Quinnipiac Poll May 1st, 2007

Then why are the dems overall numbers in the tank

Dems are so desperate to appease their base (and actually accomplish something) they are changing 200 year old rules of the House

If thigns are so good for the party - why the desperate tactics?

where the democrat's overall numbers are has absolutely nothing to do with ther fact that 57% of Americans agreed with their bill that you mistakenly refer to as "the surrender bill". Obviously America doesn't think it is a surrender bill.. they support it. That is the subject of this thread, which you have continued to spam with all sorts of worthless shit and NEVER bother to address the subject of the thread itself.

57% of Americans agree with congressional democrats that we should fund the troops but set deadlines for their departure. Either discuss that point - which IS, afterall, the point of this thread - or run away from it and ignore it, but please quit trying to spin your way out of talking about the quinnipiac poll question that it quoted in post #1 of this thread.
where the democrat's overall numbers are has absolutely nothing to do with ther fact that 57% of Americans agreed with their bill that you mistakenly refer to as "the surrender bill". Obviously America doesn't think it is a surrender bill.. they support it. That is the subject of this thread, which you have continued to spam with all sorts of worthless shit and NEVER bother to address the subject of the thread itself.

57% of Americans agree with congressional democrats that we should fund the troops but set deadlines for their departure. Either discuss that point - which IS, afterall, the point of this thread - or run away from it and ignore it, but please quit trying to spin your way out of talking about the quinnipiac poll question that it quoted in post #1 of this thread.

Only you would try to spin the overall low numbers the Dems have has nothing to do with their surrender bill failing

Your party is falling apart and stumbling around looking for some way to get their liberal agenda passed

Meanwhile their kook base is running out of patience - and ready to shut off the cash
Only you would try to spin the overall low numbers the Dems have has nothing to do with their surrender bill failing

Your party is falling apart and stumbling around looking for some way to get their liberal agenda passed

Meanwhile their kook base is running out of patience - and ready to shut off the cash

the "surrender bill" as you inaccurately call it, "failed" for two reasons, and neither of them has anything to do with any public opinion poll as to congressional performance. The democratic funding bill failed because 1) the president vetoed it, and 2) democrats do not have a veto proof majority in either chamber.

That has NOTHING to do with the fact - that is the subject of this thread and that you continue to avoid like the fucking plague - that 57% of AMericans WANTED that bill to pass and they WANTED the president to sign it... can you have the balls to address that FACT - THE VERY SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD WHICH YOU HAVE AVOIDED NOW FOR DAYS????????
the "surrender bill" as you inaccurately call it, "failed" for two reasons, and neither of them has anything to do with any public opinion poll as to congressional performance. The democratic funding bill failed because 1) the president vetoed it, and 2) democrats do not have a veto proof majority in either chamber.

That has NOTHING to do with the fact - that is the subject of this thread and that you continue to avoid like the fucking plague - that 57% of AMericans WANTED that bill to pass and they WANTED the president to sign it... can you have the balls to address that FACT - THE VERY SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD WHICH YOU HAVE AVOIDED NOW FOR DAYS????????

and Dems are going lower in the polls because Americans want to win - not surrender
the truth hurts you...I understand... I would spin and run away from numbers like these if I still supported this war:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"

Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2
the truth hurts you...I understand... I would spin and run away from numbers like these if I still supported this war:

CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. May 4-6, 2007. N=1,028 adults nationwide. MoE ± 3

"As you may know, President Bush vetoed a bill passed by Congress that would have provided additional funds for the war in Iraq and would have set a specific date for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops from that country. Do you approve or disapprove of Bush's decision to veto that bill?"

Approve 44
Disapprove 54
Unsure 2

"One proposal would provide additional funds for U.S. troops in Iraq and would require the U.S. to start withdrawing all its troops from Iraq by a specific date. Would you favor or oppose this bill?"

Favor 57
Oppose 41
Unsure 2

and you keep running from the logical reply

if the Dems are doing the will of the people - why are they at 28% overall approval
and you keep running from the logical reply

if the Dems are doing the will of the people - why are they at 28% overall approval

Democrats are not at 28% approval, congress is. And the point is not what people think of the entirety of the work of congress...the point of those two poll questions shown above, is that the people supported the democrat's funding plan for Iraq. They may not support anything else that either party is doing in congress, but they DO support funding with withdrawal deadlines. Address THAT point THAT is the point of this thread..... if you would like to start another thread about the approval ratings of congress...feel free. I started a thread about one question in a quinnipiac poll which shows that AMERICA SUPPORTED WHAT YOU INACCURATELY REFER TO AS THE SURRENDER BILL. THEY SUPPORT IT!!! How do you answer that?
the surrender bill is not helping Dems

For all of the talk and media coverage of President Bush’s low approval ratings in opinion polls, it now emerges that the US public has just as low an opinion of the Democrat Congress: Poll: Congress, Bush share low approval.

Is this what they call a “mandate?”

The survey found only 35 percent approve of how Congress is handling its job, down 5 percentage points in a month. That gives lawmakers the same bleak approval rating as Bush, who has been mired at about that level since last fall, including his dip to a record low for the AP-Ipsos poll of 32 percent last January.

“It’s mostly Iraq” plus a lack of progress in other areas, said Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., who heads the House GOP’s campaign committee. “These are not good numbers for an incumbent, and it doesn’t matter if you have an ‘R’ or a ‘D’ next to your name.”

Democrats and their far left base will spin this as evidence that they need to work even harder to force a retreat from Iraq.

and the amnesty bill for illegals will pull their numbers down even further. It seems those damn Republicnas will try and block the bill

First Republicans oppose surrender now amnesty - no wonder Dems want to change the rules on how bills are passed

BTW - before fly into a tizzy - I do oppose Pres Bush on this insane amnesty bill. It needs to be shredded and never mentioned again
can you address the subject of the thread? yes or no?

If not...just keeping running away, but please don't spam my thread with all this crap that does not have to deal with the question of this thread.
can you address the subject of the thread? yes or no?

If not...just keeping running away, but please don't spam my thread with all this crap that does not have to deal with the question of this thread.

OK I will stop posting facts MM
the amnesty bill, like the surrender bill, will not help the Dems

I am looking forward to the next set of polls

what is it about the quinnipiac poll that has you so frightened you are pissing in your pants? My goodness...this thread has stretched on to 21 pages in length and you have YET to address the subject of it. How did we get to the amnesty bill? I will tell you: because YOU keep changing the subject of this thread because YOU do not have the balls to address what the real subject of this thread has always been - this one simple question:

Quinnipiac Poll May 1st, 2007

"If you had to choose, which would you favor: the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq, or the U.S. keeping troops in Iraq as long as necessary to secure the country, even if that takes many more years?"

Setting a Timetable for Removing Troops 57%
Keeping Troops as Long as Necessary 39%
Unsure 3%

Now...red states drool...will you EVER find the courage to discuss that one simple question and the 57% of Americans who are in favor of the U.S. setting a timetable for removing its troops from Iraq and sticking to that timetable regardless of what is happening in Iraq,

show some courage...show some grace...show whatever modicum of intellect you might have...quit spinning...quit changing the subject to talk about congressional approval ratings or the amnesty bill.... answer this question.

I'll wait.
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. May 15-16, 2007. N=900 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.

"If you were a member of Congress, which one of the following proposals on Iraq would you vote for? Setting a specific deadline for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq. Setting benchmarks for Iraq to meet to receive continued help from the U.S., but without a deadline for withdrawal. Giving the troop surge time to work before setting any benchmarks or deadlines."

Specific Deadline 39
Benchmarks 32
Give Surge Time to Work 24
Unsure 6
it would seem to me that support for Bush's never ending bloodbath in Iraq is melting away. RSR....care to comment on ANY of the polls I have posted here, or will you continue to bring up congress's approval rating as if that trumps all these other polls and makes their results meaningless?

Latest headline from Rasmussen:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Twenty-six percent (26%) of American voters believe that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. That’s a six point improvement over the past month and reflects that most positive rating for the legislative body in 2007. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 30% give Congress a “fair” rating while 43% say poor. A separate survey found that Democrats have an 11-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The last rating for the outgoing Republican Congress found that just 11% gave the GOP-controlled chamber a good or excellent rating. The first survey after the Democrats took control found 16% giving Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s team good or excellent marks (see history).
It would also seem the Dems are not doing very well

So much for your party doing the will of the people

Question: Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track?
Right direction, 25 percent (27 percent in April)
Wrong track, 71 percent (70 percent in April)
Not sure, 4 percent (3 percent in April)

Question: Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?
Approve, 35 percent (35 percent in April)
Disapprove, 61 percent (62 percent in April)
Mixed feelings, 3 percent (3 percent in April)
Not sure, 1 percent (X)

Question: When it comes to the situation in Iraq, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?
Approve, 33 percent (33 percent in April)
Disapprove, 64 percent (64 percent in April)
Mixed feelings, 2 percent (3 percent in April)
Not sure, X percent (X)

Question: Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way Congress is handling its job?
Approve, 35 percent (40 percent in April)
Disapprove, 60 percent (57 percent in April)
Mixed feelings, 4 percent (2 percent in April)
Not sure, 1 percent (1 percent in April)

Question: Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way Nancy Pelosi is handling her job as speaker of the House of Representatives?
Approve, 45 percent (46 percent in April)
Disapprove, 42 percent (44 percent in April)
Mixed feelings, 5 percent (4 percent in April)
Not sure, 8 percent (6 percent in April)

The AP-Ipsos telephone survey of 1,000 adults was taken Monday through Wednesday and has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

did you happen to miss this? It is from Rasmussen, one of your favorite sources:

Twenty-six percent (26%) of American voters believe that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. That’s a six point improvement over the past month and reflects that most positive rating for the legislative body in 2007. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 30% give Congress a “fair” rating while 43% say poor. A separate survey found that Democrats have an 11-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The last rating for the outgoing Republican Congress found that just 11% gave the GOP-controlled chamber a good or excellent rating. The first survey after the Democrats took control found 16% giving Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s team good or excellent marks (see history).
05-20-2007 12:03 PM

the majority of those questions you spammed onto this thread talk about what a shitty job Bush is doing...I am surprised you would chose those....but you probably didn't bother to read them, did you? Kinda like that articel you posted supposedly proving that Iran was funding AQ in Iraq and the article mentioned neither Al Qaeda OR Iran! :rofl:

and I notice that you STILL refuse to address the question which is the reason for this thread....that 57% of Americans support the democrat's funding plan with withdrawal deadlines for the Iraq mess.

You really are one cowardly motherfucker, aren't you?
did you happen to miss this? It is from Rasmussen, one of your favorite sources:

Twenty-six percent (26%) of American voters believe that Congress is doing a good or an excellent job. That’s a six point improvement over the past month and reflects that most positive rating for the legislative body in 2007. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 30% give Congress a “fair” rating while 43% say poor. A separate survey found that Democrats have an 11-point advantage on the Generic Congressional Ballot.

The last rating for the outgoing Republican Congress found that just 11% gave the GOP-controlled chamber a good or excellent rating. The first survey after the Democrats took control found 16% giving Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid’s team good or excellent marks (see history).

05-20-2007 12:03 PM

the majority of those questions you spammed onto this thread talk about what a shitty job Bush is doing...I am surprised you would chose those....but you probably didn't bother to read them, did you? Kinda like that articel you posted supposedly proving that Iran was funding AQ in Iraq and the article mentioned neither Al Qaeda OR Iran! :rofl:

and I notice that you STILL refuse to address the question which is the reason for this thread....that 57% of Americans support the democrat's funding plan with withdrawal deadlines for the Iraq mess.

You really are one cowardly motherfucker, aren't you?

I see the truth about the failure of your Dem Congress is starting to get to you

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