Race-Baiting Former First Lady Cashing In On Birther Movement

No one has ever proven Obama's mother even visited Kenya.

It's pretty fucking hard to be born in Kenya if your mother never went there.

All the birthers have are an old bookmark and an AP story which was embellished by a Kenyan reporter. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

No hard evidence, such as proof Obama's mother ever set foot in Kenya.

No one has ever proven Obama's mother even visited Kenya.

Nobody has ever proven she did not....

Hawaii said QUEER-O has NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE from Hawaii.

Then the "climate scientists" fudged one...
Apparently QUEER-O is not gay and Michelle was not born MICHAEL ROBINSON...

yet there QUEER-O is calling Michelle MICHAEL on FILM TWICE....

Everyone who watches that video and believes QUEER-O called Michelle MICHAEL because Michelle was born MICHAEL

is a ####ist #####ism ##### #####~!~~~!!!


and everyone who reads the above and concludes that QUEER-O knows he was BORN IN KENYA is a

####ist #####ism ##### #####~!~~~!!!

because SOMEONE ELSE MUST HAVE WROTE IT, and that SOMEONE got everyone else's country of birth right except QUEER_O's....

That person who wrote it..... was BARACK OBAMA.
Has that somewhat woman-like water buffalo in a dress ever, ever, EVER been happy or appreciative over anything in its entire life? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Obama's trek-salt-vampire wife-like thing is always miserable because it brought it's own misery on itself 100%. But still, in my entire life I've never seen a creature so incapable of gratitude. Oh, and did I mention that the former first salt-sucker, like all hate-filled leftists, has NO sense of humor of any kind? Absolutely ZERO.

As much as they hate each other, the Obamas and Clintons have something in common: both couples are sleazebags but in both cases the husbands had a more pleasant personality than the vicious, social-status-climbing, reptilian whores to whom they're married.
It probably took the entire Hollywood makeup industry to take a glam picture of the former 1st lady but they failed. It's strange that the former 1st lady wasn't too disturbed about Dr. Kermit Gosnell's (abortion) house of horrors but she was disturbed about the political process where pro lifers get to air their constitutional 1st Amendment rights.

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