CDZ Radical Feminists and Conservative Christians Team Up Against Transgender People

The Great Goose

Gold Member
Sep 26, 2015
The right has been using the writings of trans-exclusive radical feminists to justify their crusade. It’s not the first time the far left and far right have teamed up.

09.04.16 2:15 PM ET
When you read the Christian Right’s wacky, ignorant statements about transgender people, have you ever wondered where they get this stuff?

The answer, often, is feminists.

In fact, the surprising nexus between radical feminists and Christian Right culture warriors has been with us a long time. In the 1980s, anti-porn feminists like Catherine McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin teamed up with anti-porn conservatives like Edwin Meese, leading to the passage of laws censoring sexual speech in the name of protecting women. In the last decade, anti-prostitution feminists have joined forces with fundamentalist Christians to prosecute sex workers under the aegis of sex trafficking laws....

...A similar shell-game has recently arisen in the context of sex trafficking. Human trafficking, of course, is abhorrent, tragic, and evil. But the definition if it has recently been stretched so far that police are busting sex workers, not traffickers, often shipping them off to church-affiliated “re-education” programs like Arizona’s project ROSE.

This was a deliberate deception on the part of anti-sex activists like the anti-prostitution group Demand Abolition. As exposed by The Washington Post in 2014, that group’s internal document said that “framing the Campaign’s key target as sexual slavery might garner more support and less resistance, while framing the Campaign as combating prostitution may be less likely to mobilize similar levels of support.”

Naturally, fighting sex trafficking had long been a feminist (and human rights) issue. But fighting sex work in general has, like opposing trans rights, united radical feminists and religious conservatives—both of whom claim to be protecting women....

Radical Feminists and Conservative Christians Team Up Against Transgender People

When I first became politically aware about 5 years ago, I was struck by how often the far left and the centre right were aligned.

I first noticed it concerning mass immigration. The centre right profit from it economically and the far left, sociologically. And the fetish for non-whites christianists have is...well.i wish they'd leave it in the bedroom.

Then I noticed with sex work and porn how they were the same again. Of course I already knew this but it only really clicked after my political awakening.

Now we see it again with transgender issues.

What I think is that moderate left people and the so called far right should team up. Why not? they want the same things. Workers rights, good standard of living, freedom of debt slavery, freedom to live how they want to etc etc.

The entire West seems to have been boxed into a corner by the most aggressive females(radical feminists) and the most aggressive males( corporatist money grubbing assholes).
I'm not sure where you get this. Christianity, in general, has been opposed to the sex trade, for longer than modern feminism ever existed.

And women's rights movement was originally the ones that pushed to ban abortion, because it allowed men to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. They'd have sex with whomever they could seduce, and then force them to have an abortion, and ditch them like a bad habit.

Now, women eagerly engage in being a plaything, and being ditched for an abortion. And see how much happier women are today?

Feminists are finally coming around to seeing the devastation they have brought on themselves.

But all the achievements of the feminist era may have delivered women to greater unhappiness. In the 1960s, when Betty Friedan diagnosed her fellow wives and daughters as the victims of "the problem with no name," American women reported themselves happier, on average, than did men. Today, that gender gap has reversed. Male happiness has inched up, and female happiness has dropped. In postfeminist America, men are happier than women.

Why Are Women Better Off, But Less Happy?
And it does seem to be true in my experience. Possibly the most joyful person I know in my life, is my sister. And she is a full time, stay at home mother of six. She has no career. No job. She cooks, and cleans, and has many children.

Even compared to her friends she grew up with, that have jobs and college degrees, only a few seem to even be 'content' with their own lives.

Yet the irony is, she has adopted the life that modern feminism, and left-wing ideology abhors, and her friends she grew up with, have the exact life both modern feminists and left-wingers have pushed.

Yet she always has a smile, and they always have drama and complaints. Now that isn't to say there are no exceptions. Of course there are. But over all, women are less happy today, than they were in the oppressed 1950s.

All this prostitution, and sex 'workers', and moral relativism, hasn't brought the Utopia the left-wing and feminists promised.
....But I do not support the Safe Schools program as the best way to support trans kids. I had been asked to be an Ambassador for the program and had initially agreed.

But when I learnt more about the political leanings of Roz Ward, whose role in Safe Schools is pivotal, I simply could not countenance it. She is a committed Trotskyite, who believes in the overthrow of the capitalist system and has expressed her contempt for the Australian Defence Force, to which I belonged for nearly four decades.

When I perused Red Flag, the online voice of Socialist Alternative, I could not find a single major issue upon which I could agree with them.

None of this gave me any joy. I risk hurting the feelings of some wonderful parents with wonderful trans kids. But I am more than my gender and that portion of the Left with which Ward is aligned sickens me nearly as much as the ratbags of Reclaim Australia.

Moreover, Safe Schools teaches a derivative of Queer Theory, which I believe leads trans people into a blind alley. Most of us transition because gender is important to us and we feel torn between our anatomy and our psychology. Being told to live genderless would have killed me just as certainly as saying the Rosary to feel happily male.

In adopting this position I have alienated people for whom I feel enormous respect and become an unwitting ally of some who despise me. But back on Australia Day 2012 I chose to live an authentic life. I rejected an identity handed to me by others. I am not going to have another one foisted upon me now.

Our schools must be safe for all our kids. Decent teachers and parents, not Trotskyites, can ensure that.

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