Racialism at the DOJ


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The book "Injustice" is by J. Christian Adams, former attorney for the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice.
His story is jaw-dropping.
Unacceptable if it were anti-black, and should be just as unacceptable in being anti-white.

1. No sooner was President Obama sworn in then he names Deputy Assistant Attorney General Loretta King to be the head of the entire Civil Rights Division. Political appointees who worked with King described (to Adams) how she proudly boasted that her career advanced primarily through race-based preferences. Adams, "Injustice," p.11.

2. “Attorney General Eric Holder may be the face of the Justice Department, but behind the scenes, a little-known assistant attorney general named Loretta King (no relation to Martin Luther King, Jr.) has been the driving force behind the DOJ’s recent, most questionable racially motivated decisions. Neck-deep in the more divisive civil rights cases of the past several years — most notably the New Black Panther voter intimidation case and the recent Dayton, Ohio police department’s testing standards issue — the Obama-appointed assistant attorney general has many wondering whether her guide is the law or racial politics….According to Adams, race-based decision making has been a consistent staple of King’s actions and resume.

a. In testimony before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights about the New Black Panther case, former DOJ Voting Rights Section chief Christopher Coates explained that King ordered him to stop asking trial attorney applicants whether they would have a problem dealing with cases involving white victims.

b. “In the spring of 2009, Ms. King, who had by then been appointed Acting AAG [assistant attorney general] for Civil Rights by the Obama Administration, called me to her office and specifically instructed me that I was not to ask any other applicants whether they would be willing to, in effect, race-neutrally enforce the VRA [Voting Rights Act],” he testified. “Ms. King took offense that I was asking such a question of job applicants and directed me not to ask it because she does not support equal enforcement of the provisions of the VRA.”
Loretta King | racial politics | Department Justice | The Daily Caller

c. This is what King said as she introduced Holder to the Division: “I can’t tell you how exciting it is to go to work every day, and look up at the photos, and see that we now have two black men running the country.” Had a state manager gathered his workers to celebrate white men running the country, this same DOJ would have sued him for employment discrimination.

3. Racial extremists dominate the most powerful division of federal law enforcement.

Heck....let's just pretend that this racial favoritism doesn't exist...

....but if it were the Bush administration......
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

Why are you asking me what I mean???

Can't you read?

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

Prove it.
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

What happened to Fault Jones....? Gone????

I didn't mean to send him crying....just asked him to document
his blather!!!!

OMG...who knew he was such a delicate child?
His mommy must wash him in Woolite.
The A.G. should have been indicted for his part in freeing the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at the time) in exchange for a million dollar "donation" to his boss Bubba Bill's library. What did Holder know and when did he know it while the Border Patrol agent was murdered by weapons shipped by Holder's "justice dept" to Mexican drug cartels? Obama thinks his crooked administration is immune from scrutiny as long as his A.G. controls the "justice dept".
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

What happened to Fault Jones....? Gone????

I didn't mean to send him crying....just asked him to document
his blather!!!!

OMG...who knew he was such a delicate child?
His mommy must wash him in Woolite.

Yeah, I was scared of you? Hahahaha.

Bush's long history of politicizing justice - 2006 Elections - Salon.com
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

What happened to Fault Jones....? Gone????

I didn't mean to send him crying....just asked him to document
his blather!!!!

OMG...who knew he was such a delicate child?
His mommy must wash him in Woolite.

Yeah, I was scared of you? Hahahaha.

Bush's long history of politicizing justice - 2006 Elections - Salon.com


Nice to see you've returned!

"... I was scared of you? Hahahaha."
Well, you should be!

Do you know who you’re messing with? When ghosts go camping, they tell PoliticalChic stories!
Heard of 'running with the bulls'? I’m the one chasing ‘em!
And I have a black belt in Karioke!

Enough chit chat....let's get to chopping you to bits....

1. "Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division..."

Your Salon article says "...eight federal prosecutors were fired..."

Currently, the divison has 400 lawyers, and an additonal 400 support staff.

Gutted means to "remove or destroy completely..."
Doing the math, it looks like 2% of the lawyers moved on....
But, I suppose when the organizations authoring the hit piece include Salon, the McClatchey Newspapers, and the Columbia Journalism Review, well, then 2% means to
"completely destroy."

In fact, the article says "...Career staffers began to leave."
"Leave"...that's not quite the same as fired, or gutted....
Strike one, Faulty.

2. "...anti-civil rights conservatives..."
Who? How anti-civil rights?

This, from the Salon screed: "..the Bush administration has employed the division to advance the political agenda of a key GOP constituency, the Christian right..."
But, beyond the usual unrestrained attack on people's personal beliefs, there is no documentation.

Unless, "...say..." is your documentation, as in "Career lawyers say the new hires are increasingly white males with Federalist Society or Christian Legal Society credentials,..."
And, didn you notice, no one is quoted?
But...good enough for your, eh Faulty?
I'd say strike two.

3. "...the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme..."
You found this where?
Oh...totally made up?

Strike three.

Well, Faulty...back to the bench, where you belong.

The impression I get is that you are looking for a racialist Civil Rights Division that fabricates charges against whites, and are only interested in imagined infractions against blacks.

Call me old fashioned, but I would like to see a constitutional use of federal power in a color-blind manner.
Crazy, huh?
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

Why are you asking me what I mean???

Can't you read?

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

Prove it.

C. Schlozman’s Statements
According to Special Litigation Section Chief Cutlar, in
approximately March 2007, Schlozman admitted to her that he had
“considered politics” in hiring career attorneys.
In March 2007,
Schlozman had returned to Washington to work at the Executive Office
for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) after serving as interim
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri for about 1 year. At
the time, there were media reports regarding allegations of political
considerations affecting personnel decisions at the Department. During
this period, Schlozman unexpectedly visited Cutlar in her office. Cutlar
said Schlozman discussed with her the allegations of partisan hiring in
the Division. According to Cutlar, Schlozman said, “You know, I was
thinking I probably made some mistakes . . . . I probably considered
politics when I shouldn’t have.”

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
June 5, 2007, Schlozman admitted that he had boasted about hiring
Republicans and conservatives in the Civil Rights Division.
20 We also found that Schlozman made statements boasting to others about using
political and ideological affiliations in hiring for career Civil Rights
attorney positions.
One example is an e-mail dated January 6, 2004,
from Schlozman to an attorney hired by Schlozman in the Division.
Shortly after being hired, the attorney sent an e-mail to Schlozman
expressing his happiness in the Special Litigation Section, noting that his
“office is even next to a Federalist Society member.” Schlozman replied
by e-mail, “Just between you and me, we hired another member of ‘the team’ yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in
one month. So we are making progress.”

Table 2: Political and Ideological Affiliations of Civil Rights Division
Attorneys Hired from 2003 to 2006

Schlozman Hires - Non-Schlozman Hires
Republican or conservative: 63 (64%) - 4 (31%)
Democrat or liberal: 2 (2%) - 3 (23%)
Unknown: 34 (34%) - 6 (46%)
Total: 99 (100%) 13 (100%)
Source: OIG/OPR review of relevant materials.
Last edited:
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

Why are you asking me what I mean???

Can't you read?

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

Prove it.

C. Schlozman’s Statements
According to Special Litigation Section Chief Cutlar, in
approximately March 2007, Schlozman admitted to her that he had
“considered politics” in hiring career attorneys.
In March 2007,
Schlozman had returned to Washington to work at the Executive Office
for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) after serving as interim
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri for about 1 year. At
the time, there were media reports regarding allegations of political
considerations affecting personnel decisions at the Department. During
this period, Schlozman unexpectedly visited Cutlar in her office. Cutlar
said Schlozman discussed with her the allegations of partisan hiring in
the Division. According to Cutlar, Schlozman said, “You know, I was
thinking I probably made some mistakes . . . . I probably considered
politics when I shouldn’t have.”

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
June 5, 2007, Schlozman admitted that he had boasted about hiring
Republicans and conservatives in the Civil Rights Division.
20 We also found that Schlozman made statements boasting to others about using
political and ideological affiliations in hiring for career Civil Rights
attorney positions.
One example is an e-mail dated January 6, 2004,
from Schlozman to an attorney hired by Schlozman in the Division.
Shortly after being hired, the attorney sent an e-mail to Schlozman
expressing his happiness in the Special Litigation Section, noting that his
“office is even next to a Federalist Society member.” Schlozman replied
by e-mail, “Just between you and me, we hired another member of ‘the team’ yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in
one month. So we are making progress.”

Table 2: Political and Ideological Affiliations of Civil Rights Division
Attorneys Hired from 2003 to 2006

Schlozman Hires - Non-Schlozman Hires
Republican or conservative: 63 (64%) - 4 (31%)
Democrat or liberal: 2 (2%) - 3 (23%)
Unknown: 34 (34%) - 6 (46%)
Total: 99 (100%) 13 (100%)
Source: OIG/OPR review of relevant materials.

Actually, this is a surprisingly good post from you, BeetsAndSpinach....and
very close to being on point.
So...you seem to be documenting that a Republican administration hires Republicans!!
This is a Claude Rains moment!

Now, the item that you highlighted, was:

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

So, if you could direct me to the part that suggests that your post documents that there exists some 'meme' re: whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud, I would be happy to send a rep your way!

Actually, the essence of the thread is that, unlike the Obama administration, the Bush folks- whomsoever they hired- believed in race-neutral justice.

"The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008…. In time, statistics and other information will present truth to this lie, as the Bush Civil Rights Division had a more robust civil rights agenda than the Obama Civil Rights Division. During the Bush years, the Civil Rights Division brought more cases in many areas of the law, particularly voting rights.

The Bush Justice Department never filed briefs advocating racial discrimination. In fact, the Bush Justice Department was willing to protect all citizens under the civil rights laws, and brought a handful of cases protecting non-traditional racial minorities….Because he [former chief of the Voting Section, Christopher Coates] believed in race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws, his powers as voting section chief were slowly sucked away by the Holder Justice Department."
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

To remind, J.Christian Adams, who wrote "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department," was attorney for the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice.

I would be happy to privide examples of racialist pursuits by the Obama-Holder Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice....
...just say the word!

The same goes for Faulty Salty!
Kiki, I should tell you that I used this term rather than "racism" because "racism" has become less a term with any real meaning, and more a cudgel to beat opponents....

the old saying was "racist" means a conservative winning the argument...

Until "racialism" becomes overused, it retains the meaning above, and fits perfectly the Obama administration- from the moment of his inauguration (Lowery: "When white will embrace what is right") to the bias of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.
Why are you asking me what I mean???

Can't you read?

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

Prove it.

C. Schlozman’s Statements
According to Special Litigation Section Chief Cutlar, in
approximately March 2007, Schlozman admitted to her that he had
“considered politics” in hiring career attorneys.
In March 2007,
Schlozman had returned to Washington to work at the Executive Office
for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) after serving as interim
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri for about 1 year. At
the time, there were media reports regarding allegations of political
considerations affecting personnel decisions at the Department. During
this period, Schlozman unexpectedly visited Cutlar in her office. Cutlar
said Schlozman discussed with her the allegations of partisan hiring in
the Division. According to Cutlar, Schlozman said, “You know, I was
thinking I probably made some mistakes . . . . I probably considered
politics when I shouldn’t have.”

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
June 5, 2007, Schlozman admitted that he had boasted about hiring
Republicans and conservatives in the Civil Rights Division.
20 We also found that Schlozman made statements boasting to others about using
political and ideological affiliations in hiring for career Civil Rights
attorney positions.
One example is an e-mail dated January 6, 2004,
from Schlozman to an attorney hired by Schlozman in the Division.
Shortly after being hired, the attorney sent an e-mail to Schlozman
expressing his happiness in the Special Litigation Section, noting that his
“office is even next to a Federalist Society member.” Schlozman replied
by e-mail, “Just between you and me, we hired another member of ‘the team’ yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in
one month. So we are making progress.”

Table 2: Political and Ideological Affiliations of Civil Rights Division
Attorneys Hired from 2003 to 2006

Schlozman Hires - Non-Schlozman Hires
Republican or conservative: 63 (64%) - 4 (31%)
Democrat or liberal: 2 (2%) - 3 (23%)
Unknown: 34 (34%) - 6 (46%)
Total: 99 (100%) 13 (100%)
Source: OIG/OPR review of relevant materials.

Actually, this is a surprisingly good post from you, BeetsAndSpinach....and
very close to being on point.
So...you seem to be documenting that a Republican administration hires Republicans!!
This is a Claude Rains moment!

Now, the item that you highlighted, was:

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

So, if you could direct me to the part that suggests that your post documents that there exists some 'meme' re: whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud, I would be happy to send a rep your way!

Actually, the essence of the thread is that, unlike the Obama administration, the Bush folks- whomsoever they hired- believed in race-neutral justice.

"The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008…. In time, statistics and other information will present truth to this lie, as the Bush Civil Rights Division had a more robust civil rights agenda than the Obama Civil Rights Division. During the Bush years, the Civil Rights Division brought more cases in many areas of the law, particularly voting rights.

The Bush Justice Department never filed briefs advocating racial discrimination. In fact, the Bush Justice Department was willing to protect all citizens under the civil rights laws, and brought a handful of cases protecting non-traditional racial minorities….Because he [former chief of the Voting Section, Christopher Coates] believed in race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws, his powers as voting section chief were slowly sucked away by the Holder Justice Department."
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

To remind, J.Christian Adams, who wrote "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department," was attorney for the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice.

I would be happy to privide examples of racialist pursuits by the Obama-Holder Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice....
...just say the word!

The same goes for Faulty Salty!
To remind, J Christian Adams has been a conservative agitator with the Federalist Society and a group sponsored by the Republican National Committee and was hired by Bradley Schlozman, a high ranking Civil Rights Division official later found to have violated hiring rules, intended to keep career civil service jobs free of politics, by considering political affiliation in an internal DOJ report.

Adams is a political hack who has no credibility.

C. Schlozman’s Statements
According to Special Litigation Section Chief Cutlar, in
approximately March 2007, Schlozman admitted to her that he had
“considered politics” in hiring career attorneys.
In March 2007,
Schlozman had returned to Washington to work at the Executive Office
for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) after serving as interim
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri for about 1 year. At
the time, there were media reports regarding allegations of political
considerations affecting personnel decisions at the Department. During
this period, Schlozman unexpectedly visited Cutlar in her office. Cutlar
said Schlozman discussed with her the allegations of partisan hiring in
the Division. According to Cutlar, Schlozman said, “You know, I was
thinking I probably made some mistakes . . . . I probably considered
politics when I shouldn’t have.”

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
June 5, 2007, Schlozman admitted that he had boasted about hiring
Republicans and conservatives in the Civil Rights Division.
20 We also found that Schlozman made statements boasting to others about using
political and ideological affiliations in hiring for career Civil Rights
attorney positions.
One example is an e-mail dated January 6, 2004,
from Schlozman to an attorney hired by Schlozman in the Division.
Shortly after being hired, the attorney sent an e-mail to Schlozman
expressing his happiness in the Special Litigation Section, noting that his
“office is even next to a Federalist Society member.” Schlozman replied
by e-mail, “Just between you and me, we hired another member of ‘the team’ yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in
one month. So we are making progress.”

Table 2: Political and Ideological Affiliations of Civil Rights Division
Attorneys Hired from 2003 to 2006

Schlozman Hires - Non-Schlozman Hires
Republican or conservative: 63 (64%) - 4 (31%)
Democrat or liberal: 2 (2%) - 3 (23%)
Unknown: 34 (34%) - 6 (46%)
Total: 99 (100%) 13 (100%)
Source: OIG/OPR review of relevant materials.

Actually, this is a surprisingly good post from you, BeetsAndSpinach....and
very close to being on point.
So...you seem to be documenting that a Republican administration hires Republicans!!
This is a Claude Rains moment!

Now, the item that you highlighted, was:

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

So, if you could direct me to the part that suggests that your post documents that there exists some 'meme' re: whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud, I would be happy to send a rep your way!

Actually, the essence of the thread is that, unlike the Obama administration, the Bush folks- whomsoever they hired- believed in race-neutral justice.

"The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008…. In time, statistics and other information will present truth to this lie, as the Bush Civil Rights Division had a more robust civil rights agenda than the Obama Civil Rights Division. During the Bush years, the Civil Rights Division brought more cases in many areas of the law, particularly voting rights.

The Bush Justice Department never filed briefs advocating racial discrimination. In fact, the Bush Justice Department was willing to protect all citizens under the civil rights laws, and brought a handful of cases protecting non-traditional racial minorities….Because he [former chief of the Voting Section, Christopher Coates] believed in race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws, his powers as voting section chief were slowly sucked away by the Holder Justice Department."
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

To remind, J.Christian Adams, who wrote "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department," was attorney for the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice.

I would be happy to privide examples of racialist pursuits by the Obama-Holder Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice....
...just say the word!

The same goes for Faulty Salty!
To remind, J Christian Adams has been a conservative agitator with the Federalist Society and a group sponsored by the Republican National Committee and was hired by Bradley Schlozman, a high ranking Civil Rights Division official later found to have violated hiring rules, intended to keep career civil service jobs free of politics, by considering political affiliation in an internal DOJ report.

Adams is a political hack who has no credibility.

You failed to answer her question or to provide4 evidence your claim was true. Thanks for proving you lie.

C. Schlozman’s Statements
According to Special Litigation Section Chief Cutlar, in
approximately March 2007, Schlozman admitted to her that he had
“considered politics” in hiring career attorneys.
In March 2007,
Schlozman had returned to Washington to work at the Executive Office
for United States Attorneys (EOUSA) after serving as interim
U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Missouri for about 1 year. At
the time, there were media reports regarding allegations of political
considerations affecting personnel decisions at the Department. During
this period, Schlozman unexpectedly visited Cutlar in her office. Cutlar
said Schlozman discussed with her the allegations of partisan hiring in
the Division. According to Cutlar, Schlozman said, “You know, I was
thinking I probably made some mistakes . . . . I probably considered
politics when I shouldn’t have.”

When he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on
June 5, 2007, Schlozman admitted that he had boasted about hiring
Republicans and conservatives in the Civil Rights Division.
20 We also found that Schlozman made statements boasting to others about using
political and ideological affiliations in hiring for career Civil Rights
attorney positions.
One example is an e-mail dated January 6, 2004,
from Schlozman to an attorney hired by Schlozman in the Division.
Shortly after being hired, the attorney sent an e-mail to Schlozman
expressing his happiness in the Special Litigation Section, noting that his
“office is even next to a Federalist Society member.” Schlozman replied
by e-mail, “Just between you and me, we hired another member of ‘the team’ yesterday. And still another ideological comrade will be starting in
one month. So we are making progress.”

Table 2: Political and Ideological Affiliations of Civil Rights Division
Attorneys Hired from 2003 to 2006

Schlozman Hires - Non-Schlozman Hires
Republican or conservative: 63 (64%) - 4 (31%)
Democrat or liberal: 2 (2%) - 3 (23%)
Unknown: 34 (34%) - 6 (46%)
Total: 99 (100%) 13 (100%)
Source: OIG/OPR review of relevant materials.

Actually, this is a surprisingly good post from you, BeetsAndSpinach....and
very close to being on point.
So...you seem to be documenting that a Republican administration hires Republicans!!
This is a Claude Rains moment!

Now, the item that you highlighted, was:

"put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme"

So, if you could direct me to the part that suggests that your post documents that there exists some 'meme' re: whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud, I would be happy to send a rep your way!

Actually, the essence of the thread is that, unlike the Obama administration, the Bush folks- whomsoever they hired- believed in race-neutral justice.

"The Bush Civil Rights Division was willing to protect all Americans from racial discrimination; during the Obama years, the Holder years, only some Americans will be protected. Americans have a right to know and judge the racial policies of the administration they elected in 2008…. In time, statistics and other information will present truth to this lie, as the Bush Civil Rights Division had a more robust civil rights agenda than the Obama Civil Rights Division. During the Bush years, the Civil Rights Division brought more cases in many areas of the law, particularly voting rights.

The Bush Justice Department never filed briefs advocating racial discrimination. In fact, the Bush Justice Department was willing to protect all citizens under the civil rights laws, and brought a handful of cases protecting non-traditional racial minorities….Because he [former chief of the Voting Section, Christopher Coates] believed in race-neutral enforcement of the civil rights laws, his powers as voting section chief were slowly sucked away by the Holder Justice Department."
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

To remind, J.Christian Adams, who wrote "Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department," was attorney for the Voting Rights Section of the Department of Justice.

I would be happy to privide examples of racialist pursuits by the Obama-Holder Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice....
...just say the word!

The same goes for Faulty Salty!
To remind, J Christian Adams has been a conservative agitator with the Federalist Society and a group sponsored by the Republican National Committee and was hired by Bradley Schlozman, a high ranking Civil Rights Division official later found to have violated hiring rules, intended to keep career civil service jobs free of politics, by considering political affiliation in an internal DOJ report.

Adams is a political hack who has no credibility.

...well, let's see what he has reported, and judge who has credibility..

United States v. Ike Brown Brown was the head of the Democratic Party in Noxubee County, a majority black county. The party ran the Democratic primaries, which served as de facto general elections, and Brown made no secret about his desire to see every government office in the county held by a black officeholder. “You ain’t dealing with Mississippi law, this is Ike Brown’s law,” was his motto. Brown organized teams of notary publics to roam the county collecting absentee ballots, the notaries regularly cast the ballots themselves instead of the voters.

a. During one election, teams of federal observers counted hundreds of verified examples of illegal assistance. Brown lawlessly disqualified white candidates from running for office. Ike Brown institutionalized racial lawlessness, and brazenly victimized white voters during the 2003 and 2007 elections. And yet, many in the Voting Section never wanted the Department even to investigate the matter.

b. Hostility pervaded the Voting Section…Some said that unless whites were victims of historic discrimination, they shouldn’t be protected….Because whites were better off than blacks in Mississippi, no lawsuit should be allowed to protect whites, they argued.

c. Before the trial, article after article appeared in the New York Times and other newspapers critical of the decision to bring the Ike Brown case. ABC News presented it as a classic man-bites-dog story. Even National Public Radio traveled to Noxubee to do a story suspicious of the Bush administration’s decision to sue Ike Brown. The benefit of hindsight makes the national media effort to demean the case, and the hostility from the civil rights community, look laughable and petty. We won the case, and the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the decision in two historic opinions.

So....you're lookin' even dumber than usual, Beets....


a. Over in Alabama, Perry County had the Yellowhammer State’s answer to Ike Brown. This majority black county also had pervasive forced “assistance” occurring at the polls. Of course, the effect of racially motivated stuffing of the ballot box via forced “assistance” is the dilution of the votes of white voters, and the denial of votes of black voters who were improperly assisted. The Bush Justice Department was willing to investigate the claims and monitor elections there. But many within the Department were opposed to closely monitoring this forced assistance.

b. Down along the Big Muddy south of Natchez is Wilkinson County, Mississippi. All sorts of electoral mischief took place there throughout 2007, ultimately resulting in the home of a white candidate for county supervisor being doused with gasoline and burned to the ground. Others who complained about election misconduct were promptly arrested by the sheriff. Even though some of the accused wrongdoers were black, the Bush Civil Rights Division flooded the county with observers and brought calm to the election process.
Pajamas Media » PJM Exclusive: Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama’s DOJ (UPDATED: Adams Discusses this Article on Fox News) exclusive/4/

Credible now?
Thought so.

BTW...this is how the Holder DOJ handled racialism in elections

"Right now, the Holder Justice Department has a submission from Ike Brown to allow him to do precisely the same thing he tried in 2003 — prevent people from voting based on their party loyalties. The Department must decide this week if white victims are worth protecting, by imposing an objection to the same behavior a federal court has already ruled was motivated by an illegal racial intent. If the races were reversed in this submission, there is zero doubt the DOJ would object to the proposal…. there is an open and pervasive hostility within the DOJ towards using the voting laws to protect all races. Instead, the laws are viewed by many in the DOJ — particularly by the political leadership, such as Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes — only as tools to protect national racial minorities and increase their voter turnout.

a. Sadly, the Department did not object to the submission and therefore refused to protect the white minority in Noxubee County in the least costly, most powerful way possible — a simple letter objecting to the proposal. Why? Because it is high heresy to include discriminated-against whites within the protections of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. This attitude is common knowledge within the voting section." Justice Department Continues to Act in Non-Race-Neutral Fashion

Here's your chance to regain some 'credibility,' BeetsAndSpinach....
...do you believe that civil rights is a right of all citizens, or only of certain protected

Speak up!
Do you mean the bush administration that gutted the civil rights division and put in anti-civil rights conservatives to push the "whites are being oppressed by minority voter fraud" meme?

What happened to Fault Jones....? Gone????

I didn't mean to send him crying....just asked him to document
his blather!!!!

OMG...who knew he was such a delicate child?
His mommy must wash him in Woolite.

Yeah, I was scared of you? Hahahaha.

Bush's long history of politicizing justice - 2006 Elections - Salon.com

Faulty Salty....did you run away again???

Well, I can see why....no fun getting a spanking like that, huh?
J. Christian Adams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Adams previously was a poll monitor during the 2004 presidential campaign for George W. Bush [4]. With the DOJ, Adam's was counsel on numerous cases including Georgetown, SC, Lake Park, FL, and Noxubee County, MS. http://www.justice.gov/crt/about/vot/litigation/caselist.php

[edit] Civil Rights Division

Adams was hired in 2005 by then-Civil Rights Division political appointee Bradley Schlozman, who was later found by the Civil Rights Division's Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility to have violated civil service rules by improperly taking political and ideological affiliations into account when making career attorney hires.[4]

Adams was supervised by Civil Rights Division attorney Christopher Coates, who stepped down as chief of the voting division in December 2009 amid controversy over the dropping of the voter intimidation case.[5] Adams operates the Election Law Center blog.[6] Adam's allegations of racial bias in the Justice Department have been described as "fantasies" by vice chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Abigail Thernstrom.[7] Thernstrom found the Justice Department arguments that different lawyers disagreed over whether to prosecute the "pefectly plausible" given that "after months of hearings, testimony and investigation, no one has produced any actual evidence that any voters were too scared to cast their ballots.".[8] However, Coates' subsequent testimony before the United States Civil Rights Commission supported Adams' allegations.[9], and the Commission's report found that "This Interim Report is the story of a cover-up of a possible racial double standard in law enforcement in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice," and, detailing "a year of DOJ’s intransigence and baseless refusals to comply with our subpoenas," that "the Department of Justice is unquestionably hostile to any serious investigation of these allegations."[10]

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