. The point is, if people are going to be given the opportunity, they're going to react to his behaviors. And he's giving them every opportunity.

What we don't know is, if the economy continues to improve, whether it will be enough to overcome that.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.

I like the way you laid out your thoughts. I am guessing that you didn't read the whole article as your 1st and 2nd. reasons are addressed and actually comprise more than a few strands of the fabric that makes up the article. On your 3rd reason one could make the argument that what we voted for (think primaries & the pit bull in him) is what we got!... in spades. We are used to candidates changing drastically from campaign candidate --> to President & we don't like it..!!!

Your first reason elicits varying degrees of frustration / angst for the majority of those who voted for him & certainly for those who didn't vote for him. The difference being some (like myself) held my nose & calloused my conscience a bit in the pursuit of what we perceived to be (literally) of National importance, a referendum, on 'politics as usual' and we didn't look back after crossing that threshold. Try to imagine (likely you now can) your fears of a partisan agenda running the Nation off the rails... believe it or not, it's how may of us experienced the last administration.
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"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself.
It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Republican Pincer Machine ~ The Contemporary Condition
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Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.
You do realize That socialism/progressivism/political correctness/affirmative-action has destroyed this country? Career politicians are the enablers... along with the media.
It's possible to be different without being this way. This isn't the only option.
Sure Donald Trump has a lot of flaws, who doesn’t? But it is not his job to play well with others…
Well, that's okay. The point is, if people are going to be given the opportunity, they're going to react to his behaviors. And he's giving them every opportunity.

What we don't know is, if the economy continues to improve, whether it will be enough to overcome that.
True enough, but Donald Trump is not going to back down from a little scrap... That’s the reality. People do like that about him.
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.

I like the way you laid out your thoughts. I am guessing that you didn't read the whole article ad your 1st and 2nd. reasons are addressed and actually comprise more than a few strands of the fabric that makes up the article. On your 3rd reason one could make the argument that what we voted for (think primaries & the pit bull in him) is what we got!... in spades. We are used to candidates changing drastically from campaign candidate --> to President & we don't like it..!!!

Your first reason elicits varying degrees of frustration / angst for the majority of those who voted for him & certainly for those who didn't vote for him. The difference being some (like myself) held my nose & calloused my conscience a bit in the pursuit of what we perceived to be (literally) of National importance, a referendum, on 'politics as usual' and we don't look back after crossing that threshold. Try to imagine (likely you now can) your fears of a partisan agenda running the Nation off the rails... believe it or not, it's how may of us experienced the last administration.
Holy crap, civil conversation, thanks.

I've put some serious effort into trying to understand this whole thing, and I've actually come to understand it more by talking to people here. For me, the bottom line is always going to be results, and if things go well, I'll be thrilled. I'm wrong all the time, just ask my wife.

Trump, through the behaviors I outlined, made himself radioactive. Okay, so that's where we are, and hopefully things will go great anyway. What I bristle at most, outside of that, is the notion that this was the only way to do it. It just isn't. You can buck the system with dignity and articulateness rather than a sledgehammer over the head. In fact, I think that would be a better approach because it would appeal to more people in the long term.

Bottom line, results. But he and his supporters need to understand that he's brought this other stuff on.
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"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.
See that’s the problem, not everyone sees it the same. And people like yourself want to put everyone in the same box also known as the collective.
Progressives and the rest of us will never get along that’s just reality.
I get it you don’t like trump, people felt the same about Obama.
Millions of people that voted for Obama, those same people voted for Trump.
live with it
"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself.
It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Republican Pincer Machine ~ The Contemporary Condition

I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.
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Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.

I like the way you laid out your thoughts. I am guessing that you didn't read the whole article as your 1st and 2nd. reasons are addressed and actually comprise more than a few strands of the fabric that makes up the article. On your 3rd reason one could make the argument that what we voted for (think primaries & the pit bull in him) is what we got!... in spades. We are used to candidates changing drastically from campaign candidate --> to President & we don't like it..!!!

Your first reason elicits varying degrees of frustration / angst for the majority of those who voted for him & certainly for those who didn't vote for him. The difference being some (like myself) held my nose & calloused my conscience a bit in the pursuit of what we perceived to be (literally) of National importance, a referendum, on 'politics as usual' and we didn't look back after crossing that threshold. Try to imagine (likely you now can) your fears of a partisan agenda running the Nation off the rails... believe it or not, it's how may of us experienced the last administration.
You however put no thought into the OP which is required..
Radioactive Trump
  • I'll wager Trump's stalwarts and detractors vastly outnumber the nonchalant's in the middle. Love him... hate him, is he just what this country needs right now... snapping us out the perfunctory 'song and dance' of politicking, politicians..., mendacious in their craft of drawing pink lines in the sand, bloviating on their 'renewed' stand for change and progress, or is it now, hope and change!!!
  • Well your likely as jaded as I am as decade after decade the same honey is poured into our ears and the same 'cookie cutter' candidates fulfill their obligatory niche in the spectrum of robotic liars neatly alphabetized on our primary ballots.
  • The same melodrama of partisan politics ebbs and flows one administration into the next until wait... We've got a live one here! He don't talk like no politician... he's orange... might have a clown wig on & he doesn't finish many sentences that he starts, gosh darn.. he's bombastic too...
Have we broken that perfunctory 'song and dance'? Is s..t promised actually coming to fruition or are we perilously being caught up in destructive vortex? Are nations taking pause... assessing this unexpected anomaly in the American & global politisphere (or) are we on the verge of ostracizing ourselves at the hands of a maniac twitter-er? What are the implications of a 'radioactive Trump' loosed on the town of 'Americanville' & the world ???

A unique take on a unorthodox presidency....

Radioactive Trump
Trump is considered "radioactive" for three reasons. In chronological order:

First, his childish, rude and humiliating public comments. From talking about the size of his DICK and making fun of the looks of his opponents during a nationally-televised "presidential" debate, to his stupid comments about John McCain, to his never-ending string of embarrassing "tweets", he has acted like a petulant child since the day he took that funride down the escalator. There is a difference between not worrying about being PC, and ignoring fundamental adult behavior.

Second, his characteristically simplistic and vicious attacks on the media, which cut to the very core of their "integrity" and has motivated them to drop all pretense of objectivity and go after him with everything they have. Even as one who agrees the media is clearly biased, I've been stunned by his behavior there. He and his supporters are pretending that this was the only way to do it, when it could have been done in a much smarter way. Bottom line? He asked for it, and now he's getting it.

Third, his behaviors have changed little since he hit the Oval Office. In the ridiculous and unreal world of national politics, I can see a little showbiz to get elected in our shallow, celebrity-saturated culture. But for the most part, his behaviors have continued and his actions have clearly been towards satisfying his rabid base, to the exclusion of virtually everyone else, worldwide.

Writer Victor Davis Hansen is a good and obedient partisan, and he makes a fair case here and there. But to ignore, forgive, excuse and spin for Trump's behavior doesn't tell the whole story. No one has brought this on Donald Trump more than Donald Trump.

I like the way you laid out your thoughts. I am guessing that you didn't read the whole article ad your 1st and 2nd. reasons are addressed and actually comprise more than a few strands of the fabric that makes up the article. On your 3rd reason one could make the argument that what we voted for (think primaries & the pit bull in him) is what we got!... in spades. We are used to candidates changing drastically from campaign candidate --> to President & we don't like it..!!!

Your first reason elicits varying degrees of frustration / angst for the majority of those who voted for him & certainly for those who didn't vote for him. The difference being some (like myself) held my nose & calloused my conscience a bit in the pursuit of what we perceived to be (literally) of National importance, a referendum, on 'politics as usual' and we don't look back after crossing that threshold. Try to imagine (likely you now can) your fears of a partisan agenda running the Nation off the rails... believe it or not, it's how may of us experienced the last administration.
Holy crap, civil conversation, thanks.

I've put some serious effort into trying to understand this whole thing, and I've actually come to understand it more by talking to people here. For me, the bottom line is always going to be results, and if things go well, I'll be thrilled. I'm wrong all the time, just ask my wife.

Trump, through the behaviors I outlined, made himself radioactive. Okay, so that's where we are, and hopefully things will go great anyway. What I bristle at most, outside of that, is the notion that this was the only way to do it. It just isn't. You can buck the system with dignity and articulateness rather than a sledgehammer over the head. In fact, I think that would be a better approach because it would appeal to more people in the long term.

Bottom line, results. But he and his supporters need to understand that he's brought this on.
Trump radioactive? A bit of an overreach, anyway trump is a reaction of obama.
While I did not vote for trump I understand his appeal to people that voted for him.
Obama’s policy’s and demeanor absolutely Alienated millions of people no doubt and his policies were against their self interest absolutely. Were they supposed to support much of the same in the Hildabeast? Of course not...
"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself.
It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Republican Pincer Machine ~ The Contemporary Condition

I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.
So in other words progressives think everyone should live in the same box? The collective...
No thanks.
"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself.
It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Republican Pincer Machine ~ The Contemporary Condition

I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.
So in other words you think everyone live in the same box? The collective...
No thanks.

If I understand you (perhaps I don't) my argument is that resistance to change is based on adherence to a belief system. Proponents of change think that they are liberated in accepting change because their belief system is either absent or free flowing and evolving with general ideals of the time, that suit their temporal whims of liberalism / progressive-ism. (I'm not going to spell them out, too easy to slip up and be offensive)
How does your 'box' fit in here?
Just a Reminder....

There is an article that forms the basis of this thread. As much as pooling our collective aspersions ( I'm sorry... inspirations) is entertaining... we should at least use the article to base our thoughts, comments & smart remarks off of!!!

The Article is "Radioactive Trump" in red, before and after my OP blurb.

Much more insightful than anything I could conjure up to debate back and forth.
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"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about." Friedrich Hayek, Why I Am Not a Conservative

It is hard to tell if right wing posters are not 'dark money' bots or Russian trolls? They repeat the same nonsense obviously never having read the people they quote? America's best years were FDR to Eisenhower. But you'll never win an argument with a righties because their knowledge is emotionally based and not rational, it is why a buffoon like Trump appeals to them, he is simple and tell them simple things and they follow like puppies. All dictatorial leaders are the same, they promise and lie. For the non-brain washed, see links below and learn a bit. Lots there if you want to learn and not emote nonsense. For the conservatives enjoy being played.

Understand America today:
Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan by Kim Phillips-Fein
Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right by Jane Mayer
Strangers in Their Own Land: Anger and Mourning on the American Right by Arlie Russell Hochschild
The Destruction of Hillary Clinton by Susan Bordo
The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by Culture Wars by Todd Gitlin
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
The Making of Donald Trump by David Cay Johnston
Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes
The Plot to Hack America: How Putin’s Cyberspies and WikiLeaks Tried to Steal the 2016 Election by Malcolm Nance
The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy by Albert O. Hirschman

"Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it's always interesting how many people toss the facts." Rebecca Solnit

PS one fact from that rather stupid OP, the deficit is going up not down, and if you want to know why read above books.

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself.
It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Republican Pincer Machine ~ The Contemporary Condition

I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.
So in other words you think everyone live in the same box? The collective...
No thanks.

If I understand you (perhaps I don't) my argument is that resistance to change is based on adherence to a belief system. Proponents of change think that they are liberated in accepting change because their belief system is either absent or free flowing and evolving with general ideals of the time, that suit their temporal whims of liberalism / progressive-ism. (I'm not going to spell them out, too easy to slip up and be offensive)
How does your 'box' fit in here?
People do not need to change to be right, Being politically correct is never right it’s spineless at best...
I'll start out by taking issue with your quote by Fredrich Hayek...

"Conservatives are inclined to use the powers of government to prevent change or to limit its rate to whatever appeals to the more timid mind. In looking forward, they lack the faith in the spontaneous forces of adjustment which makes the liberal accept changes without apprehension, even though he does not know how the necessary adaptations will be brought about.

I submit that the use of government to prevent change is not out of temerity but out of moral consistency to fundamental rudiments of a belief system... be it a morality based faith in God or adherence to Constitutionalism. Fundamentally for many, the unwillingness to see 'change' or 'progressive ideology' is not because we are appealing to our timidity and fear but because it goes against the tenets that we believe to be true, Biblically (scary stuff), and the bedrock of our Nation conceived by the framers of our Constitution and Bill of rights after a Judaeo Christian template. Obviously 'spontaneous' faith in an ideology that runs counter to ones foundational beliefs is, like you said a 'No Go' for the likes of 'us'. One doesn't have to be a raving Christian or religious to still hold the tenets of our Judaeo Christian framework at the core of their Nationalistic belief structure.

The problem is that change is the one true constant in the universe, it is always in a state of change. Nothing stays the same and the fight against change is a fight against nature. If you are a practicing Christian, your religion is very different than it was 100 years ago and vastly different than it was 1500 years ago.

Even those of us who think the Founding Fathers did an amazing job without Constitution, realize they were not without their faults and some of their views and rules.

People have used the argument of "moral consistency to a belief system" to fight against the end of slavery, the rights of women, the civil rights movement, and more.

The struggle against change is destined to fail, it is far better to drive the change than to fight it.

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