Quit my job but they want me back


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
On June 11, 2015 I quit my job.

I was always there any time they needed me. Many times I was called at the last minute to fill in for someone who didn't show up. I never complained about it. I just played the game and was reliable and flexible as I could possibly be. I thought it would eventually pay off. After 4 years I asked for a raise to $10 an hour or a fixed schedule at the same rate of pay. They said, "F*** you" but my boss said it in Spanish so it sounded a lot nicer than that.

I put in my two weeks notice and left promptly. Once I got my last check I avoided that place like the plague. Now thy are calling me and wanting me to come back.

Should I tell them to "f*** off" or what? What should I do?

I prefer sitting at home on my butt doing absolutely nothing. I just don't know how to respond to this nonsense. Do they want to pay me more or do they just want to screw me over more?
I always found it advisable not to quit until you had a better job lined up
Rightwinger has a point...

Stick it to them by accepting, then sending out as many applications as you can, and then leaving abruptly once you have secured a more desirable job.
Rightwinger has a point...

Stick it to them by accepting, then sending out as many applications as you can, and then leaving abruptly once you have secured a more desirable job.
Do this but demand the set schedule and $12/hour.
First off you made less than $15hr?

Alright, accept the job back like some have wrote and put your resume out to as many companies you can and try to find a better paying job.

Now depending on your age and education your choice in the career field might be limited, but could be expanded.
On June 11, 2015 I quit my job.

I was always there any time they needed me. Many times I was called at the last minute to fill in for someone who didn't show up. I never complained about it. I just played the game and was reliable and flexible as I could possibly be. I thought it would eventually pay off. After 4 years I asked for a raise to $10 an hour or a fixed schedule at the same rate of pay. They said, "F*** you" but my boss said it in Spanish so it sounded a lot nicer than that.

I put in my two weeks notice and left promptly. Once I got my last check I avoided that place like the plague. Now thy are calling me and wanting me to come back.

Should I tell them to "f*** off" or what? What should I do?

I prefer sitting at home on my butt doing absolutely nothing. I just don't know how to respond to this nonsense. Do they want to pay me more or do they just want to screw me over more?
Talk to them and find out.If you make less than ten dollars an hour, I'd get a trade and earn 2x to 3x that amount...
On June 11, 2015 I quit my job.

I was always there any time they needed me. Many times I was called at the last minute to fill in for someone who didn't show up. I never complained about it. I just played the game and was reliable and flexible as I could possibly be. I thought it would eventually pay off. After 4 years I asked for a raise to $10 an hour or a fixed schedule at the same rate of pay. They said, "F*** you" but my boss said it in Spanish so it sounded a lot nicer than that.

I put in my two weeks notice and left promptly. Once I got my last check I avoided that place like the plague. Now thy are calling me and wanting me to come back.

Should I tell them to "f*** off" or what? What should I do?

I prefer sitting at home on my butt doing absolutely nothing. I just don't know how to respond to this nonsense. Do they want to pay me more or do they just want to screw me over more?
I recommend refusing their offer if you prefer sitting at home on your butt doing absolutely nothing.
If you have any self respect at all, I'd say take it and use your off time to find a better position.
On June 11, 2015 I quit my job.

I was always there any time they needed me. Many times I was called at the last minute to fill in for someone who didn't show up. I never complained about it. I just played the game and was reliable and flexible as I could possibly be. I thought it would eventually pay off. After 4 years I asked for a raise to $10 an hour or a fixed schedule at the same rate of pay. They said, "F*** you" but my boss said it in Spanish so it sounded a lot nicer than that.

I put in my two weeks notice and left promptly. Once I got my last check I avoided that place like the plague. Now thy are calling me and wanting me to come back.

Should I tell them to "f*** off" or what? What should I do?

I prefer sitting at home on my butt doing absolutely nothing. I just don't know how to respond to this nonsense. Do they want to pay me more or do they just want to screw me over more?

Ask, young man, and then you will know.

I am sure that you will make the right decision.

The fact that you were making less than $10/hour means nothing to me. What matters is how happy you were with your old job and how confident you are in your prospects for the future. Most people begin at the very bottom and I have done the same.

You say you would rather sit at home and do nothing. That may be how you feel at the moment but you will quickly tire of doing noting. Count on it. You are too ambitious to settle for less than what you are capable of.

I wish you the best.
On June 11, 2015 I quit my job.

I was always there any time they needed me. Many times I was called at the last minute to fill in for someone who didn't show up. I never complained about it. I just played the game and was reliable and flexible as I could possibly be. I thought it would eventually pay off. After 4 years I asked for a raise to $10 an hour or a fixed schedule at the same rate of pay. They said, "F*** you" but my boss said it in Spanish so it sounded a lot nicer than that.

I put in my two weeks notice and left promptly. Once I got my last check I avoided that place like the plague. Now thy are calling me and wanting me to come back.

Should I tell them to "f*** off" or what? What should I do?

I prefer sitting at home on my butt doing absolutely nothing. I just don't know how to respond to this nonsense. Do they want to pay me more or do they just want to screw me over more?
Ask for the amount you wanted.
Tell them "fine. But now I want 11.00 per hour. IN WRITING". Hell, make it 15.00.
If burger flippers are getting 15 bucks per hour, you should be getting 18.00.
Ask for 12/hour and a schedule. If they don't give it up, find something else. It's never a good idea to quit...should have lined something else up first.
Ask for 12/hour and a schedule. If they don't give it up, find something else. It's never a good idea to quit...should have lined something else up first.

I have heard that all my life. I guess I don't have the personality for that. I get too comfortable and end up staying for too long.

If I am comfortable then I'm not motivated to do any better. I have an all or nothing personality. My goal is to make money or have a job that allows me to live a life. I'll settle for either one. If neither of those come to fruition then I will settle for starvation/homelessness/bankruptcy. I don't really want a horrible life any more. I'd rather my life be good than to be trapped into some box.

What is the logic behind the, "Don't quit until you find something else." mindset?

The person who benefits the most from that mentality is your current employer.
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If you are content to sit on your ass and let someone else support you, you have no idea what self respect is.

You are confused. You are talking about "Ernie S. respect". You are not talking about self respect at all.

Use your brain just a little bit. If it has to do with self then it would come from me. It wouldn't come from you or some foolish cliche.
Why do you ask what to do, then blow off what was given in response?

You remind me of TK. Asks for help, then finds excuses to not follow advice.
Talk to them and find out.If you make less than ten dollars an hour, I'd get a trade and earn 2x to 3x that amount...

lol Sign me up. $41,600 to $62,400 per year?? That's what an above average car salesman makes after 10 years in the business.
Why do you ask what to do, then blow off what was given in response?

You remind me of TK. Asks for help, then finds excuses to not follow advice.

Hindsight alone is not wisdom and second guessing isn't a strategy. ~George W. Bush

I quit my job on June 11, 2015. That was last month.

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