Racist Black Judge Railroading Amber Guyger

Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.
Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.

Exactly and the toxicology report showed she was alcohol and drug free.

Did anyone see a toxicology report on Botham?
Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.

Exactly and the toxicology report showed she was alcohol and drug free.

Did anyone see a toxicology report on Botham?

That is incorrect, there was no toxicology report done on her.
Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.

Exactly and the toxicology report showed she was alcohol and drug free.

Did anyone see a toxicology report on Botham?

That is incorrect, there was no toxicology report done on her.
So, "not guilty,". That's how our system works
: 66394"]If I came home after working 13 hours to my own home found the door I locked earlier unlocked I believe I would call 911 prior to entering and they would advices me not to enter. Now say I didn’t call 911 but retrieved my weapon from my vehicle console and entered my own home. I then find a man drinking my beer on my couch can I shoot him?, when I startle him and he get off my couch. Legally I cannot shoot him until he presents a threat. She was in the wrong home and did not prove he presented a threat.

Under the law of self defense in most states one only has to be in reasonable fear of their life...they are not required to prove a threat.....though they must be able to convince a jury that they were in reasonable fear of their life or of serious bodily injury.

Due to a lot of recent decisions on self defense by juries that are basically incompetent/ obsessed with political correctness.....especially when a unarmed black is shot ---the capability to conduct a successful self defense is being diminished.

A lot of gun owners are not aware of this...and thus they are placing themselves in harms way....especially if they carry a concealed weapon...lots of juries now do not like that at all...having been indoctrinated by the msm into believing it is wrong if not criminal to walk around with a concealed weapon.

Shooting a man to death who is sitting in his own apartment, minding his own business isn't 'self defense'.

Which is why the jury rejected it as a defense when presented with it by Amber's own lawyers.[/QUOTE

The key to whether the defendant w
Not in Texas it doesn't. The word 'malice' is never used in the entire statute on criminal homicide. Nor is it a requirement for a murder per the statutes of Texas.

Your legal incompetence again hampers your argument.
Let's say it is overturned. They try her again and then find her guilty of manslaughter. How would you feel if they then gave her more than 10 years?

To tell you the truth from what I have seen and heard about this lady....I really do not like her but I am convinced she is innocent. Anyhow...the good guys do not always win...what will be will be.

The real damage done by this jury and others of a similar nature is to make it more difficult to engage in self defense without the possibility of going to prison.

These juries have too many politically correct people who have no understanding of the law and are easily controlled by the prosecutor

Shooting an unarmed man to death in his own home for committing no crime isn't 'self defense'.

Which might explain why Amber Guyger was convicted of murder for doing it.

Anyone who thinks that a woman coming home to find a nigha sitting on her couch could not possibly be in fear of her life and or of getting raped is beyond my comprehension. Being a police officer she knew how blacks are prone to rape white women....even though a minority they comitt over half of all violent crime in America....most do not know this but the police have to deal with blacks all the time and they well understand their propensity for violence...our jails are full of them

The add to that....da nigha had to know she was a police officer because she was still in uniform and yet when she yells at him to show his hands he refuses....why?

Perhaps because the mariujana he was smoking prevented him from understanding that a police officer pointing a gun at him might actually shoot him if he did not show his hands.

Bottom Line it is very reasonable she was in fear of her life and any reasonable person would recognize that.

Unfortunately black jurors will always refuse to judge white cops fairly....their hatred of white folks is only superseded by their hatred of police officers....that is the reality and that is why Amber was convicted...they could not have cared less whether or not she was in fear of her life.
Exactly why this is being appealed

Again, she didn't come into her home at night. She came into another person's home and intentionally murdered an unarmed man who was watching TV and eating ice cream.

Bottom line, that's not self defense. Which is why Amber Guyger is wearing prison orange and spending at least the next half decade in prison.

And murderers almost always appeal. They also almost always lose.
The jury asked whether it was reasonable for her to fire under those conditions

The unanimously decided NO
Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.

Exactly and the toxicology report showed she was alcohol and drug free.

Did anyone see a toxicology report on Botham?

That is incorrect, there was no toxicology report done on her.

Have you ever been right about anything?

Cop killing is politically correct... fact

So is killing an innocent black man in his home, oh that'

Many blacks have been killed in their homes....shit happens..

So shit happens when a man is murdered in his home.

.blacks are to blame because of their criminal behavior in most cases....the black dude was high on marijuanah which most likely prevented him from being rational.

Wow, so it's rational to think someone is going to burst up in your home.
What kind of moron will not follow the order of a police officer when the officer has his weapon trained on them.

The kind of person who has broken the law and knows the police have no business on their home.

He was either being defiant or sedated by the drug he was inhaling.

Smfh, but she was thinking rationally and drug free.

Exactly and the toxicology report showed she was alcohol and drug free.

Did anyone see a toxicology report on Botham?

Why? Why should there be one?
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Being racist has nothing to do with this thread....it is all about whether a white lady cop should have been in fear of her life...... believing she was in her own home and confronted with a nigha who refused to comply with her command of 'show me your hands' the nigha as is now known was smokin dope and in his state of mind he did not act rationally.

Nonsense. She had plenty of opportunities to de-escalate. She could have called for back up. She could have retreated into the hallway. She could have gone to the fire stairs. There were ample chances for her to defuse the situation and she had more than enough training to recognize them.

So many opportunities to de-escalate in fact, that her defense was left so desperate that they actually argued the Castle Doctrine in the closing arguments. That's how many chances she had to de-escalate.

Alas, shooting someone to death in their own home.....isn't how the Castle Doctrine works.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Thus the two main factors in this case...a white police lady who mistakenly believed she was in her own residence confronted wid a nigha under the influence of marijuana refusing to obey a lawful police order.....these two factors are what caused the shooting.
Several problems with your pseudo-legal analysis:

First, she wasn't working as a cop. She was off duty. She can't give 'lawful orders as a police officer' when she's not working as a police officer. The Dallas PD *never* backed her claim that she gave a 'lawful order'. Instead, they fired her ass citing 'adverse conduct'. Even her lawyers never argued that she gave a 'lawful order'.

Second, two other witnesses to the event contradict Guyger's claim that she told Jean to 'put up his hands' in his own home.

Third, there was strong reason to believe that Amber Guyger lied her ass off.
As she claimed to have given CPR to Jean. Yet there wasn't a drop of blood on her, her clothes, the gloves she was carrying, or even her shoes. Meanwhile, Jean's chest wound was spewing so much blood with chest compressions by the paramedics that the blood pooled in the stretcher and left a bloody trail behind it in the hallway.

So we have a woman who is contradicted by two witnesses and gave a statement that the evidence strongly indicates was a lie.

And yet you expect the jury to believe her?

Again my friend....you simply don't know what you're talking about.
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Under the law of self defense in most states one only has to be in reasonable fear of their life...they are not required to prove a threat.....though they must be able to convince a jury that they were in reasonable fear of their life or of serious bodily injury.

Due to a lot of recent decisions on self defense by juries that are basically incompetent/ obsessed with political correctness.....especially when a unarmed black is shot ---the capability to conduct a successful self defense is being diminished.

A lot of gun owners are not aware of this...and thus they are placing themselves in harms way....especially if they carry a concealed weapon...lots of juries now do not like that at all...having been indoctrinated by the msm into believing it is wrong if not criminal to walk around with a concealed weapon.

Shooting a man to death who is sitting in his own apartment, minding his own business isn't 'self defense'.

Which is why the jury rejected it as a defense when presented with it by Amber's own lawyers.[/QUOTE

The key to whether the defendant w
To tell you the truth from what I have seen and heard about this lady....I really do not like her but I am convinced she is innocent. Anyhow...the good guys do not always win...what will be will be.

The real damage done by this jury and others of a similar nature is to make it more difficult to engage in self defense without the possibility of going to prison.

These juries have too many politically correct people who have no understanding of the law and are easily controlled by the prosecutor

Shooting an unarmed man to death in his own home for committing no crime isn't 'self defense'.

Which might explain why Amber Guyger was convicted of murder for doing it.

Anyone who thinks that a woman coming home to find a nigha sitting on her couch could not possibly be in fear of her life and or of getting raped is beyond my comprehension. Being a police officer she knew how blacks are prone to rape white women....even though a minority they comitt over half of all violent crime in America....most do not know this but the police have to deal with blacks all the time and they well understand their propensity for violence...our jails are full of them

The add to that....da nigha had to know she was a police officer because she was still in uniform and yet when she yells at him to show his hands he refuses....why?

Perhaps because the mariujana he was smoking prevented him from understanding that a police officer pointing a gun at him might actually shoot him if he did not show his hands.

Bottom Line it is very reasonable she was in fear of her life and any reasonable person would recognize that.

Unfortunately black jurors will always refuse to judge white cops fairly....their hatred of white folks is only superseded by their hatred of police officers....that is the reality and that is why Amber was convicted...they could not have cared less whether or not she was in fear of her life.
Exactly why this is being appealed
I sure don't understand why there are people who accuse you of being a racist. I just don't see it.

Being racist has nothing to do with this thread....it is all about whether a white lady cop should have been in fear of her life...... believing she was in her own home and confronted with a nigha who refused to comply with her command of 'show me your hands' the nigha as is now known was smokin dope and in his state of mind he did not act rationally.

Nonsense. She had plenty of opportunities to de-escalate. She could have called for back up. She could have retreated into the hallway. She could have gone to the fire stairs. There were ample chances for her to defuse the situation and she had more than enough training to recognize them.

So many opportunities to de-escalate in fact, that her defense was left so desperate that they actually argued the Castle Doctrine in the closing arguments. That's how many chances she had to de-escalate.

Alas, shooting someone to death in their own home.....isn't how the Castle Doctrine works.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Thus the two main factors in this case...a white police lady who mistakenly believed she was in her own residence confronted wid a nigha under the influence of marijuana refusing to obey a lawful police order.....these two factors are what caused the shooting.
Several problems with your pseudo-legal analysis:

First, she wasn't working as a cop. She was off duty. She can't give 'lawful orders as a police officer' when she's not working as a police officer. If she had been, this would have been a police shooting. Which the Dallas PD were adamant it was not. Instead, they fired her ass.

Second, two other witnesses to the event contradict Guyger's claim that she told Jean to 'put up his hands' in his own home. Outnumbering

Third, there was strong reason to believe that Amber Guyger lied her ass off. As she claimed to have given CPR to Jean. Yet there wasn't a drop of blood on her, her clothes, the gloves she was carrying, or even her shoes. Meanwhile, Jean's chest wound was spewing so much blood with chest compressions that the blood pooled in the stretcher and left a bloody trail behind it in the hallway.

Fourth, Amber deleted many of her texts from immediately after her shooting of Jean. Destroying relevant evidence.

So we have a woman that destroyed evidence, is contradicted by two witnesses and gave a statement that the evidence strongly indicates was a lie.

And yet you expect the jury to believe her?

Again my friend....you simply don't know what you're talking about.[/QUOTE]
Progressives are the most racist people I’ve ever met
Being racist has nothing to do with this thread....it is all about whether a white lady cop should have been in fear of her life...... believing she was in her own home and confronted with a nigha who refused to comply with her command of 'show me your hands' the nigha as is now known was smokin dope and in his state of mind he did not act rationally.

Nonsense. She had plenty of opportunities to de-escalate. She could have called for back up. She could have retreated into the hallway. She could have gone to the fire stairs. There were ample chances for her to defuse the situation and she had more than enough training to recognize them.

So many opportunities to de-escalate in fact, that her defense was left so desperate that they actually argued the Castle Doctrine in the closing arguments. That's how many chances she had to de-escalate.

Alas, shooting someone to death in their own home.....isn't how the Castle Doctrine works.

Remember, you don't actually know what you're talking about.

Thus the two main factors in this case...a white police lady who mistakenly believed she was in her own residence confronted wid a nigha under the influence of marijuana refusing to obey a lawful police order.....these two factors are what caused the shooting.
Several problems with your pseudo-legal analysis:

First, she wasn't working as a cop. She was off duty. She can't give 'lawful orders as a police officer' when she's not working as a police officer. The Dallas PD *never* backed her claim that she gave a 'lawful order'. Instead, they fired her ass citing 'adverse conduct'. Even her lawyers never argued that she gave a 'lawful order'.

Second, two other witnesses to the event contradict Guyger's claim that she told Jean to 'put up his hands' in his own home.

Third, there was strong reason to believe that Amber Guyger lied her ass off.
As she claimed to have given CPR to Jean. Yet there wasn't a drop of blood on her, her clothes, the gloves she was carrying, or even her shoes. Meanwhile, Jean's chest wound was spewing so much blood with chest compressions by the paramedics that the blood pooled in the stretcher and left a bloody trail behind it in the hallway.

So we have a woman who is contradicted by two witnesses and gave a statement that the evidence strongly indicates was a lie.

And yet you expect the jury to believe her?

Again my friend....you simply don't know what you're talking about.

Yeh a witness who just got killed in a drug deal. No credibility.

A policeman is not a paramedic. The wound may not have even been bleeding when she tried cpr.

Also shit for brains............"Individuals employed as police officers typically carry their police powers 24 hours a day in their jurisdiction, whether they're on the job or not," according to a recent ThinkProgress report. "That includes the power to arrest, use force, and the power to shoot

No...I did not expect a jury wid so many Negroes on it to get it right.

All ya'll nighas need to get your head out of your asses and understand this was a good shoot....most white folks undastand dat

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