Quinnipiac Poll May 1st, 2007

can you or can you not address these polling results?

"If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"

Setting a Timetable for Removing Troops 57%
Keeping Troops as Long as Necessary 39%
Unsure 3%

The folks oppsoe surrender MM - libs can call iot whatever they want

Surrender is surrender

The US lose and the terrorists win
57% support the bill.... it is not a surrender plan...it is a funding plan with withdrawal deadlines. How do you explain that 57% answer?
57% support the bill.... it is not a surrender plan...it is a funding plan with withdrawal deadlines. How do you explain that 57% answer?

Voters do not want to lose the war as Dems want to

Newt month if the Dems numbers are lower - and you will keep making excuses
57% support the bill.... it is not a surrender plan...it is a funding plan with withdrawal deadlines. How do you explain that 57% answer?

you failed to even address this question at all. Explain the 57%

can you?
57% want the funding bill without the surrender part

that is not what the poll question asked. Where do you get such an interpretation? Here it is again:

"If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"

Setting a Timetable for Removing Troops 57%
Keeping Troops as Long as Necessary 39%
Unsure 3%
that is not what the poll question asked. Where do you get such an interpretation? Here it is again:

"If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"

Setting a Timetable for Removing Troops 57%
Keeping Troops as Long as Necessary 39%
Unsure 3%

On one poll Dems crow they have support for their surrender bill

The another shows a 29% approval rating

I see it as the voters rejecting the surrender bill and the Dems long trail of broken promises
one poll????

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007

"Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war in Iraq?" .
Favor 34
Oppose 65
Unsure 1

USA Today/Gallup Poll. May 4-6, 2007 .

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?"

Approve 30
Disapprove 67
Unsure 3

"If you had to choose, which do you think is better for the U.S. -- to keep a significant number of troops in Iraq until the situation there gets better, even if that takes many years, or to set a timetable for removing troops from Iraq and to stick to that timetable regardless of what is going on in Iraq at the time?" .

Wait Until Situation Gets Better 36
Stick to aTimetable 59
Unsure 5

Quinnipiac University Poll. April 25-May 1, 2007

"Do you support or oppose Congress setting a time-table for withdrawing all United States troops from Iraq?

Support 51
Oppose 45
Unsure 4

Gallup Poll. April 23-26, 2007

If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"
Setting aTimetable for Removing Troops 57
Keeping Troops As Long as Necessary 39
Unsure 3

"one poll"???? bullshit!!!!!
one poll????

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007

"Do you favor or oppose the U.S. war in Iraq?" .
Favor 34
Oppose 65
Unsure 1

USA Today/Gallup Poll. May 4-6, 2007 .

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the situation in Iraq?"

Approve 30
Disapprove 67
Unsure 3

"If you had to choose, which do you think is better for the U.S. -- to keep a significant number of troops in Iraq until the situation there gets better, even if that takes many years, or to set a timetable for removing troops from Iraq and to stick to that timetable regardless of what is going on in Iraq at the time?" .

Wait Until Situation Gets Better 36
Stick to aTimetable 59
Unsure 5

Quinnipiac University Poll. April 25-May 1, 2007

"Do you support or oppose Congress setting a time-table for withdrawing all United States troops from Iraq?

Support 51
Oppose 45
Unsure 4

Gallup Poll. April 23-26, 2007

If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"
Setting aTimetable for Removing Troops 57
Keeping Troops As Long as Necessary 39
Unsure 3

"one poll"???? bullshit!!!!!

All the polls show the Dems numbers tanking

Keep pushing for surrender and keep breaking all the promisies MM

Dems numbers will keep going down
The Bush haters and the liberal media enjoyed the low approval numbers for Pres Bush

Now the Dems have a LOWER number then Pres Bush

In Jan, with all the glowing coverage from the liberl media, their approval was 44%

Today it is 29%

Tell me again how the Dems have the support of the Amercian people
All the polls show the Dems numbers tanking

Keep pushing for surrender and keep breaking all the promisies MM

Dems numbers will keep going down

all these polls show that the public approves of the democrat's funding bill that includes withdrawal deadlines. Why do you avoid addressing that point?
The Bush haters and the liberal media enjoyed the low approval numbers for Pres Bush

Now the Dems have a LOWER number then Pres Bush

In Jan, with all the glowing coverage from the liberl media, their approval was 44%

Today it is 29%

Tell me again how the Dems have the support of the Amercian people

tell me again how the polls I listed do not clearly show that the american people suppport the democrat's on funding the war with deadlines for withdrawal.
all these polls show that the public approves of the democrat's funding bill that includes withdrawal deadlines. Why do you avoid addressing that point?

It seems your own party can't agree when to surrender

They voted against cutting off funding yesterday

Soros is one pissed off Sugar Daddy this morning
It seems your own party can't agree when to surrender

They voted against cutting off funding yesterday

Soros is one pissed off Sugar Daddy this morning

why can't you address the poll questions I listed? Why do you continually run away from all news that is bad for your party?
why can't you address the poll questions I listed? Why do you continually run away from all news that is bad for your party?

What bad news?

Dems have fallen on their as and can't get up

The poll numbers for Dems is LOWER then Pres Bush's numbers
What bad news?

Dems have fallen on their as and can't get up

The poll numbers for Dems is LOWER then Pres Bush's numbers

oh really? I think the numbers below show that is bullshit. And I think the number from the previous poll questions clearly show that Americans favor the democrat's funding bill WITH WITHDRAWAL deadlines

PRESIDENT BUSH – Overall Job Rating in recent national polls

Approve 33%
Disapprove 62%
Unsure 5%

The Harris Poll. April 20-23, 2007. N=1,001 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"How would you rate the job Democrats in Congress are doing: excellent, pretty good, only fair, or poor?"

Excellent/Pretty Good 35%
Only Fair/Poor 58%

"How would you rate the job Republicans in Congress are doing: excellent, pretty good, only fair, or poor?"

Excellent/Pretty Good 22%
Only Fair/Poor 74%

spin that.:eusa_dance:

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