race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?

Never claimed to know you and really wouldn't want to. Have no time for lazy asses that blame everything on everyone else but their own lack of ambition.

Excuse me? I'm a writer/musician/producer, with a home recording studio, with multiple media applications. Doing quite well...even have a slew of Caucasian clients. Pending. Living large...you?
Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?

Never claimed to know you and really wouldn't want to. Have no time for lazy asses that blame everything on everyone else but their own lack of ambition.

Excuse me? I'm a writer/musician/producer, with a home recording studio, with multiple media applications. Doing quite well...even have a slew of Caucasian clients. Pending. Living large...you?

Most here know my business. I see no reason to share it with a paranoid freak like you.
The notion of white privilege is a made up term used by racist blacks to further their political agenda.
It is in essence, oppression.

[ame=http://youtu.be/w5OkHysPNog]Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube[/ame]

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Another slobbering self hating white liberal.
Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Another slobbering self hating white liberal.

No...actually, a "truth teller". But there is so much to hate, isn't there? Therapy might be useful.
Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?

Never claimed to know you and really wouldn't want to. Have no time for lazy asses that blame everything on everyone else but their own lack of ambition.

Excuse me? I'm a writer/musician/producer, with a home recording studio, with multiple media applications. Doing quite well...even have a slew of Caucasian clients. Pending. Living large...you?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Id love to hear how whitey is oppressed

Maybe we're less oppressed(normally) as we don't whine, but work toward advancing our selves? Maybe other peoples should think about doing what we do?

You and several of your cartoon pals frequently whine on this very board that "blacks are racist", "affirmative action is crime against whites", and the list goes on imfintely. So it would probably serve you well to enroll in night school, get a GED and try working towards advancing yourself, as opposed to wasting time whining about "blacks".
was was I denied a refi on my mortgage if I have white privelege?
why do I pay taxes?
have a job?
required to pay my bills?

where is all this white fucking privilege?

prove it exists
prove I oppressed anyone
prove you are being oppressed

saying stuff exists doen't prove it. That includes your so called proof.

Because white priviledge doesnt mean you get everything you want and for free asshole

thanks for admitting what
I have been saying all along, asshole.

And that being said:

*Every black citizen is NOT a beneficiary of Affirmative Action. Far less than you think.

*Every black person does not dwell on slavery or hold the current white population responsible for it(truth be told, some of you here can barely read or write, so you could not effectively be responsible for anyone or anything).

*Every black person does not spend their every waking hour conspiring or plotting how to "get white people". The vast majority of black people that I know are busy with their families and their lives and don't give you a second thought.

So get I through your thick head, there is NO "black privilege" either.
Tim Wise - White Privilege - YouTube

Well, here is a white man, to break it down for you...the only political agenda blacks have is to live, prosper and progress, living in a white man's world. But, then again....when have whites ever taken stock or responsibility for the evil and cruelty they have wrought upon this world?

Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Bitch, you don't know me...don't pretend that you do. That video was for your benefit...denying that white privilege exists, when you've prospered from it, your whole life long. Except, now, the tide is changing. Whatever will you do?

and you don't know us. You have no idea what any white person has gone through in their life to get where they are today.

Uncle Tim wise does this for a living. Why in hell should anyone take him seriously?
Ahh hahaha what a load of personal guilt ridden bullshit. And your follow up post was even funnier. That damn white man has kept you from living and prospering. Lol

Another slobbering self hating white liberal.

No...actually, a "truth teller". But there is so much to hate, isn't there? Therapy might be useful.

perhaps we should get a truth teller named Thomas Sowell or Jesse Peterson to explain it to you.
Because white priviledge doesnt mean you get everything you want and for free asshole

thanks for admitting what
I have been saying all along, asshole.

And that being said:

*Every black citizen is NOT a beneficiary of Affirmative Action. Far less than you think.

*Every black person does not dwell on slavery or hold the current white population responsible for it(truth be told, some of you here can barely read or write, so you could not effectively be responsible for anyone or anything).

*Every black person does not spend their every waking hour conspiring or plotting how to "get white people". The vast majority of black people that I know are busy with their families and their lives and don't give you a second thought.

So get I through your thick head, there is NO "black privilege" either.

I could reverse your quotes and insert white person for black person.


we are not plotting
we have jobs and need tp obey laws
we are not keeping you down, we barely control of events in our own lives. Inflation is eating into our take home pay, we get cancer and accidents happen.
All of us are not born with a trust fund. No one I know in fact.

there is no white privilege
thanks for admitting what
I have been saying all along, asshole.

And that being said:

*Every black citizen is NOT a beneficiary of Affirmative Action. Far less than you think.

*Every black person does not dwell on slavery or hold the current white population responsible for it(truth be told, some of you here can barely read or write, so you could not effectively be responsible for anyone or anything).

*Every black person does not spend their every waking hour conspiring or plotting how to "get white people". The vast majority of black people that I know are busy with their families and their lives and don't give you a second thought.

So get I through your thick head, there is NO "black privilege" either.

I could reverse your quotes and insert white person for black person.


we are not plotting
we have jobs and need tp obey laws
we are not keeping you down, we barely control of events in our own lives. Inflation is eating into our take home pay, we get cancer and accidents happen.
All of us are not born with a trust fund. No one I know in fact.

there is no white privilege

Wow, genius. If you were any more perceptive you could probably progress to the 10th grade.

That is precisely what I did to provide an iron clad clue that there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down". Congratulations you just took a step towards logical thinking. I have always been aware that the majority of any ethnicity in this country that it is not born into privilege has to join the workforce. And there are some in all ethnicities who choose not to.
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Id love to hear how whitey is oppressed

Maybe we're less oppressed(normally) as we don't whine, but work toward advancing our selves? Maybe other peoples should think about doing what we do?

You and several of your cartoon pals frequently whine on this very board that "blacks are racist", "affirmative action is crime against whites", and the list goes on imfintely. So it would probably serve you well to enroll in night school, get a GED and try working towards advancing yourself, as opposed to wasting time whining about "blacks".

Cut the bullshit. A day does not go by where radical liberal blacks are complaining about some perceived slight or insult against their race.
Quite frankly the race card has been played OUT.
Ideas like yours make you no better that Southerners who are still fighting the Civil War.
And that being said:

*Every black citizen is NOT a beneficiary of Affirmative Action. Far less than you think.

*Every black person does not dwell on slavery or hold the current white population responsible for it(truth be told, some of you here can barely read or write, so you could not effectively be responsible for anyone or anything).

*Every black person does not spend their every waking hour conspiring or plotting how to "get white people". The vast majority of black people that I know are busy with their families and their lives and don't give you a second thought.

So get I through your thick head, there is NO "black privilege" either.

I could reverse your quotes and insert white person for black person.


we are not plotting
we have jobs and need tp obey laws
we are not keeping you down, we barely control of events in our own lives. Inflation is eating into our take home pay, we get cancer and accidents happen.
All of us are not born with a trust fund. No one I know in fact.

there is no white privilege

Wow, genius. If you were anymore perceptive you could probably progress to the 10th grade.

That is precisely what I did to provide an iron clad clue that there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down". Congratulations you just took a step towards logical thinking. I have always been aware that the majority of any ethnicity is trying to in this country that it is not born into a privilege has to join the workforce. And there are some in all ethnicities who choose not to.
"there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down".
Thank you for stating that. If there were no more race baiting jerks like the usual suspects who enrich themselves from fanning the flames of racial distrust, we could concentrate on our similarities rather than our differences.
I am working to make a decent life for myself and for my family. Then I have to deal with people such as a few here on this very forum that point their finger and tell me I am privileged based solely on the color of my skin. I will always fight back with vigor when that happens.
Do not tell me I am privileged. That is 100% bullshit.
I could reverse your quotes and insert white person for black person.


we are not plotting
we have jobs and need tp obey laws
we are not keeping you down, we barely control of events in our own lives. Inflation is eating into our take home pay, we get cancer and accidents happen.
All of us are not born with a trust fund. No one I know in fact.

there is no white privilege

Wow, genius. If you were anymore perceptive you could probably progress to the 10th grade.

That is precisely what I did to provide an iron clad clue that there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down". Congratulations you just took a step towards logical thinking. I have always been aware that the majority of any ethnicity is trying to in this country that it is not born into a privilege has to join the workforce. And there are some in all ethnicities who choose not to.
"there are many hardworking, family oriented black citizens in this society who do not have the time or desire to worry about anyone "keeping them down".
Thank you for stating that. If there were no more race baiting jerks like the usual suspects who enrich themselves from fanning the flames of racial distrust, we could concentrate on our similarities rather than our differences.
I am working to make a decent life for myself and for my family. Then I have to deal with people such as a few here on this very forum that point their finger and tell me I am privileged based solely on the color of my skin. I will always fight back with vigor when that happens.
Do not tell me I am privileged. That is 100% bullshit.

It appears that some blacks think that whites succeed simply because we're white. Maybe it's because the concept of hard work, sacrifice and education is foreign to them.

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