Zone1 Racism Simplified


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
dou·ble bind
/ˈˌdəbəl ˈbīnd/

noun: double bind; plural noun: double binds
  1. a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action.

Everything the lefties believe in revolves around circular logic. It's a wonder they can stand up straight.
Normal people would fall over & puke if we tried to go around in circles like the way they lead the progbots
dou·ble bind
/ˈˌdəbəl ˈbīnd/

noun: double bind; plural noun: double binds
  1. a situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action.

View attachment 691934
No, that's not racism. That's white fragility.
The never-ending self-righteous rants condemning racists and racism are probably moving loads of people to embrace their racism.
No. It’s every argument you ever make.

Don’t be triggered little im.2. Be smarter than you are. Learn not to be racist.
I'm not the racist. But your cognitive dissonance makes you believe that talking about what continues to go in is racism and that you get to make up a definition because you can't take the criticism. That is what white fragility is. And that is a term made up by a white person that describes e behaviors of smoe whites when confronted about race by a person of color.
The never-ending self-righteous rants condemning racists and racism are probably moving loads of people to embrace their racism.
No,. Because if thst's the case none of yoi have any right to call blacks rsts. Because the decades of self righteous whites ranting about black people would move us to embrace racism.
So condemning racism makes people embrace racism. So we are simply supposed to take the daily rants we see from whites here and be quiet.


This is 2022. That won't be happening.
I'm not the racist.
Not “the.” You ARE, however, absolutely a racist.
But your cognitive dissonance
I am not suffering from any.
makes you believe that talking about what continues to go in is racism
I never said that there is no racism.
and that you get to make up a definition because you can't take the criticism.
You’re the one who has made up a definition. Not me, bub.
That is what white fragility is.
How could white fragility be something you make false accusations about?
And that is a term made up by a white person that describes e behaviors of smoe whites when confronted about race by a person of color.
No. It is a fake term made up by you and people like you to describe a white person who refuses to buy your silliness.

Properly understood, as opposed to the loosey goosey way you use the word, “racism” is a belief of the superiority of one race (commonly based on surface characteristic like skin color) simply based on race. For instance, you almost always focus on nothing but race (your focus is usually what you believe can be ascribed to white people) which would — If credited — assume the inferiority of whites, in general. You’re not just race conscious, but absolutely racist.

But what do you say about the premise of this thread that all things lead to racism. I mean, isn’t that what you say and do literally all of the time? Don’t bother answering; it was rhetorical. The answer is obviously “yes.”
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No,. Because if thst's the case none of yoi have any right to call blacks rsts. Because the decades of self righteous whites ranting about black people would move us to embrace racism.

Other people's racism doesn't excuse your racism, it may explain it, but it doesn't excuse it.

anyone can be racist, and in fact everyone has that inner fear of other that involves anything not like them. Real racism is actually thinking mostly through the lens of race, and making all your opinions and viewpoints based on what you experience through that lens.
Other people's racism doesn't excuse your racism, it may explain it, but it doesn't excuse it.

anyone can be racist, and in fact everyone has that inner fear of other that involves anything not like them. Real racism is actually thinking mostly through the lens of race, and making all your opinions and viewpoints based on what you experience through that lens.
I don't have any racism. Real racism is the belief that you are superior due to your race, not what you said. My life has been impacted by the racism I face, calling out that racism or cvonsidering the possibility of racism in situations is not racism.

So you guo say what you said to me to whites here who think that if wwe speak out against the rscism we see that they will become more racist and quit making up fake definitions of racism.

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