Racist or Anti-Jew

Joann Stubbs

VIP Member
Sep 4, 2018
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish non-government organization that fights hate crimes, has called for Rep. Rashida Tlaib to explain her relationship with a pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel activist on Thursday afternoon.

Abbas Hamideh, the executive director and co-founder of Al-Awda: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, tweeted a photo of himself with Tlaib about a week ago, claiming that he attended her swearing-in ceremony two weeks ago and a private dinner afterward. The photo features the two of them holding a painting of Tlaib in front of the U.S. Capitol Building with an American flag as the background.
Every day brings another sign that Democrats are dividing over Israel

"Finally, here is Mehdi Hasan asking Rashida Tlaib about cutting off aid to Israel, at the Intercept.

"And just on BDS, you and Ilhan Omar have come out in favor of BDS. The first-ever members of Congress to ever do so, what does that actually mean in practice for a member of Congress to be pro-BDS? Does that mean you can’t vote for any military aid to Israel?…

"RT: I can tell you what I’ve been very specific about is that I will not be supporting aid to any country that is not for equality or justice. I have to tell you my grandmother lives there. By me supporting any aid to a country that denies her human dignity, denies her equality, the fact that she has to go and, you know, through checkpoints to get to the hospital for health care, the fact that she is felt as if she’s less than in her own country, that is something I will not be supporting."

Democrats should stop supporting racist, reactionary states like Israel and Saudi Arabia just as they withdrew their endorsement of White South Africa a generation ago.
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Are Jews more equal as other peoples?
Why everybody can bash everyone except Jews?

Why everybody can bash everyone except Jews?
Seems "everyone" does.

Israel is far more free to a religion that wants them dead than Jews are in any Muslim country.

We are today ruled by a network of minority groups that serve at the bek and call of the Oligarchs who have used the old colonialist models of similarly using minority ethnic groups to control the larger native population.

Jews, blacks, Hispanics and homosexual militants are key members of that network.
Thank God for Soros and the made up term "globalists".....

Whenever you want to hate Jews without appearing anti-Semitic, Soros is there for you
Thank God for Soros and the made up term "globalists".....
Whenever you want to hate Jews without appearing anti-Semitic, Soros is there for you

Dude, go back to your bong and let the grown up talk some more, mmmk?
Truth hurts huh...

You dick sucking trump lovers don't mind anti-Semitism when its done in defense of your cult leader, just ask Ben Shapiro..
Breitbart News' Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro resign amid Trump controversy

You dick sucking trump lovers don't mind anti-Semitism when you can disguise it behind religion, just ask these Trumpkin pastors...we all know what evangelicals think of the Jews...
Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy

Oh and lets not forget how you dick sucking trump lovers don't mind Anti-Semitism when yall are all worried about "jews" and "globalists" replacing you....did you folks not remember who Neo-Nazis are against?

Thank God for Soros and the made up term "globalists".....
Whenever you want to hate Jews without appearing anti-Semitic, Soros is there for you

Dude, go back to your bong and let the grown up talk some more, mmmk?
Truth hurts huh...

You dick sucking trump lovers don't mind anti-Semitism when its done in defense of your cult leader, just ask Ben Shapiro..
Breitbart News' Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro resign amid Trump controversy

You dick sucking trump lovers don't mind anti-Semitism when you can disguise it behind religion, just ask these Trumpkin pastors...we all know what evangelicals think of the Jews...
Robert Jeffress, Pastor Who Said Jews Are Going to Hell, Led Prayer at Jerusalem Embassy

Oh and lets not forget how you dick sucking trump lovers don't mind Anti-Semitism when yall are all worried about "jews" and "globalists" replacing you....did you folks not remember who Neo-Nazis are against?

The people marching to prevent the removal of the Robert E Lee statue were not protesting 'Jews'. They said 'You will not replace us.' Not 'Jews will not replace us' as that last one was altered to sound that way.

And Ben Shapiro is a Jew and one of the most popular pundits among Trump supporters, and Michelle Malkin is Asian and not Jewish at all, lol.

But your responses are stupid, ignorant, trollish and not worth my time.

Welcome to my ignore list.
Thank God for Soros and the made up term "globalists".....

Whenever you want to hate Jews without appearing anti-Semitic, Soros is there for you

So if you don’t like Soros you are anti-Semitic? I like a lot of people, religion, color of skin, ethnicity don’t really matter to me. Character and beliefs influence my like or dislike of a person.
So if you don’t like Soros you are anti-Semitic? I like a lot of people, religion, color of skin, ethnicity don’t really matter to me. Character and beliefs influence my like or dislike of a person.
Isnt it amazing that leftwing trolls try to make the case that if you dont like Soros you are antisemitic, when the guy is a former Nazi collaborator ?
So if you don’t like Soros you are anti-Semitic? I like a lot of people, religion, color of skin, ethnicity don’t really matter to me. Character and beliefs influence my like or dislike of a person.
Isnt it amazing that leftwing trolls try to make the case that if you dont like Soros you are antisemitic, when the guy is a former Nazi collaborator ?

It’s amazing to me that the morons believe that disagreeing with them on any issue is because of of sex, sexual preference, skin color, race or religion and then they disparage people of sex, sexual presence, skin color, race or religion that disagree with their narrow ideology. Pure hypocrisy from the intolerant left.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a Jewish non-government organization that fights hate crimes, has called for Rep. Rashida Tlaib to explain her relationship with a pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel activist on Thursday afternoon.

Abbas Hamideh, the executive director and co-founder of Al-Awda: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition, tweeted a photo of himself with Tlaib about a week ago, claiming that he attended her swearing-in ceremony two weeks ago and a private dinner afterward. The photo features the two of them holding a painting of Tlaib in front of the U.S. Capitol Building with an American flag as the background.
The ADL is a Jewish Supremacist hate group. Fuck them.

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